What body fat percentage is this?

What body fat percentage is this?

Attached: body fat.jpg (1080x1349, 136K)

about 5’2”

>guys in the mirror
wtf tho

Thought that shirt read ‘Chad crew’ on first glance. Lmao

That kid is probably 7-8% but the tren makes it look even lower

Big legs are honestly disgusting. Get ok legs and never work them again

steroid levels

He wishes he was as tall as that.

The guy on the left here is 5'7

Attached: 1538359548760.jpg (1080x1080, 155K)

And the guy on the right in his pic is 5'6.

Attached: trist3.jpg (1080x1080, 118K)

Jesus Christ he is either on gear or has some serious DHT problem where none of his test gets converted to anything else

Kid is asian so he doesn’t have much dht natty. He’s on a god tier stack of mast, tren, test, gh and var or some shit

How the fuck does he not get depressed being a dwarf at 17 and not even remotely big for all the gear he’s on?

isn't this guy like 16 or 17? How is it possible that he has enough test to build muscle and lean out. but not enough to make him hit puberty. Any broscience PhD's in here care to explain?

but those arent even that big relatively to his body

If he's on tren, stano, etc, his hpg axis ia shut down....... and these roids are more efficient at growing muscles than triggering secondary sexual characteristics.

Testosterone itself is actually weak in inducing those. Testo is only powerful for muscle growth.... but in natty normal guys part of testo is converted to DHT which induces puberty, and eventually baldness.

I keep saying it- he has a baby face and isn’t ugly in the recessed, frail, unhealthy sense. So basically he looks innocent and cute, plus good muscle aesthetics.

As long as he retains that look of youth, he’ll probably be alright

Lol you’re joking right? He’s on a LOT of steroids , more than Zyzz probably, more than most IG fitness models

He plays soccer so big legs are helpful

You're right actually now that I look again
Don't rescind it though, legit big legs are disgusting

He's using fucktons of roids.

Closes growth plates early. May just have a babby face

Building muscle is relatively quick but bone structure change such as developing your brow ridge takes years on years

He is using steroids without growth hormone. Growth hormone is the primary causer of the "mogging" effect.

Uneducated little shit. Tren primary function is secondary sexual characteristics. Tren is literally an analogue of DHT holy shit you triggered me you illiterate imbecile. Shits like you should read and study way more.

yeah but he's so much smaller and structurally underdeveloped that most boys at his age. And just by looking at him, he looks like he has a deficiency or something. Does he have some kind of hormonal issue?

>Jamie, can you pull up pictures of this Tristyn kid? We gotta see how jacked this lil fucker was at 9, he must have been giving 8th graders wedgies

you dont need big legs for soccer ameribro, its all about technique. hell cristiano is one of the most jacked guys in comparison and any SS meme lifter of this basket weaving taiwanese forum has bigger legs

based Roganposter

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Just looks like an ugly Hapa mutt to me


Lmao this little kid is on test and winstrol at least. Not tren he doesn’t have size to be on it lmao.

>Does he have some kind of hormonal issue?


he's been roided to fuck and now he's stuck the court jester of manlets

This kid is going to be a manlet forever

All that test and he still has the face of a little bitch

He gets all the girls though

Attached: 42403122_243919239802601_932623600106216422_n.jpg (1080x565, 101K)

If he falls and scrapes his knee will he die from blood loss?

those chicks faces are priceless
>lol omg hes ripped for a 10 year old
>holy shit hes not 10 omg lol i have to post this on insta LOL


He's not on gear, just insanely malnourished . Nobody under 20 years old should cut unless they are Obese


>That poor fucker is legitimately 5 feet tall and no matter how jacked he gets girls his age will mog him

It aint fair bros

Attached: 1540934473572.jpg (997x750, 179K)

>He's not on gear
jesus man you cant be this legit retarded

Lol you giant faggot, all you can do is insult because you have absolutely fuck all evidence. He's 4 foot tall and in the prime time of puberty, why would he need gear to look that shitty? Kid's just lean. Is this fucker on gear too? This starving absolutely average highschool wrestler thats even younger than that kid? You guys are all virgin nerds that never played a sport in your life, you have no idea how much mass someone that age can put on.

Fuckin look at Pete Rubish when he was 15, like 6' 200lbs and shredded, he never took gear until he was 18

Attached: 42672665_1905016996218793_6486328265471426560_n.jpg (843x843, 65K)

Not the guy you’re talking to lol but really

Attached: D10E8165-959F-40B8-8FB9-BEC8E7FA6B94.jpg (645x729, 49K)


>t. dyel
Click any high school sports page and i guarantee 9/10 of the players are bigger and leaner than that kid.

are you retarded? like, clinically diagnosed?

this is what happens when you have bad height genetics and mix it with steroids before/during puberty

The fuck is Trihex doing there. Bodybuilding competition?

This coping samefag

Attached: 4ce.gif (447x250, 2.16M)

Nah, we all think you're retarded

probably a manlet too

Attached: 01.png (424x337, 73K)

What age can you reach if you started roiding at 12?

Is it more healthy to be a woman popstar with a daddy issue instead?

kek nice faked screenshot kike.
>still coping
>still has zero evidence
>still can't explain why an average dyel highschool athlete is bigger, stronger, and leaner than this supposed roider who has a massive manlet advantage
damn i guess this 7 year old is on tren too

Attached: UI3HN5K6XZFQ5KERU2BODAFY4U.jpg (1400x932, 142K)

Lamo I wonder how lose his ass is from being "trained" so often by his CO

Attached: 1540915569091.jpg (720x720, 24K)

Proof that teens should not roid