
What are some /fit approved books?

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The iliad


Surprisingly good recommendation. user is not a brainlet.

The Alchemist

old man and the sea

Leaves of grass

The Sun Also Rises

Here are my favorites
>some of those are for kids!!
Fuck you I read them when I was a kid and they still hold a place in my heart
Fuck you

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Which translation is best?

The one in the language you know how to read.

Hey, at least Dune and LOTR were great books.

>some of those are for kids!!


Richard Lattimore

There are literally 5 different translations (probably many more these are just the most famous), all in English and written in different styles. Asking which version Jow Forums prefers. Have never read the illiad

simplified mandarin

Storm of Steel, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Plato's Republic.

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I am currently reading The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck. It's pretty good.


Anna Karenina. Won't give too much away, not particularly Jow Forums (although the scene where Levin is swinging the giant scythe and it's the happiest he's ever been is pretty much every user discovering lifting) but it's a really great book. Plus, Russian literature is proven to put hair on your chest and improve your liver function.

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The Consumer by Micheal Gira

Japanese light novels
Shipping fanfics.

I'm about half way thought it. Love it.

This book is an amazing historical biography, excellent sports/competition record and the fit related part is the conditioning these guys had to be in. Best biography I've ever read. You will be inspired, guaranteed.

I'm about a third of the way through this myself. It's great for comfy evening reading.

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Eragon was ruined for me back when I was like 12 when I realized it was just Star Wars reskinned to LOTR with shit magic

Did not know Gira wrote books too. Will give this a read.

Fuck off Darby

>Not reading Gains: The light novel/Manga

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>m-muh muad'dib
god dune was shit

Sell me on it. I'll download and start it right now.

No, you're shit.

don't it's your standard fantasy manga except
>dude I don't care about high level threats but I REALLY hate goblins lmao

Atlas Shrugged
The Art of the Argument
Starting Strength
A Separate Peace (lmfao)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch?

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>threats but I REALLY hate goblins
This is a very good start.

the Bible

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I'll check out Sound of Waves. Thanks.

100 years of Solitude

Fagles for most people.

Also, the basics of the Western canon.

everything in this list except for
War and Peace
The Art of War
Les Miserables

pure cringe shit-tier literature

dude iliad is literally babby's first book

lattimore and fagles, but pope if you're a patrician

Broaden your palate

>always assumed the bible was boring
>read book of matthew
>it's beautiful


Obviously American Psycho. The book is like an extended movie cut. It's great.

>He dislikes Meditations

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Same, I started with the Gospels too a while ago, almost finished John. It's a nice comfy read :)

how can you not like Les Mis

Imagine being this goon

Why did you call all of the books by their title except for Notes from Underground? Do you have some autistic beef with Dostoevsky?

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Based translators

>Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger

A true memoir of one of the most badass dudes who ever lived. Live with him as he shoots and stabs his way through the first world war with reckless abandon. For Ernst, getting shot in the lung, and having it start to leak out your chest, is no excuse to stop trying to murder every New Zealander you come across. He btfo of the Indians so hard, they named a infantry maneuver after him. The Nazis wanted him to represent them before the picked Hitler, but Ernst told them to fuck off because they weren't real fascists

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Bad bait is bad

Cliche Proverbs is the only thing I keep coming back to.
Old Testament is good for keks though

This has to be bait. If it's not, I honestly pity you for either never having read a real book, or worse, having read a real book but being too fucking dumb to appreciate or finish it. I mean, it's a list of books, and you had the gall to put comics and manga on it. You sicken me, and this is from a guy who likes comics and manga.

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Atlas sucks
Anthem is Rand's only work worth reading and it's basically high school English tier dystopian fiction.

Dude just read meditations lmao

Borrowing this from my lifting friend when he's done. He raves about it.

The Count of Monte Cristo.

Ben Franklin's Autobiography
Any Jack London
Starship Troopers (Fite me)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Aeneid
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Gary Paulsen
Patrick F. McManus
"Filth" Irvine Welsh
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Aristotle's Rhetoric.

>fantasy setting, monsters and shit
>goblins terrorize local populace
>raping, pillaging, and killing civilians
>kid's family gets killed by goblins
>his sister is raped to death in front of his very eyes
>dedicates his life to killing goblins
>trains for years to hone his skills
>uses tactics, preparation, hard work, and guts to slaughter his enemy by the dozens
>says multiple times that he's not doing it for any reward or even to save anyone
>he just hates goblins and wants to see them shattered at his feet

It's pretty gud.

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>Any Jack London
Not his later socialist ones tho

Decent point.

This, this, this, one of the greatest books ever written. Why did romance fiction turn to such shit after the 19th century?

On providence - Seneca
The stranger - Camus

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It is complete dogshit even though I believe you should live a stoic life and avoid chasing dodopamine highs

based and redpilled.

the way the regattas/races are described is amazing and very true to life (>rower)

Bronze Age Mindset

The book is really good, lots of shit tier Jow Forums memes but a couple of really solid ideas that have stuck with me.

The Idiot
Notes from the Underground
The Stranger
The Fall

My most recent reads. R8 me

This book will change your life, bro.

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>notes from the underground
honestly not my favorite
I enjoyed crime and punishment, but NftU was almost nonsensical
I always found myself getting lost in it because there is not a plot, if I had to summarize it for someone I wouldnt know what to say.
Some of the stuff that was said was interesting, but I wouldnt be able to recall any details of it because its a forgettable book
However I always see it thrown around in threads like this and frankly I dont see why
I honestly question how many people that praise this book have actually read it

>Camus a shit
The Stranger is absolute edgy teenager drivel.
But everyone should read it once, IMO.
Same goes for Catcher in the Rye.

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Makes me think of "Twilight Eyes" by Dean Koontz.
>InB4 Koontz a shit. His early stuff is legit.

Cave paintings

this is my opinion of Notes from the Underground
I just read the Stranger as well though and I enjoyed it
I was always interested what would happen next, so I had trouble putting it down
I probably would have enjoyed both a bit more back in my Jow Forums days though

I remember reading catcher in the rye during 10th grade and being genuinely angry because of how much of a fucktard Holden was. Absolutely insufferable.
When we had an assignment at the end of the year to write our own ending for any of the books we've read I chose to write mine about his time at the mental hospital, making it a parody to shit on him

Storm of Steel
Sun and Steel
Might is Right
Metaphysics of War
Revolt Against the Modern World
Men Among the Ruins
Ride the Tiger

Brave New World
Stranger in a Strange Land
Roadside Picnic
Huck Finn

>very good
>haven't read
>just lol

ok cuck

Crime and Punishment
The brothers K
12 Rules for Life
Thus spoke Zarathustra
Man and his symbols
Plato dialogues - as many as you can find
Malcolm X's autobiography
The Game
The doors of perception
Beyond good and evil
The Prince
Old man and the sea
I've got many more but these are essential readings for any man worth a damn

5 books on that list worth reading.

Which ones and why?

stfu the fuck up jew nigger

most of those are decent except for eragon

The Black Swan
Also required reading for Jow Forums

i read science, biology, encyclopedias as a kid.
i've only read one fictional book about some dude that wanted to fuck an underaged indian girl while working for her father and living with them. and even that i think it wasnt fictional 100% but inspired from reality lol

I finished Children of Dune a few weeks ago, heavy shit.

[spoiler]Paul didn't fucking deserve that end.[/spoiler]

Thinking of jumping back into Discworld next, I've only read a few but I really enjoyed what I did.

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The Idiot is probably my favorite novel of all time.

>still recommending the fucking meme book art of war
>recommending the worst Hemingway book
At the very least recommend A Fairwell to Arms. This list is psued as fuck

this desu

>being genuinely angry because of how much of a fucktard Holden was
Did it ever occur to you that that is exactly the message the author was trying to convey?

Sound of Waves and most of Yukio Mishima’s canon are amazing pieces of art that should be cherished and read delicately, but forged into your mind afterwards with hellish fervor. He was a man of great passion and wisdom.

fuck off pseud

Read it 36 times a day.

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>roadside picnic

I was glad when she jumped under the train.

Its surprising what people would say for some attention from a board full of autists and spergs. At least you read them several times to have a decent opinion on them and their correlation to a greater understanding of literature