Need knowlegde

My back Hurts a bit. So i took a photo is it unnormal to have this asymetrical thingy

Attached: IMG_20181101_122349.png (720x1280, 700K)

>trap gap

>the half of my body getting hit by light looks different from the half that isnt getting hit by light

that amount of asymmetry could just be that the light is coming from your left hand side.

on a related note, does this look like scoliosis, or just the muscle attachment?
>inb4 dyel
>inb4 backne

Attached: Untitled.jpg (857x1425, 188K)

Go to a chiropractor

It's not the lighting job. I've cheacked it . There is just muscle gap. Is it genetical oraz some other stuf?

its called lighting retard

Scoliosis. You can see your spine is unaligned.

how do i fix it

You don't

will i snap my shit up if i keep lifting or is it just an aesthetic issue? i really like deadlifts and squats and don't want to stop doing them

Not if you them with proper form, but you may find that one side is compensating for the other as you keep adding on weight

stop lifting weights and start doing sport, weight lifting is for homosexuals and retards

totally agree, weight lifting is for racist insecure homosexual white men with small dick. Sport is for everyone else

jokes on you i'm not homosexual

sport is for racists too

I have never went to gym to Wright lift

see a chiropractor.

>weight lifting is for racist insecure homosexual white men with small dick

So Jow Forums then?

yes, and sports are for niggers so fuck off