Anybody else sick of natty lifting? Looking small as fuck when lean, needing a pump to look exceptional...

Anybody else sick of natty lifting? Looking small as fuck when lean, needing a pump to look exceptional, having to give a fuck about nutrition for such a small benefit, gains capping at the 3 year mark, looking dyel in clothes

Is it honestly worth it? Why do I find it hard to believe responsible steroid use is more dangerous than the obscene amount of drinking we do as a society? Yet everybody makes steroids out to be heroin. It's just bullshit

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Never seen impressive natural. Never seen big natural.

I have seen fat, bloated people who are quite strong, but they look absolutely horrible mountains of water retention, fat etc.

So stop whining about it and get on gear.

if you have an image problem now, gear won't fix that
its called "fraud" because you're cheating yourself, not others

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Am I the only guy on this board who has never considered being on gear? You look bigger but not better, you have to fine tune your usage of the gear way more than you'd have to fine tune your diet as a natty if you want to do it right, and I can do everything I want my body to do as a natty. I 1/2/3/4, and I don't plan on getting any stronger than that, just increase volume. I used to be a distance runner and am well past my prime since I got bigger, but I can still crank out a 5-5:30 mile or a 17-18 minute 5k under pressure. I had a qt(circumference of a circle) wife before I ever touched a barbell. I climb on the weekends. I bike to work. I open water swim with my dad on family vacations. For what possible reason would a successful person ever want to get on gear?

Lmao are some people still actually not taking roids? Basically under 2 grams a week is considered natty nowadays

>open water swimming with dad
Absolutely based

8 years here and no I'm not sick of it. You still look better than 99% of people and are worlds stronger. You only look dyel in clothes because you never learned to eat or lift properly, shit genetics maybe. I have nothing against roids though so go crazy if you're that insecure.

The redpill is to stop focusing on looking like a bodybuilder. Lift and stay lean year round and you look better than 99% of the male population. Do a ton of cardio and learn cool gymnastics moves and you can mog roiders at parties.

I'm a lifetime natural lifter and none of those apply to me.

I look pretty big even in clothes, 4plate bench, still gaining muscle and strength after 6 years of lifting, and to top it all off I'm healthy. The only drawback is that I'm 23% body fat. :(

Stop trying to look like a bodybuilder, the entire sport is roids. Just focus on getting strong and being healthy.

Sadly I know from personal experience, for most the roid game never ends once you start. Several of my friends started in their 20s and NEVER STOPPED. What's the point? I stopped after a couple years, and within 3-4 years was back to exactly where I was when I was natural. Kept some strength gains, but I could have done that naturally. What's the point?

Just cut down to like 15-18%

yep I'm on it, cutting on 2500 kcal

Just a personal choice. If I ever go 5 years lifting non stop and still want to get bigger and stronger I might consider it. But I think I look awesome even as a DYEL so I probably won't do it.

nope right here bro
want to make it max with what I can all else is bullshit it isnt work its drugs might as well inject oil

bump so i can answer

I think I look ok natty but I would probably look exceptional on juice, but at the end of the day do I risk fucking up my endocrine system to look exceptional? Doesn’t seem worth it when I’m still young. Maybe when I’m past 40 do low doses of test and HGH, but not now.

Me for reference

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Has anyone thought of taking gear for work gains? I'm taking on a bunch of new projects at work I'm thinking about doing trt and putting myself right at the top of the natty range.

so I'm small in stature, and relatively petite (thin joints and so on), and I've been lifting for ten years on and off. I fit this description,
> Looking small as fuck when lean, needing a pump to look exceptional [...], gains capping at the 3 year mark, looking dyel in clothes
However, I took out the nutrition part,
>having to give a fuck about nutrition for such a small benefit
because frankly it makes very little difference. Basically it just involves eating enough meat and getting enough protein, but what is "enough" is pretty ambiguous and the topic is open for debate IMO.

After all these years, overall, I think I look good, I feel good, and I'm capable, and when I'm naked or at the beach I look good as well. Ultimately steroids/gear strikes me as quite degenerate, essentially exchanging health for vanity as I suggested in another thread, and it seems like something you have to continue to continue reaping the benefits of.

It's true that I don't look big in clothes, but I look fantastic in a swimsuit and etc., and I look much better in a fitted button-down shirt than I would otherwise. I think I'm the best version of myself that I can be, even if I've hit an "artificial" plateau by not juicing.

If anything, I think the blame for what you're describing, OP, falls with Hollywood and the genuinely artificial standards of muscularity they've set for men. If you look at women in Hollywood, they're even starting to promote fat, retarded, gimped women, while all of the men are clearly on steroids.

100 years ago any trained or simply Jow Forums guy obviously stood out from the dyels, it was more an overall youthfulness, a strength, a vigor, the word is on the tip of my tongue but it means basically "fertile" but with a male connotation...

pic related, it's me in the most flattering conditions possible. On a day to day basis you can't really tell I'm in good shape as you suggest OP

Attached: selfie.png (1094x814, 1.26M)

I agree with you, and you look great
I should note that I basically peaked in my late teens and the only way to get back to that is a serious regimen, whereas now I have a lazy regimen and basically maintain my current state. I'm not winning any BB competitions and I don't look like much standing next to a big guy, especially one on steroids, but in the end that's not what it's all about to me, and I'm working with what I've got and the alternative just isn't worth it in my view

hello scrappy

Attached: time to scooby up.jpg (186x271, 12K)

lol nice
scoob's on gear though

mirin and goal body.

>I 1/2/3/4, and I don't plan on getting any stronger than that, just increase volume.

that's gay as fuck
cut your balls off, you faggot

hurrdurr just juice brahhh
t. 17 year old zoomer

Great post

pi isn't the circumference of a circle, that doesn't make any sense.

Yeah I fully plan on getting on gear when I'm making enough money and have researched it to the point of confidence. I've never understood why people choose to draw this imaginary line between "cheating" and not and refuse to do something that will enhance them. Even more confused when somehow it becomes a moral focal point. I think honestly most people are just scared of hopping on.

>overall youthfulness, a strength, a vigor, the word is on the tip of my tongue but it means basically "fertile" but with a male connotation...
You're looking for either "vitality" or "virility" but probably the latter.

thanks, it was indeed virility