/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

You Got This, Until The End Of Time! Edition

Welcome to Greatness
Now Let's Thrive

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previous: > What motivates you, keeps you dedicated and disciplined, and helps you further your goals and aspirations?
> How is your diet, nutrition, and exercise routine going? Are you cutting, bulking, maintaining? Do you cook your own food, you should be cooking at least 2-3 times per week for maximum /sig/ gains. What recipes have you been cooking lately, or do you want to start cooking?
> What about your 1, 3, and 5 year plans look challenging to you? What parts are you confident about? How can you best accomplish them?
> How have you helped out your communities lately, both irl and online? If you haven't, how could you start? What do you think is preventing you?

You got this bros! We all gonna make it!

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> What motivates you, keeps you dedicated and disciplined, and helps you further your goals and aspirations?

Being better than I was yesterday, that's what keeps me going. I also have friends and family that depend on me to pull my weight, and I've been in a place where I've let everyone down, and I never want to be there again.

> How is your diet, nutrition, and exercise routine going? Are you cutting, bulking, maintaining? Do you cook your own food, you should be cooking at least 2-3 times per week for maximum /sig/ gains. What recipes have you been cooking lately, or do you want to start cooking?

I'm trying to eat more healthily and sustainably, aka less meat (though I still will eat it at least once a day) and more vegetarian/vegan options. It's good for the planet and stuff. That means I really have to research new recipes and foodstuffs. I still eat too much fried foods, and I drank a ton this week, trying to cut down that too. Exercise is going good, I'm recovering from a slight knee injury from squatting, but it seems to be healing. My lifts are steadily going up even though I'm cutting so that's a plus. I cooked 3 times this week, Burritos on monday, friede chicken and cilantro lime rice on tuesday, and I just cooked up two fried chicken sandwiches for today. I wanna cook a buffalo chicken pizza next week, as well as one of my favorite pasta dishes: chicken pesto pasta. I also gotta try cooking up some salmon or some kind of fish, anyone know any good salmon/seafood recipes? And again, I gotta try out some vegan/vegetarian recipes too.

> What about your 1, 3, and 5 year plans look challenging to you? What parts are you confident about? How can you best accomplish them?

Got a good job but it's not really what I want to do in life, I want to have a career in the art industry. So I guess my main challenge is to use my free time wisely enough to further that goal.

>last question

Helping dudes out here, might volunteer to help build some houses soon

Fellow /SIG/marites - I need your advice
A few treads ago someone asked a question about what to do when you moved to another city. A year ago me and my family moved to a big city. I have no idea how to find new friends, make new connections. A bit about myself:
>I grown as a self hating social retard with an inferiority complex, having a body of a human mashed potato and no interest in anything besides video games\porn and dreams of suicide
>managed not being a kissless virgin in uni, but that's 50% luck 50% not having a potatoface
>strained relationship with parents, even had a fistfight with dad, was thrown out of my home once. Aster some time forgiven each other
>But after some time my dad gets ill. 12 days after my 24-th birthday, my dad dies connected to an iron lung. I break. I`m left alone with 5 women on my shoulders

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How do I completely escape this society?

Cont >I manage to get a hold of myself, first time in my life actually in control
>find a good job at IT, start doing bodyweight stuff to get in shape
>at a callcentre I was supporting see a girl that makes my blood boil, first time in my life find a confidence to ask her out for coffee
>it works, and we have an amazing relationship. Bet being as different as moon and sun, we break up after 8 months. This is the only time I felt love to another human being in this life
>after a year of depression I was fed up with my life and I actively started to make it better
>I`ve go to a therapist to work with all my mental problems. I got serious with lifting. I upped my work output. Bros start miring, thots start glaring, milfs start lusting
Now I am a far cry from my former self. I look like a ripped male underware model, I am much more confident, and much more mentally stable
But the road to happiness is far from over. I still have self-hating issues and i`m battling them, I`m still not that good in social situations and I made 0 friends outside work over the year i`m here. I don't really want to find new people (a have few rock solid mates , but we are all in different cities far away from each other) but I want to make new friend, I want to find a girl I`ll respect and love.
What would you do in my case? How you build a social circle from scratch?

Quoted for the sole reason that was a really good advice but I would like some specifics to my situation

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Good thread. Good sticky.


Homestead, live off the grid. You have to be pretty much completely self-sustaining though, grow your own crops and animals, and able to live basically in the middle of nowhere. Can you do all that?

Thanks to self improvement I literally don't like to waste time anymore. I can't sit down and enjoy series or vidya anymore. I rather work towards my goals, read a book or workout. It has gotten to the point where I'd wake up at 4.00 so I have 5 hours to spend on productive shit before going to work. I'm mentally drained after work so I decided it'd be best to do the things I want to do before work. And it's all helping very well and I'm making financial, intellectual, physical and social gains. But I'm getting in alot more arguments with my gf. She always starts it and it's always about benign shit. The past 6 months she had become toasty as fuck and trying to explain to her that I want more out of life and want her in it to work towards it just makes her pissed. I think it's time to break up but we've been together for almost 3 years. How do I proceed? Because I've been dumped before but I've never dumped someone else and my past relationships were all severely less serious than this one. Maybe any advice on getting getting her to work with me instead of against me? Honestly the time and energy this relationship is taking isn't worth it at this point.

Not really. And the fact that it takes something that extreme is why I'm better off killing myself. Everyone keeps saying I can build a good life, but the restrictions society sets makes that not true.

Sounds very crabs in a bucket. Maybe she is afraid of losing you to someone more in tune with your current and future state of being? If you care about her, and want her in your life, then you may have to slow your pace a bit, not too much, just enough that she feels confident enough to be able to catch up. Alternatively, build her confidence by telling her how good she is doing at the things she tries hard at, I'm sure there are at least a few. Then she will feel less "left in the dust" by you and your progress, and may actually feel like she can keep up with you and grow together.

If I may ask, can you give examples of the sort of things she starts arguments about?

Don't do it man, you're just looking at things with a shitty attitude, to put it bluntly. If you put in the initial effort, doing awesome things that make your life worth while become habit. I would know, I was suicidal, depressed, and it's mostly because I spent my days doing nothing and wallowing in misery. Now that I actually get up super early, have a set daily/weekly schedule, and do things during my day that actually help me get closer to my goals, I love life, and I love myself! Suicide isn't worth it, especially if a) you won't ever experience consciousness ever again or b) you may go to hell or get reincarnated into a shittier life as a lesson. Both options are honestly pretty lame. You need to learn to change your perspective, look at life more optimistically. Here's some Alan Watts to help you:

Listen to these, please, they will at least make you think about your situation

What's a good life to you?

I do motivate her and she started a program to learn how to train dogs for blind people, which was hard to get into but with some hardships we managed. I even told her she could just work 10h/week instead of ft so she could focus on that and her art and she was happy as fuck.

Just on the top of my head. She gets mad because I dont want to go out till the very late hours and get piss drunk because I dont want a hangover and sleep till the midday like I used to. We still go out and socialize alot, more than we used to even and she likes that, but I dont want to overdo it and get my schedule fucked up. She gets mad that she wakes up every day because I wake up early. But I'm silent as fuck every morning and she falls back asleep after 15 minutes but still makes a big deal out of it. And because of my early mornings she gets mad that I go to sleep at 21.00 instead of cuddling up next to her till midnight. I still spend quality time with her but sometimes she feels like it isn't enough. I tried to explain to her that this is in both our interests and she understand but gets frustrated about it. When she wants to eat something like fries or ice cream she gets mad that I eat something else. But I've always eaten healthy and didn't eat shit but she's making a deal out of it lately. I dont care wtf she eats and she's hot af and I definatly let her know that. It's all really benign shit and I'm making comprimises left and right but every month it feels like I haveto walk on egg shells more and more because she's gets pissed about alot of shit. YEsterday evening I cleaned up the kitchen while she was working and got mad that I cleaned it because she wanted to do it.

This all seems pretty standard, esp. the wake/sleep disparity. My suggestion here is you both compromise a bit, you got to bed and wake up one hour later, and she gets up and goes to bed one hour earlier, then you both get more time with each other.

The cleaning the kitchen thing sounds like she just wanted to look "useful" to you in light of your progress and you basically just showed her you "could do it yourself/didn't need her" if you don't already, maybe designate chores on a rotating schedule?

The food thing is just crabs in a bucket, maybe tell your you dgaf what she eats or start cooking you both delicious but nutritious meals so she doesn't feel guilty but feels satiated.

How do i learn this power.. Sometimes i feel like i waste too much time doing and watching useless shit, and not enough time on achieving my goals.

Don't kys is easier to say as someone who is happy but hard to resist for people who doesn't even see the light end of the tunnel :(

Yeah, but I used to be where you are, and I assure you, there is a light, and you're holding it. You just have the flashlight switched off.

does suicide count as self improvement?



Being left alone. Not having asshole bosses who have no problem making your life hell just so your company's stock can go up a fraction of a point. Not having to deal with family that are constant embarrassments and want me to be like them. No pressure to be something when you know even if you were to be Jeff Bazos rich you are still a slave to a society that doesn't give a fuck about you. Basically I want my suffering to end and if ending my life accomplishes that, so be it.

I did the whole spirituality/philosophy/religion/self help horseshit and all that stuff does is try to make you feel better about being a slave. Nothing will actually free me.

>I did the whole spirituality/philosophy/religion/self help horseshit and all that stuff does is try to make you feel better about being a slave. Nothing will actually free me.

You have an unrealistic view of the world and an insatiable lust for "perfection". YOU make the world more perfect [to your personal view] when you put in effort to make it happen. By giving up you have basically said "the system won, and I'm gonna quit". Does that sound like a brave thing to do? No, the best, and bravest, thing to do is help improve the system so it works better for all of us.

Get a grip dude, do you think you will improve the world by killing yoursef? No, you will only cause more sadness and give those in power more ammo to hurt us with. Life isn't comfy, it's hard for everyone, no matter their predicament. Everything is relative. I don't want to be a jackass, but if you want to do good in this world you have to actually work at it. At first. Then doing the good, awesome stuff just becomes habit.

You got this user, I believe in you. You'll be free someday, during this life, I promise.

Life comes with genocide, child rape, torture, constant pain, and inevitable and total loss.

Whats the upside? What is it to 'do good' in this world?

You care too much about what society thinks of you. The only person who's opinion matters is your own.

If you can't see it, you obviously didn't get far in your "spirituality/philosophy/religion/self help horseshit". Try again dude. Like I said, you have a shitty perspective if you can't see the beauty in the world, like love, friendship, good meals, relaxation, pursuing your goals, dreams, warm beds, nature, the fact that a blank void of spacetime could spawn physics and atoms that coalesce into stars and planets and birth life from their crucibles. All this shit and more, yes there is adversity and difficulty, pain and suffering, genocide and rape, but what kind of cartoon world are you looking for where there s only happiness? You won't find it in suicide, the only way you will find consistent happiness is to spread good will towards those around you, and yourself. Make the world a better place, however you can, it doesn't have to be big and over the top, it's as simple as feeding the homeless, or picking up some litter, or being there for your family when they need you.

Change your perspective, and change your world.

Actually watch those damn videos I posted in , I know you didn't. The world may be a scary place, but we make it beautiful by giving it our all.

Hope you can understand what I'm saying. Like I've said, I've been where you are, it's a dead end. The path is long and hard, but it's worth every second.

I mentally cucked some insecure moron, feels good.

>The cleaning the kitchen thing sounds like she just wanted to look "useful" to you in light of your progress and you basically just showed her you "could do it yourself/didn't need her" if you don't already, maybe designate chores on a rotating schedule?

It's just the bitch being stupid and finding anything to complain about. She's not really mad about you cleaning, because no sane person gets angry when their partner cleans. Imho let the girl complain and continue doing what you're doing. Why entertain bullshit?

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I deleted my porn collection again, let's continue the path to self improvement this November.

And all this proves me right about all the stuff I said earlier. I wasn't the user who posted the genocide comment, but he's completely right. Feed that one homeless person one meal, guess what, they are still homeless. It has no effect on any of the stuff that actually matters. No meal will make up for the fact that I have to give up on a dream I've had since I was in junior high because the assholes at work won't pay me enough to still live here and there are no other decent paying jobs here. And all I get is told is I'm not trying hard enough even though I'm working harder on this crap than I ever have in my life. So maybe it is better to recognize that all the good of the world will never make up for all the evil and that killing myself will mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, the only parts of life that actually matters.


Perspective son. It's not about what you have, it's what you do with what you have.

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