What the fuck is this mysterious painful bump on my tongue and how do I get rid of it?

What the fuck is this mysterious painful bump on my tongue and how do I get rid of it?

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stop sucking dicks

hiv rash
enjoy your pozzed life

>he didn't listen when anons told him not to eat out w*men

Attached: 1539840348888.jpg (328x604, 39K)

Whats so mysterious about it?

Not fit related and fucking disgusting, reported and sent to the fbi

stop clogging our inbox, faggot


>showing tongue
Yeah like the other guy I immediately assumed you’re a beta homo and HIV came to mind, but a single papule on the tongue isn’t particularly indicative of HIV. Unless there’s something important you need to tell us, OP


Kek'd and checked


It will go away eventually, just keep your mouth clean and don't fiddle with it.

Yay I don’t have an std

It may also be oral herpes. Keep it clean. Don’t lick your lips. Either don’t brush your tongue with your normal toothbrush, or buy a new toothbrush.

Way to scare tf out of me over nothing

it is a malignant cancer and you are going to fucking D I E

>painful lump on tongue

Just a canker sore right

apply vinegar essence or any drug with policresulen as the ingredient.

Bite it off

Lack of vitamin

average infection for not washing your mouth enough, you nasty fuck
Use pic related every day and also put some sodium bicarbonate on the bump itself

Attached: 81GUa4JcoNL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 109K)

More likely papillitis