Hear girls talking about game of thrones

>hear girls talking about game of thrones
>talking about an actor called "kit Harlington"
>"He has to settle for rose because he's a super midget"
>they laugh
>Look up his height
>1.73m - 5'8"
It's night. I'm a kilometre away from the train tracks.

Should I do it? I'm so over everything. I can't bear going out any more.

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If height is such a big deal for you, yeah, you should definitely do it.

>killing yourself because of some random roastie
Just do it you pathetic "m*le".

>Caring what a glorified fuck holes with no value other than their pussy say

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Rose Leslie is pretty fucking attractive so if that's what those girls consider "settling" then they're just vapid whores and you shouldn't listen to them.

I fucking know that feel OP. Being a manlet is the most emasculating thing a man can experience. Nobody respects you and women do not even consider you as a potential partner, they see you as equivalent to a child or something.
>t. 5'5

>Buy alcohol
>male cashiers never card me
>Female cashiers always card me
Who knows whether they do it on purpose or just can't see me as anything but a child.

Don't kill yourself because some dumb roasties said some stupid shit. Please.

>>male cashiers never card me
>>Female cashiers always card me

oh fuck dude

that happens to me too

never really thought of it until now

It's obviously not JUST because of that, you fucking retard.

I absolutely despise having problems that I can't fix. I hate being inferior in any way. Being a short male is being a subhuman.

Do you know what people know about the greatest military tactician, soldier, politician, educator, emperor of one of the largest empires in history? That he was a manlet who probably just did everything because he was insecure.

Ignore them
The girl they're talking about is fucking hot and they'd 100% jump the guy by virtue of him being rich and famous alone if they had the chance
They're almost certainly just coping for the fact that they're going out with Tyrone while she's marrying the star of the biggest show on TV right now

Cardinal Rule of Roasties: ignore what they say, watch what they do

I think males are more likely to actually use common sense at there job and also at the same time are kind of being a bro for not carding. Women are afraid of conflict and therefore don't want to get caught breaking a rule so they always blindly follow orders and ask for your ID every time

user, stop putting womens opinions on a pedestal, i'm not telling you to hate women, i'm telling you to stop getting offended by their stupidity

Why would anyone care what a bunch of toasty roasties think? They are seething that Kit Harington nabbed a hottie instead of them. They have to settle for lanklet virgins.

>settle for rose

She's not bad looking tho??

>be 31 year old incel
>be 5'8"
>16 year old neice is 6'1" athlete

Feels untermensch, man.

>be 32 year old chad
>be 5'7"
Is it really that extra one inch that makes the difference?

I'm 5'5 and i have a gf, stop whining like a bitch, you have easy gains if you exercise

>Only carded once by a dude

Really late reply but... Napolean wasn't even short sperg, he was average height for his race at the time.

The reason everyone thought he was short is because he was always traveling with two huge guards. Female Napoleon is also mega qt.

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most girls don't care about height they just want someone bigger than them to feel feminine unless they're femdom or some shit

Pretty sure it was because his height was recorded in French measurements of the era.

>tfw 6'3
Feeling good man, i love to tower over manlets

Until you see them with hot gfs and remember you are a kissless virgin.



Lanklet virgins, always btfo.

I'm not tall nor a virgin. Many women are incredibly bigoted against short men, it's a prejudice that is a holdover from a patriarchal past that will not last forever.

height is a big deal to women

sure is reddit in here


imagine killing yourself because a roastie?
fuck man, have some respect for yourself.
I would tell you to do it as I dont understand why incels cry about no GF ect and tehy shit up the board BUT.

You shouldnt KYS because some roast, like fuck taht man theyare whores.
I hate roasts so much man, dont let them win please.
just hang in there and hit the gym so you get a bit taller ok taht was a joke but calm down

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But why are you lying like a desperate lanklet virgin?

>"He has to settle for rose because he's a super midget"

Damn, I would kill for my own Rose Leslie

For real though, I'm 165 cm (5,4 foot) so I can relate to your pain, the only thing we can do is just not be fat, because there is nothing worse than a fat manlet

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redpilled originiw

The amount of cope holy shit.
Denying how important height is to women in the modern western world and calling anyone who says the truth a lying lanklet doesn't mean you're right. There is no reason to deny what's happening, in fact it's counter productive.
What you should be doing is spreading the meme that preference for tall men over short men is equivalent to racism. The problem will be solved very quickly.

Just look at your coping. You are desperately trying to push the meme that women prefer tall men. It's obviously not true, everyone knows this. You lanklet virgins really are desperate.

>caring what literal baby incubators say

Why would I want to push a meme that is against me? "Tall dark and handsome" has been indoctrinated into women since they're born. It's not a meme and everyone knows that most women have a "preference" for tall men.
We need to start the height acceptance for short men. Make women bigots when they have the preference in either direction. Unlike the fat acceptance, you cant change height, so no one can argue against it without being slapped with the "bigot" label and fired and socially destroyed. It will be better for everyone once it's over.

I occasionally forget sex is even a real thing. Christ, man, what do you need a girl for? You really wanna work for something useless? Get a car.