How do people like this exist? I'm starting to loose my mind...

How do people like this exist? I'm starting to loose my mind. Please someone tell me if they have experienced anything similar.

> 215 lbs, 6.0 ft - pretty chubby
> Begin eating better, doing lots of cardio
> Drop to 160
> Start lifting and get up to 175 - starting to be happy with how I look
> over this entire time I have been attending college and living at home
> Mother ridicules me for getting into fitness
> "The first step of having an eating disorder is eating really healthy"
> Constantly accuses me of being anorexic
> "Your too skinny you were fine how you were"
> "You were never chubby"
> "Your being OCD about fitness its repulsive"
> "Whats the point of living if you can't eat fast food and sweets whenever you want"
> "If you want to have big muscles you need to eat more food, junk food included"

I would like to point out that I am the only one in my family whose even close to being at a healthy weight. Is this some sort of cope? Anything I say regarding fitness is ridiculed. How do I get though to people like this? At this point when I move out I'm going to never speak to my own mother. Its a damn shame really.

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>Getting through to people like this
They're never going to change OP. Just drop the baggage and you'll have a better chance of saving yourself.

crabs in the bucket. don't listen to them.

>Constantly accuses me of being anorexic
lmao my mom did this when I started my cut
fuck you mom I do with my body whatever I want

>mfw mother thought it was poisonous to eat more than 100g of protein a day

She is calling you small. Time to get huge

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> "If you want to have big muscles you need to eat more food, junk food included"
this is true though. Bulk to 230 and see if she still talks shit. That's what I did and she shut right up.
>tfw she constantly touches and massages my muscles now

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They don't change, I'm used to being reciduled so I just play along, I know that what I'm doing is right, also, how do you guys deal with family and friends asking if you take roids because they saw your whey gold stored in your room? I try to explain that it's just a protein supplement available at a lot of sotres but I don't think they want to understand that

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I've always been skinny, stopped gaining weight at ~70kg.
My dad is about 120kg (he has a huge gut) but is a fairly active guy, he just eats too much. Works as an electrician and averages 10k steps a day because of work. Has arms thicker than my legs and is strong as fuck.
I wanted to be bloatmaxx like him, but I just can't bulk. He always told me that I'll grow out like he did in his 20s, but it's just not happening.

It's the typical fatty cope. Envious and insecure hogs that can't handle anyone being better than them. They'll squeal nonsensical trash and try to drag everyone (even family member) down to their own degenerate lifestyle just to feel better about themselves, instead of being happy for others. Avoid those poisonous shitbags for your own sanity. They're delusional and have their head so far up their own ass that they're incapable of using any logic.
I've read plenty of stories like yours, user. Whole pig families literally bullying their own who tries to better themselves. Also read years ago about a school in some piggy town that had so many fatties that they literally bullied any kid for not being fat. It's absurd.

Why don't you move out? Oh, right, you need something. In return for free lodging, deal with this shit and don't complain. Idiot.


The fuck does "free lodging" have anything to do with this? That's not what this is about, fucking retard.

are you going to cry?

She's right about eating big to get big, though.

But if you're +18% bf you're doing the right thing by slimming down

> "Whats the point of living if you can't eat fast food and sweets whenever you want"
> "If you want to have big muscles you need to eat more food, junk food included"

Here's how I know you're autistic: these conversations never happened.

>> "Whats the point of living if you can't eat fast food and sweets whenever you want"
Remember that hedonism is a PSYOP.

Literally eat more. You cannot escape the laws of thermodynamics user

Familial COPE detected

>crabs in a bucket
>tall poppy syndrome
who you've become makes them reflect on what they are and they don't like what they see. they'll simply drag you down so you can become like them again.
you don't get through to people with toxic mindsets. you leave them be and go your own path.
surround yourself with people that will support you and push you to become better.

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It hurts user, my tummy is full to the point of pain. I always take massive shits too.
I ate two subway foot longs for lunch and had a nice t bone with roast vegies for dinner. What else am I supposed to do?


Just fuck your mother bro. She'll finally appreciate your gains afterwards. I mean that's what everyone does hahahga


I’m 6’4” and didn’t look big until I hit 270@10% bf

You have to eat, little guy.

I started as a 255lb soft weak bitch.
I cut to 185 and thought I was fit.
I still couldn’t lift shit.
I slowly bulked to 235 thinking I was some kind of god because I had abs every day of the week and you could see my delts in my shirts.
Then I woke up one day and realized I was a small and weak piece of shit who was too vain to actually accomplish anything.

That’s when I started eating.

My calories and volume were increased simultaneously along with cardio I gained 40lbs of lbm in 2 years without an extra ounce of fat and almost doubled my squat and deadlift

I’m not even playing. Eat everything in sight except cheese and sugar.

Eat until you’re full, pound water, eat more.

When you want to lean out, hit full body+40minutes of cardio 10 days in a row (still eating big, c’mon) and then take 3 days off.

On the 3rd day, you’ll be the leanest, biggest version of yourself you’ve ever seen.

Your mom is actually right(mostly).

You aren’t eating anywhere near enough for your height.

>I ate two subway foot longs for lunch and had a nice t bone with roast vegies for dinner
Average foot-long is what 800cal? T-bone is only 247 calories per 100g, so good for protein anf fats but hard to consume for calories. Veggies will barely contribute to macros.
With all that, probably less than 2.5k calories. Need to be hitting 3-3.5k if you're an average young male.
Start eating 5 meals throughout the day, it makes it easier. Milk, peanut butter, cover stuff in sauces or butter, eat some sugary stuff to boost calories, maltodextrin/massgainer, keep eating bread, sunflower seeds (with the shell already taken off) etc.

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How the fuck do I eat that much food? I had two pieces of toast for breakfast (1 jam and 1 Vegemite) and some yoghurt and muesli. I had a banana and oaty slice beige lunch.
Should I just get mass gainer shakes or something? I don't think I can manage more food than I'm eating now.

fat women are mentally ill: that's why they let themselves be fat, after all

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Well, Oats are hard to eat in large quantities.
The whole reason GOMAD is a thing is to show skellys that even they can consume a shit-ton of calories easily if they eat foods that bring a ton of easily digestible calories (Milk in this instance)
I would recommend maltodextrin (main ingredient of mass gainers) over mass gainers because the cost will be way lower for same overall effect.

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I am 100% dyel, but for some reason I feel like I could just walk up and do that too because she's a woman. Is this normal?

I remember in 6th grade I was incredibly bullied for being chubby. I complained to my parents about it and they did the whole

>beat up your bully or lose weight

I was a pussy back then so I said fuck it, started working out and dieting. Lost a ton of weight in one summer and my parents freaked out calling me anorexic. I remember my dad forcing me to eat a bowl of ravioli while I played Halo even though I had already eaten dinner.

Now I'm 23, buff, and have no idea how to fucking read

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Put double meat on those footlongs and you'll be fine.

Haha, you would probably snap your shit up. The normal starting deadlift (after they learn technique) for average young adult male is 2-3pl8 (225-315lbs).
This is 5pl8/495lbs, very impressive for a girl and beyond the scope of a dyel.

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Yeah, I fully understand that I'd be in snap city. But just seeing a woman doing gives me the urge to try it. Like I want to prove that I'm not weak.

Makes sense, 95% of women are weaker than the bottom 50% of men (or something close to that). That's the price they pay for having a fucking baby factory in their bodies.

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>be me
>200 lbs, 6'2 (21% BF, but I only find that out later
>realize I'm on the road to diabeetus like my forefathers
>join gym, eat better, the works
>170 in six months, 10%BF
>mother worries that I'm not eating enough
>mother's retarded sisters think either
>1. Not everyone can loose weight (muh bad knees from being overweight)
>2. That I have an eating disorder
>My aunt literally was trying to inspire me on how she overcame anorexia

If they say you're anorexic, point out how many calories you eat a day

When they say you were fine, point out how much better you feel now

If they say you weren't chubby, bring out the BMI or BF% - medically, you were overweight

When they say you're OCD and it's repulsive, say you work out for you, and don't care how others view it.

Point out how much better fitness feels than sweets.

I believe in you OP. You can make it, despite these crabs in a bucket

[spoiler]why is it always women who disparage personal progress?[/spoiler]

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look at that dude using his hips to curl that weight tho

unexpected jej

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Bless you

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Good post user

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People are fucking dumb, it's so sad that most people didn't even get a basic education even if they graduated. I'm glad my parents aren't like that. My mom and dad love seeing me make gains. I can't imagine having parents that would drag me down, and want to see me unhealthy because they are. Parents should want the best for their kids.

you must grow thicker skin to make it in life my brudda

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>why is it always women who disparage personal progress
Because chicks are the biggest fat goblins. They're too lazy to change so they don't want anyone else to succeed.

you should watch Jordan B Peterson's lectures on Sigumund Freud.

Bruh you gotta get thicc
160 is bitch weight
at least get yourself to 80kg

Your mother is right
No one likes fucking twinks with muuh abs

What does your father say about it?

>Is this cope

Yeh my family are a mild version of this because they all take about wanting to but don't achieve much

Based responses

Dont respond. Just look at them and smile, but dont say a word until they change of topic. You dont know how many problems I save myself doing this. They may not be perfect but they are still your family and at least they are some heroine addict rednecks they still love you.

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>that much food?
eat dense foods.
eat quickly.
don't be a fucking pussy.

It's a major cope

Incredibly cute photo.
I am taking this.

lmao you're eating practically nothing for breakfast/lunch and wondering why you can't bulk? Eggs, shakes, milk, peanut butter.

Two foot long subs isn't nothing mate. I did butcher my last post though, I ment to say I had the banana before lunch (10ish)

Definite cope. She doesn't want your good life choices to contrast with hers and make her and other people realize just how shit her life choices were.

>Larger hearts

Always knew my bros were more loving than women