How do I do cardio in my bedroom? I'm fat, riddled with anxiety and I don't want to go outside

How do I do cardio in my bedroom? I'm fat, riddled with anxiety and I don't want to go outside

Is there a good dance exercise out on youtube someone can link me?

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just go outside retard whats the point in losing weight if you are never around people

Burpee till you paint the floor with shit

Wii fit, unironically.

I'm hoping the change in activity and initial weightloss will motivate me, but I need the spark

Jump rope

this. burpees will skyrocket your heartrate.

I'm pretty fat, wouldn't this potentially fuck up my legs

jumping jacks

the spark is stepping outside, getting into cardio (running especially) has to be like ripping a bandaid off you can't do it in a slow process

I have generalized anxiety disorder. ex; I see a car driving by and I think they're going to shoot me in the head / I walk past someone and immediately start thinking what they may have thought about me, often negative

I don't think running will help then. You should probably talk to a therapist and if you already are then good luck

Walk in place
Shadow box
Dance around
Mountain climbers
bodyweight circuits
Step ups
Jog in place
Run in place
Just stand up and do the floss

I'm too afraid to leave the house to get help, my parents don't care and just let me stay locked up in this room... which is why I want to figure out how to start working on myself within my own domain and hope something positive comes out of it.

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Boxing user
You'll learn to kick ass and lose fat, AT THE SAME TIME

I was in your situation some years ago. Was afraid of someone seeing me try to change so I worked out at home 3-4 times a week, when I was alone. A year later finally joined a gym with a classmate, probably the best decision of my life and I don't think I'd have ever taken that step by myself... And it's fucking terrifying. I'm such a different person now, years later, to think that if it weren't for my friend (who stopped lifting years ago, and we rarely see each other anymore) I could have stayed in that spot to this day... So I would say, if you don't have anyone to take that first step just do it yourself. It's so much easy that it may seem, and it's really worth the effort.

Your mentality is all wrong. You aren't going to start out at anything being good, so you work at it. Make excuses to push off working at it and it never gets done. You want to work through your anxiety? Then work towards it. You want to improve health and physical fitness? Then work towards it. You aren't going to do one thing and magically have the other be fixed as well. You are going to embarrass yourself, but do whatever it is you're doing for long enough and you'll stop caring and so will other people (if they ever even cared to begin with).

jump rope

pro tip: you don't actually need a rope, just jump around and swing your arms a bit, way easier to do tricks

>underated post

Dude there is NO WAY you’ll get fit in your bedroom. You’re gonna do three burpees and pass out. Have someone drop you off five miles from your house so you’ll be forced to walk back

Go on google maps and plan a 1km walk around the block. You'll sweat, feel vulnerable, be anxious, feel like everyone is looking at you but the reality is nobody outside your apartment cares about you. Do it everyday and you'll notice that tomorrow you won't feel so anxious. In a month you won't even care because your improving yourself for you and nobody else

Cardio won't make you lose weight. Eating less will

The only low impact cardio you can do (especially considering you're overweight/obese) is swimming, biking (stationary is fine), and the elliptical. If you're too self-conscious to go swimming, you can buy stationary bike for the time being. Running/burpees may be a problem for your knees depending on your current weight and bf%.
Personally I recommend buying a real bike and going outside with it, weather permitting. Your problem isn't being fat, it's that you have body dysmorphia to the point that it's paralyzing you and preventing you from progressing.
Finally, if your goal is weight loss, start fasting/limiting your caloric intake. Plenty of guides on how to do that, and will yield a greater return that any type of cardio.

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200-300 calories burned per hour vs not eating a 600cal snickers bar, which is better? :^)

Jump the rope (not recommended if you live in a second floor)

That's the super king kong size snickers?

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