>Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Ya'll are really slacking on making these lately

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Anyway, I get a nasty popping sensation in both of my rotator cuffs when I do db lat raises. Is there a form issue that would cause this, or is it structural? Is there a different isolation I could be doing that would put less strain on my joints?

Small question regarding hair loss. In the last years I became a snorlax. And my hair is now getting thinner and thinner. Here is my question, if I go out do cardio and shit. Wouldn´t that result in higher testosterone and make me loose my hair faster? Or do I need to get rid of the bulking testo, that is in my body because of not doing any kind of sports?

Do I log warm-up sets or just work sets?

Okay Jow Forums I think you are the best board to help me out here.

Recently my visual/audio has been off. What i mean is I'll be talking to someone or watching something and the speaker's mouth doesn't line up with what they are saying. This happens at least twice a day. It's like a delay in my brain. I'm hearing it before seeing it. It's really freaking me the fuck out.

I don't use any drugs, I sleep a good 6.5-8 hours a night, I eat pretty clean, I don't take any prescription medication.

Anyone have an idea of what this is?

can I go from DYEL to ottermode with diet and a body weight routine?

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sorry for sideways pic am retarded phoneposter

it depends on your definition of ottermode, but you can certainly make lots of progress as a beginner on a good calisthenic routine

See a doctor

mostly just trying for definition and bigger chest/shoulders. Thanks user

Home gym routine

Deadlift 4x5
Lunges 4x12
BB Bent over rows 4x10
Ez bar/db curls 5x12
Bench press 4x5
Push ups 4x20
Lateral raises 4x10
Skullcrushers 5x12


Is it decent split? Lifted for about two years 2012-2014. Lost all my gains and weight when I was at uni. 6'2'' 150 lbs skeletor aiming to gain atleast 1 lbs a week

I've been taking fitness a lot more seriously recently and I've discovered that I can no longer drink alcohol.

I only drink once every couple of weeks and I usually only have a few beers. Tonight I've gotten through half a can of beer and I feel very unwell, I'm not even tipsy. I've heard from other fit people that they can't drink at all without throwing up, can I get a scientific explanation for this?

Can you drink whiskey or other hard liquor? Maybe it’s just all the extra shit in beer. just a guess

how does muscle memory work? as in, how much weight should I be gaining per week to get back old gains? trying for a VERY lean bulk, so I'd prefer to be conservative about the amount.

i can only do one pull-up. how do i progress to 3x8?

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Either jump up or get something to stand on so you can start the rep at the very top instead of the bottom of the range of motion. Lower yourself down as slow as you can. Repeat.

negatives and/or lat pulldown

I went from 1 pull-up to 6 in about a month by making it my main pulling movement and doing a lot of negatives

just working sets

should i do mixed sets of pull-ups and negatives? it took me 3x5 to get one pull-up, so if i only do negatives i'm gonna have to do a fuck load of them.

does losing weight make your dick bigger

no but it looks bigger if your flabby ass gut isn’t hanging over it

first do pullups to failure, then do negatives until you hit about 6-8 reps (or can't control your descent anymore)

I got pain in my knees since I squat 130kgs. Pain is on the inner side of the knee a bit on the top. During jujitsu I couldn't sit properly. It feels my quads are extremely tight. From filmed footage I can see I tumble a bit forward with the weight. So my form breaks down. Can I just deload or stop squatting for a while until my knees are feeling better?

okay, thanks, senpai. i'll try this and some lat pull down

Anybody besides me have problems with their balls. I have a birth defect in one of my nuts that prevents me from lifting too hard and especially running. If I exert myself too much my nut spins around on itself and gets really swollen. I've already been in the hospital twice for infections (epididymitis). Just wondering if anybody has found a solution to the same problems because everywhere I've looked online pretty much confirms that I'm doomed to a life of chronic pain.


it probably won't do anything to your hair, and if it does it won't be enough to be noticeable. this is a terrible excuse to not better yourself and I suggest dropping it

you should definitely deload; when I develop form issues I like to focus on pause reps for a few weeks

anyone see good strength progress from this shit, like what Kinobody promotes? been plateaued at 195x3-5 like a bitch on Bench Press and 135x5 on OHP.

basically with back off sets it would be one all out intense set of 195 shooting for 4-5, followed by 3 back off sets getting lighter, but heavy enough to keep the reps under 8. I feel like this would be good for recovery, but I don't know if it would yield very good progress. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

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from Reverse Pyramid Training, I mean.

So sport won‘t make me loose them faster or slower?

I thought if I don‘t do sport my testo will just go high and can‘t leave my body.

how do i no homo

Erm, girl I've fucked a few times said yesterday she MIGHT come to my house tonight, and says we'll talk today about it in case she cant

Do I call her first or let her call first

I know im not the right person to talk about these kinds of splits. So take what i say with a grain of salt.
Im a fan of heavy lifting and lots of core/hip/mobility work. So a perfect split for me would be variations of the Big 3. and as accesoire work i do hip and core work. Other than that rest is what i call aesthetical work.
What i would do for routine would be.

Main work=
Squats 5x5
Bench 5x5 or 3x10
Rows 5x5 or 3x10
Hip raises 5x10(get hip stable+strong for next squat/deadlift session)
Hip stretching 10 mins

Secondary work=
Chest to failure (pump)
Upperback to failure (pump)
Main work=
Squats 5x5 (80% of working weight if you really love deadlifts)
OHP 5x5
Deadlifts 3x5
Boxer style ab work for 10 mins
Facepulls/Trapezius work
Leg/Hip stretching 10 mins

Secondary work=
Arms to failure(get a pump)

Full body stretching or cardio (couch to 5k program)


This is my take on it bro, good luck with your journey

Moron here, what's the difference between basal metabolic rate and caloric needs for weight maintenance? I've 5'9" and about 200 pounds. According to an online calculator I found my basal metabolic rate is 2k calories, and my maintenance need is 3k calories. If I eat 2k calories a day, am I effectively at a 1k calorie deficit? So I should loose weight?

Doing SS and I hate how when I stand straight my glutes pop out farther than my upper back. I just want them to look equal, but I don't want to give up lower body strength to do that. Is it possible that my lower body has just reached a near maximum size quickly while my upper body will continue to grow? Anyone else have this problem?

Basal is sitting around and only doing light activity. True Maintenance includes all your activities (gym, construction slave, etc)

Your glutes should stick out further than your upper back... but yes, give it time and it'll balance out a little.

you're gonna lose your hair no matter what and the effect of exercise will either be nonexistent or minescule as fuck

Where do you deadlift aside from an empty space? Do most gyms just have an empty platform with a bar and weights or do you walk the bar and weights to a designated spot?


I can't run for shit, and it's clearly a mental barrier. I don't have access to a track so treadmill is the only option. I just hate it so much but I want to conquer is, is the best way just to force myself to run longer and longer distances or should I do sprints or something to build my endurance?

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couch to 5k program, google it broski
some gyms have rubber mats that you put under the weight to supress the drop. some have platforms. find a barbell and freestyle your way, make sure to put something underneath the weights, else someone can sperg out on you

How long do you guys stick to a program to find out if it is the right one for you?

Thanks mate. I haven't been inside the gym I want to go to yet so I'm not sure what they have. I just don't want to walk around like an autist with plates

So if I'm swimming a mile and change a day (700 calories burned) and ate 1500 calories am I at a 1200 calorie deficit or a 2200 calorie deficit?

If I’m working out after work, it’s been several hours since I ate lunch. Should I eat a snack before working out? Is there something recommended or can I eat a clif bar? Do I have to wait a while after I eat before I do shit?

I fucked up with eating today pretty bad with candy and what not. Just want to now if it looks like I at least hit protein goals (140+ g): Restaurant Brussels sprouts drenched in oil, 3 medium sized chicken tacos, a chicken-cheese quesadilla, and to be safe some casein mixed in about a cup of whole milk

Those are the only foods among the shit I ate today that I think have protein

bruh see a doctor wtf you probably got a tumor suffocating a part of your brain jesus demand an mri

Good mornings on DL day or alternate workouts? I need to stop my back rounding

Pls respond

try stretching your quads out if you aren't doing so already

I hurt my elbow and I can't do shit, what can I do besides abs, I can't lift anything at all, post some exercises I can do without hurting my elbow

Send her a message instead of calling, don't act like its a big deal but act like you might have something else on and you want to know whats happening

train legs

I forgot to tell that I play soccer, so I already make plenty of exercises there, I wanna to know what I can do with my upper body

How do i get my abs to show if im skinny fat but more on the skinny side? Im eating more to get stronger so does tht mean my abs will never show until i start cutting after bulking for a long time?

i hate eating/cooking. tell me why i shouldnt do this

>big ass carb/protein breakfast with a fruit and vitamin sup
>2nd meal about in between lunch/dinner time of large serving of staple meats 40-60g of protein with fruits and veggies
>like snacks such as chips, yogurt, etc throughout as needed

oh and i should add this isnt an issue of cutting or bulking. just a convienience and time thing

I have been eating half a kilo of bread (made by myself) a day for my bulk.
Any problems with this?

I seem to grow facial hair at the speed of fucking light and razars are expensive as fuck.

Heard good things about Philips OneBlade, anyone used/recommend it?

You need to be a bit muscular and under like 10% bf for abs to show relaxed.
Just do what we all do and get strong then flex ans for photos and call it a day.

For my macros, it should be 0.5 g of fat and 1.5 g of protein per lb of bodyweight, filling the rest of the tdee-500 with carbs, right? Should I be using full bodyweight or lean to calculate macros and calories?

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Does anyone have the pic of Kyriakos Grizzly thats says something like, "Do you have problem?"

I'm just getting started and I plan to follow this routine newbie-fitness.blogspot.com/2007/01/stripped-5x5.html

>Workout A
5x5 Barbell deadlift
5x5 Barbell or dumbbell bent-over row
5x5 Barbell military press or dumbbell shoulder press

>Workout B
5x5 Barbell squat
5x5 Barbell or dumbbell bench press
2x max reps pull-up/chin-up

My problem is I don't have a barbell, only dumbbells. What can I substitute the two exercises that require barbells for that will get me the same (or close enough) result?

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How to progress with military presses? Been doing stripped 5x5 program on and off for 3-4 months. Everything else progresses smoothly, some difficulties with bench press but once I started using barbell instead of dumbells I can only lift the barbell solidly for 5x5, add even the smallest weight and I can't do a full set.

why can't i keep good form on my working sets? when i'm on my warmup sets for bench (up to 85% of working weight) I can keep my entire body tight, my scapula retracted, and use the "bend the barbell" cue properly.

when I do my working sets, my body collapses, I can't keep my scapula retracted and my shoulders slip off the bench and I somehow forget how to "bend" the barbell

What's the deal with ashwagandha? Is it worth it?

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I'm thinking of doing the Scooby home workout routine. However, my posture is utterly fucked. Should I fix my posture first, or try to fix my posture while also doing the workout routine?

I hear that doing certain exercises with bad posture can just make it much worse.

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Also, I heard doing reverse flies was good for your shoulder slouch. But my left scapula thingy feels like I pulled something so I duno if I'm doing them right. Should I keep my shoulders back while doing them, or just leave them neutral?

So I shouldn't expect to make much if any strength gains when I'm a fatass trying to lose weight, right?
I had a good spook when I was lifting recently, following SL 5x5 with the linear progress from a low number. I guess it was a bad day (everything was much heavier than usual, resulted in bad form and I hurt myself a little but fully recovered, was an 85kg squat) which made me realize I probably shouldn't aim for linear progress or maybe even strength gains at all when I'm losing weight, would I be right here? Should I lift for calorie expenditure (Stick to the 80 or so kg where reps are still hard but doable) rather than pushing for linear progress? I see a lot of people saying making strength gains on a cut is difficult if not impossible

Damn that ended up a lot longer than I expected.

I got some painful fucking blisters on my foot from walking a lot in crappy shoes.
How do I fix them so I can go running?

Dumbbell press and overhead press are fine alternatives to the barbell versions. For squats you can goblet squat but you'll need to do 15+ reps to get anything out of it. For deadlifts there really is no alternative.
Aim to buy a barbell ASAP.


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Is turkish chicken kebap with greens and no sauce good alternative for grilled chicken breasts?

so I know "Read the sticky" but I want to ask YOU guys, I'm bulking rn, I've been going to the gym for 2 weeks and 2 days I'm 186cm and 74kg.My goal is to be somewhere between 80-85kg,I'm taking mass gainer to me help me. SO the question is since I'm trying to gain weight should I do cardio? And is there any food that I shouldn't be eating? since my goal is to gain weight I don't see why there'd be any food I shouldn't eat. Sorry for the autistic question

Do the best you can, muscle mass passively burns calories and absorbs dietary protein for repair after working out.

If home made, it's probably not that bad if from the shops then it's shit.
Cardio is good do some HIIT nothing too crazy.
You still need your protein even if you are a skelly, so don't bulk on fucking donuts and cakes otherwise go crazy enjoy milk, peanut butter, eggs, beef, lamb whatever you want.

Pierce the edge and gently drain the fluid while leaving the skin in place. Apply a donut of mole skin and change socks once a day

Still should I eat junk food from McDonalds and shit? About eggs I read I should only eat the white of the egg is that true? since there's too much cholesterol from the yellow

You want to bulk on McDonalds but you're too worried about the yolk in eggs?
Anyway a meal or two from fast food once in a while is fine but don't make it the majority of your bulk. Eat eggs as a whole you're not going to have issues with cholesterol unless your family has a history of hyperlipidemia which is very rare.

Thanks man, really appreciate it.

I'm not saying I want to bulk on McDonalds just asking if I can eat that kind of food. And thanks for the advice about eggs my family has always been autistic about it

You'll want a larger percentage of unsaturated fats, which is why it's better to eat healthy over junk food.

Is Jow Forums a NSFW board? With this halloween bullshit I can't honestly remember the colour

I'm doing SS without a squat rack, so I'm basically stuck doing front squats with only as much weight as I can clean.
Obviously my legs are lagging massively behind the rest of my body because of this.

I was thinking of increasing the reps on the squats/adding a bunch of leg accessories to try to compensate for the sub-par weight till I get the spare cash for a rack.

is this a good idea and if I do the latter which exercises should I add?

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How wise is it to go out and lift today on probably 4 hours of sleep? I already relapsed on nofap today by fapping two times already before noon. I feel like I have lost control of my life and just want to get back on my lifting.

Weights too heavy. Try microloading

What would be a typical rep to half rep ratio? Rep to quarter rep ratio?

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Ok so I need some advice:
Natty 185lbs, 6’0”
Bench 205 for 3x5
OHP 115 for 3x5
Squat 135 for 3x5 (never trained before so it’s catching up with everything else)
Row 145 for 3x10
Deadlift 225 for 1x5

I have homegym power rack, barbell 300lbs of weights, and some dumbbells.

How do I start training for aesthetics?
I know that frequency is important and the standard beginner programs have brought my strength up a lot, and I’m no longer making linear progression- so I’m trying to make visual improvements as well. My body hasn’t changed any aesthetically in the past 6 months that I’ve been training. Will post body as 2/2.
Is there a routine I can do for aesthetics with my equipment?
Should I do a brosplit?
How do I get enough frequency?

Any help would be appreciated

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I look dyel with my shirt off and I want to improve my chest/arms/abs.

GSLP is great but I’m not getting enough direct arm work at a high enough frequency.

I’m considering adding curls, dips, skull crushers, lateral lat/delt raises, pushups and anything else that I can do with a barbell and some dumbells.

Anyone with programming advice, I’m all ears

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This will be my first time cutting after bulking. Say I want to lose 6 kg at 2kg/month rate and if my bench is 90kg for 3x5 how much should I expect it to go down?

How am I looking guys? I’ve been doing PPL for about a month now after doing SL for 3 months. I started at 205 lbs at 6’2 now I’m at 188.

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Jow Forums is a blue board, so it's SFW

2 and 4
t. math major

Try a rockover instead of a clean

Nothing stopping you from going. Just don't push yourself too much coz you're more prone to accidents at that state.

>if CI > CO, you gain
>if CI < CO, got lose
>if CI = CO, you maintain
If swimming is a part of that 3k maintenance calories, you're at a 1.5k deficit. If that's activity on top of your normal activity, you're at 2.2k deficit

I would do stronglifts for about 3 months then move to a PPLPPL routine. You should probably cut a bit too because you have a lot of fat stored in your belly

Going to try HIIT to burn fat on a cycle today for the first time, what am I in for?