>tfw ISTJ
>Literally Npc tier

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw intj

>tfw INTJ
>Born with the desire for world domination but not the extrovertion to actually make it happen
If only I had an E

>Have an excel file there I have all my daily activities marked as a green cell
>If felt lazy that day I would mark it as a red cell
>Have been tracking all my dayli activities for the last 5 years
>Have not had a red cell in the last 4 years
>Can't do anything unless it is marked in my excel file
>Get triggered then something gets in a way of my daily excel routine
>Have to think for 2 days before I add or remove a new daily activity to my excel

It's ok if you are a girl. Are you london OP ?

INTJ's are the worst.

that has nothing to do with your type, you're just mentally ill. get help

Imagine being this desperate

Being organized is c considered to be a mental lines

Yeah, we're pretty boring.

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pretty solid advice
imagine being this new

>Get help
Sure, getting meth from a Dr Noseberg a great idea

INTP here motherfuckers. Depressed as shit and ready to pretend I want a relationship only to back out at the last second because I'm a pussy

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If ISTJ is npc does that mean ISTP is terminator?

ENTP I shit on the fucks you give

Intj here, holy fuck we're all doomed aren't we

I know that feel and it is not a good one

you know you can change types, right?, right?...

Yeah sure lemme just swap out my brain

I'm INTJ, what does it mean?

Suprise, suprise, the NPC can't compute.

Do me next


INTP masterrace
bachelor in math,
master in stat,
phd position in AI

y'all can suck my dick when my robots take over

You'd think an INTP would know MBTI is bullshit. Laughing at your life.

You can't change I/E. You either get energy from social interaction or it drains you.

>myer briggs

wow neat why don't you tell me your astrological sign next, ur such a personality user

There are only 2 personalities, gay and not gay. If you take the test you're a faggot. Looking at

entj checking in

intp here aswell
26 khhv

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Attached: 1803287838521.jpg (600x450, 258K) ISTP is literally_me.txt

>tfw ENTP

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>Being a retarded is fun ha ha buzzkill


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ENFP I love molly think that lifes pretty good

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Intp is worst

ENFP here puer eternus 4 lyf

What do you do?

(I'm NEET)

You're right I don't know what I was expecting thinking someone on fit would see beyond broscience

fuckin hell bros, we don't deserve this

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don't even have the time or the concentration to make this shit

im infj or infp or some shit

INFP reporting in
>tfw will never approach you in the gym
>will listen to you for hours if you just spout your problems at me even if you're a stranger

Meyers-Briggs is just a horoscope for people who want to look down on astrology (which you should because astrology is fuckin dumb as shit, but don't replace it with something equally as stupid)

nah your just a pussy, im an infp and let me tell you, low self-esteem and small balls has nothing to do with your personality type

ENTP here to say hello to my less fortunate brethren

tfw estp

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What the fuck are you niggers talking about?

>heh, im really smart for saying the same thing that's been brought up a dozen times before

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>the way you interact and think about other people has nothing to do with personality
maybe you just couldn't read the questions user, it's okay to talk about it

No I'm actually the first person to make this point.

>tfw ENTP-A

Get shrekt on nerds

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das it mane?

how're your career prospects?
i'm interested in hearing about any offers you may get

same, but i feel like its kinda underwhelming, INTJ, has elon musk, putin, schwarzenegger .
we have weird al, sasha baron cohen

the test is literally about your beliefs not your interaction with others

for example you could have a strong internal value system and think compassion is the biggest good but that doesn't mean i will listen to thots crying because they lack attention on a friday night

Charismatic Don Juan ENFP, women want me, men hate me, children want to climb on me, I annoy everyone over time and can't clarify anything for you you SQUARE

Everything is boring and I'll never achieve anything but at least I can read your mind and get high off my own brain.

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It started out with me getting a shitton of PhD interviews (which means that they wanna vet me to see I'm okay enough). Since no one in this ML meme world knows math.

Right now I've been offered to quit my position for Carnegie, McKinsey and some other off-brand shit. Tbh everything is a meme.

>tfw born to late to join a pmc and stage facist coups in South America
why even live bros?

INTJ here, intj and intp are the only driving engine that makes the human kind progress as a whole , the rest of your are cattle, npcs thats dont matter

>being a cuck and getting proud of prepping the bull

>You'd think an INTP would know MBTI is bullshit
don't know how well other people fit into MBTI, but the INTP description is "literally me" so it can't be completely bullshit. but yes, it's pop science and therefore has a high volume of "experts" talking absolute bullshit and other idiots blindly believing it.

ESTJ here pathetic fags

>calling someone that fiercely fight a cold universe to find meaning a cuck
That's exactly why youre all inferior beings

Parasite of society.

>have X amounts of hours to live
>use 70% of that time in energy wasted for some guy that has 100% of his time enjoyed for himself

I would agree with you if you do volunteering, social working or stuff for people that's in difficult position, but doing it for someone without problems at all is just wasting energy to let someone else enjoy it (that also has no fucking idea of how it the worlds works at all, if you knew how so many people don't realize how fucking electricity works and lets them have a comfy life and think useful energy is just a magical thing you can get from everywhere)


>one chance at life
>female INTJ

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>tfw intp
>tfw asperger's
>tfw feel completely alone, even around others
>tfw nobody will ever understand me

Yes i do work for others as a software developer i dont even like coding but as a intj i find everything pretty easy to understand but is just part time you gotta start somewhere and this 2018 year fucked my crypto gains i saw it coming but greed got me first maybe i am as flawed as you are mortals

I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.

>mfw thinking about you hurting

I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London

>tfw borderline retarded INTP

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see, i just noticed you do crypto, i can already use my superior Intuitiveness Functions to realize you think your life is miserable and crypto is your chance at living your life at it's fullest

protip: you are cucking your energy away, live your live NOW

INTP/INTJ/ENTP/ENTJ are the remnants of Neanderthals, extremely intelligent, and individualistic compared to the fauna that is a sape.


are you me?

ESFP am i shit tier?

If you have an "f", you're probably a useless being. Everyone else contributes to the progression of mankind.

>muh mankind

btw i'm an ESTP

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Im smart enought to know financial freedom should be the primordial objective for every individual fuck working untill retirement but as shutdown autist online trading and crypto are my easiest chances to achieve that goal I'm not cucking my energy away i hope to achieve financial freedom before 30 or i will retire with what i have and try my chances on my own without the safety of a jew given job

ISFP is the most useless type.

found out I was ISTJ last week
how the fuck are we NPC's?


Common type, weak imagination, poor at complex problem solving, simplistic and basic rationality but not crazy


If I was an employer and you told me that in an interview I would hire you on the spot.


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>born just in time to stage fascist coups in north america instead
nice dubs

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ENTJ gunning for surgery

ENTJ is the quintessential Chad type

>tfw intj

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No, ESTP is. Just look up the famous examples.

INTJ but i'm not a boring faggot like most of them.

INFJ-T, life is suffering.

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I find psychology fascinating, personality psychology in particular and will continue to read into the subject. I don't look down on Astrology, I've never looked into the subject and wouldn't dismiss it unless I've actually had time to learn about it and made up my own mind.

Don't be such a narrow minded bootlicker user, think for yourself.


I feel closer to you guys than INTJs, though I find them pretty cool people in general.

This is the best news I've heard all week.