Shoulder Pain

I get really really bad shoulder pain every time I do bench press or OHP (and sometimes it just pops up randomly). It's been like this for years. Part of the reason why lifting never really stuck with me. But I'm wholly committed this time.

Any chance it's something I can fix without taking too much time off? I think it's permanently fucked. I'm 28. Had a broken arm as a kid and it never healed correctly. Def through my shoulder permanently out of alignment or something.

Been having trouble sleeping lately it's gotten so bad.

Any ideas?

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Yeah go see a chiropractor who knows soft tissue as well. Could be muscular, could be skeletal, but they'd be able to tell you quicker and easier vs going to an actual doctor

Chiropractors are a meme. Don't listen to this faggot.

thanks friend

oh no, now idk what to do

As the board's resident physiotherapist (physical therapist to you amerifats), just see a physio lol.

Probs some kind supraspinatus tendinopathy or something idk, could be a million things. Go get yourself assessed

physical therapists are worse than fucking useless. they'll just give you a list of stretches to do every morning. Meanwhile you prob have a torn rotator cuff or impingement and that's only making things worse

>or something idk,
wow your education really paid off.

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same problem, without the childhood injury. Tendonitis of the shoulders. Physical therapy has helped , but slowly. I had to stop doing anything that aggravated it for a while. Improved postre and stretchng. It's a fucking bitch.

Could be an american thing, or you just saw a shitty physio. Stretches aren't something we use very often because the evidence for them isn't very strong. Plenty of studies showing we're better at diagnosing pathologies than MRI scans read by surgeons tho :^)

Lol this is 4chins, he gave way too little information to go on, and everybody is different. Would need to spend a long time talking to him and examining him to even narrow it down to one or two things. People who diagnose things based on one sentence over the internet usually diagnose them wrongly and that can end up being ineffective at best and damaging at worst
(also I'm in my last year post-grad but don't tell, still working as one shhhh)

and then

this board is the worst lmao

Noooooooooo. Does this mean giving up my gains??? If it's just pain management maybe I can deal idk.

I used to be exactly in your shoes but it just passed. Try to take a week break from any shoulder related exercises.

k i see this guy randomly everywhere wtf is his name

you're that young?

try a collagen supplement with vitamin c, might work

First, stop doing OHP and Benching. If u feel Pain u gotta stop.
Try Incline Benching, it puts less stress on your shoulder, even if you suck doing those.

How to fix your shoulder?
That is a tough call, try warming your shoulders up properly before every workout. For a better solution do some Shoulder movements from different angles and let it be analyzed.
There are some movements to see if u have an impingement for example.

im 27, doesn't mean i know every fags picture posted on this tibetan scat forum

Figure out what excercises don't aggravate it, like squats or whatever. I had to stop doing pushups, benches, pull ups, etc. Now I'm doing benches again, but light weight and many reps. I used the opportunity to focus on my core & legs, and lose weight by fine tuning diet.

gf is happy. losing weight means you can see the muscles better, even if they're not technically bigger

>every fags picture
It's not every fag, you basic faggot, he's more iconic here than moot. he's literally a physical manifestation of this board if you have been here for more than a month you'd know that newfag

Chiropractors who only work skeletal are memes. The ones who know soft tissue are fucking life savers

It is a bit strange that you don't know but ignore these pricks, its Sam Hyde, comedian.

Your tits might be too big

Go to a sports clinic where they treat athletes. It is going to cost you but it will be the best money you ever spent.

I had shoulder pain on and off for years
I can honestly say I completely fixed it with Athlean-X’s videos. I don’t believe in 100% of what he says but he gives really good advice when it comes to injuries

I think you just confirmed for me that a physio I know visits this place.

On topic, OP, see a physio. They'd be your best bet

OHP with a barbell always hurts my shoulder. I just do seated, single arm db ohp now and it's way better. I think the barbell locks your shoulder into a weird position