Give me one good reason as to why you're still doing back squats when front squats are superior on every way

Give me one good reason as to why you're still doing back squats when front squats are superior on every way.

I have been doing starting strength for 2 weeks and I already realized the back squats is a meme if your dead lifting and doing power cleans.

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i do both, as well as dl and cleans. youre weak and brand new to weightlifting, you have no idea what youre talking about

I studied for several months before starting. After two weeks I'm probably as technically sound as most guys after 2 yesterday. I see the bozos in the gym.

Isn't there something in the Bible about not being ageist? Me being weak and new has nothing to do with my knowledge

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

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>two weeks

Not one good argument in this thread yet

Front squats are superior but chances are you're doing them terribly since you've only been lifting two weeks. They are also extremely difficult to progressively overload unlike their back counterpart and that should be the primary goal for any newb lifter.

well, im waiting for an argument to be had. all you said was front squats are superior. Why exactly?

>I've been doing Starting Strength for two weeks and I have an opinion
Holy lol

They are completely different exercises.

I do front squats instead of back squats because of a lower back disk issue. They hit my core hard, great exercise.

Not completely. They are both squats.

My argument is in op retard. Back squats are unnecessary and even detrimental when also doing deads and power cleans like in SS

I do Back Squats on Monday and Front Squats on Thursday.

How the fuck are you cunts so easy to bait

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>front squats are harder on the knees, elbows and wrists than back squats
>you can easily back squat 30% more than you can front squat
>if you want to get better at back squats, back squat. Don't front squat only
>your back squat won't increase if you only front squat
>front squats are no substitute for back squats
>dont alternate with front squats
Once you're strong at Back Squats, you can add Front Squats for variety


well unlike you I've actually done SS and followed up with texas method. 345 5x5 squats at 164 pounds and 405x5 deadlift. 165x5 press and 245x5 bench and i am injury free. mind telling me what exactly is detrimental?

not him, but when the fuck do you ever lift something on your back? when you lift something heavy outside a gym its almost always going to be out in front of you because you have to hold it

Front squats are easier on the spine.

Oly lifters often front squat more than they back squat

Etc etc

>I have been doing starting strength for 2 weeks
So you already gave up LMAO
Talk to me when you're squatting more than lmao 2pl8

all those dicks you suck is detrimental

what things do you carry in the rack position of a front squat?

He's not front squatting there you scrublord
Klokov a best!!

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you're a massive a faggot and you don't know jackshit, you can try to give advice again in two years

your moms tits

Close to me front on tues, back on friday

He’s talking about deads and power cleans, spinal health isn’t the issue here

theory is meaningless against application, you have done absolutely shit, what was even what made you think that back squats are a meme after only 2 weeks?,

There's absolutely no reason not to do all of those.

front squats are even more fucking miserable than back squats, i briefly tried them out last year because after 6 years of back squatting i wanted to kill myself everytime i had a bar on my back and they were even worse + i got nasty patellar tendonitis

i fucking hate squatting so much man

This. DYELs have no valid opinions

im telling your mom to cancel yout gym memebership you little faggot.

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Did you actually read the book?