

Attached: varbie.webm (640x800, 2.84M)

Where to find varbies? I want to dominate one sexually

how much can these women ohp with shoulder like that

really not much because they're still women

my shoulders are actually very broad and aesthetic and my ohp is pretty average

strict? would be surprised if over 100 lbs
Even on gear most women have pathetic upper body strength


his face already looks like a guy, his clitoris must be a penis already

Who is that guy? Good biceps.

this is vanity

Attached: 1541028412351.webm (640x800, 2.84M)


Post penis you faggot

Holy shit

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Tfw no gurudo gf

JFL at these mentally ill hoes with insane penis envy.
They look disgusting

make your own varbie desu

Attached: 12 weeks on 10mg anavar.png (2002x962, 1.83M)

what normal woman would actually want this

>what normal woman would actually want this
A fetishist.

Attached: tumblr_inline_nmq452m3LK1tqo70j_500.gif (370x208, 1.91M)

a grill with goals

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Despite it being horrible on a human level; I highly hope somebody discovers a fucking awful side effect to anavar (besides roid voice, roid clit, and awful skin/smell) because I can not honestly believe these girls can get this fucking swole in 12 weeks lifting bitch weights without something horrible happening down the line

Attached: 1540601803890.jpg (512x512, 25K)

It's so unfair

Attached: 1540740406190.png (2116x1038, 1.28M)

most of these girls go from a 5/10 face to a 2/10 face. pretty awful if you ask me

does dbol have the same effect for men?

>tfw varbie has better insertions that me

>that jawline

What a waste.

Would roids give me a stronger jaw too?
