Noob here

Is this achievable natty? I don't even want to start lifting if I can't look like this without steroids.

Attached: 1487616146000.jpg (590x787, 52K)

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No, you would have to take Dest-ickirona at least once a day to look like that

Yes retard, ottermode is natty

gtfo newfag

No, look at those shoulders. This is not natty.

That guy has clearly been roiding his entire life

He’s roided to the gills bro. You see those traps? Bro being lean isn’t possible as a natty bro just bulk up bro you’ll like huge.

>10 threads like this, every day

I achieved this after 7 months on consistent lifting. The gf loves it. It’s low maintenance.

Depends how muscular you are wen starting. You gain like 3-5lbs of muscle mass in first year of training. It would take 10 years of solid lifting to achieve this.

100% possible. Takes a little lifting and a lot of cardio.

easily achievable

I looked like that after 8 months or so of doing bodyweight.
Fell for the ss gomad meme later though so im a fat fuck now

It’s scientifically impossible to be that lean with that much muscle mass.
Dude is eating trenbolone sandwhiches every Sunday.

depends on if you splice the protein in your pre workout meditation food bulk. if you just eat the food willy nilly it'll take more like 15 years with good genetics.


How much do you guys think he squats benches ohp?

>fell for the SS GOMAD meme

I’ll be without weights for a while, what are the best shoulder and arm calisthenic exercises? Any push up routines that aren’t meme?

>3-5lbs of muscle mass in first year of training.
More like 1-3 lmao

handstand pushups