How much do you think he could lift in this shape?

How much do you think he could lift in this shape?

Attached: brad-pitt.jpg (480x320, 45K)

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Ottermode so probably benches 70, ohp 60, squats 90. Deadlifts 120 kg

t. friend has a body like that

>benches 70, ohp 60

Attached: 1529418289384.jpg (657x527, 40K)

My bad OHP 50 ish. Tbf his chest is shit but he has ok delts

Well he can't planche so not enough

I don't think girls really care about that.

Well my body is very similar and I dl lmao4pl8

how much can he curlll is the question

Why on earth would you care what girls think?

I like to have sex with them.

why do faggot always post this pic of brad? Who cares. Just do you. You'll never have his face anyway.

If you're not lying could you please explain how do you get to have sex with a girl? Do you need to talk with her for a few weeks or is it something faster?

Made me chuckle

They decide and make it happen.

I doubt he could deadlift more than my ohp max
I've seen bigger guys than that struggle with 25s for reps (95 lbs)
funny thing is I used to think he looked muscular

Imagine telling 2004 brad Pitt to his face that hes not muscular, "brad Pitt laughs in beauty and walks away to go fuck Angelina Jolie"

Attached: IMG_6212.jpg (594x499, 70K)

Literally half a decade after Fight Club.

The absolute state of Jow Forums

I just want to know user, I don't know how often (and with how many) normal people have sex

I’ve had sex with girls but I still want to know how normal guys do it and how many they do it with

Most of my mates are sleeping with different women regularly, yet it all varies amongst them. Even then one guy could get laid 3 times a week then not get any for 6 months. Don't dwell on it, just keep trying and be glad when it works or no part of it will ever make you content.

Literally me. Fucked two girls on the same day and then didn't fuck anyone for a year lmao.

>just do you
Boomer detected.

Nba jam rules apply to women, when youre on fire, youre on fire

Not nearly enough.

What a fucking skinny faggot.

he's right though

The less you care what they think the easier it is to do that

No he's not.

He is if had the competence of a good liar you'd be pretty popular already. The only thing you can really go with is being sincere and people thinking you're a good bullshitter.

more than most of Jow Forums

According to

>Bench press — 25, 15 and eight reps at 165, 195, 225 lbs
>T-bar rows — Three sets at 80, 95, 110 lbs
>Arnold press — Three sets at 55 lbs