Are any fitizens also officers...

Are any fitizens also officers? I’m in Canada and I booked my PREP and PATI and WCI (physical fitness test and written tests) what should I expect?

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Do canadian cops get guns like america cops? Or do they have to be terrified of children with pocket knives like their uk bros?

Knife crime is low here, and yes guns obvsss

target black ppl pls

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Cops are scum of the Earth. Cops have:

No creativity. No aspirations aside from working a mundane ass job. Power trip at every given opportunity in order to reinforce a false sense of superiority. Looked down upon by every other member of society. Unable to interact with humans in a decent and productive manner, even outside of working hours.

Officer bro checking in. I'll excessive force your ass bitch

I feel embarrassed for you, as does your family probably

>booked my prep
Same except mine’s a doctor’s appointment

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How would a child get a pocket knife, no one would ever give them a licence for one.

I'm trying to get a cop job up in Oregon, 60k starting salaries outside of cities. I'm in decent shape, at 165/285/325/425 for my lifts, and I can run decently. I don't want to be an asshole, I just want an exciting job that panders to my ADHD and gives me new experiences each day. With my background I could go intelligence analyst for government or private sec, but I really don't want to be behind a desk too much. I also don't have a power fantasy or ego to back up, I just enjoy adventure and the unknown

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He’s not wrong, most cops are either those high strung ex military types or affirmative action hires
>t. LAPD fag

OP here, yikes, guys, I just wanted some exercise advice for the physical test lmao

Glorified garbage men with more paperwork


this board and all of Jow Forums is stockfull of 16yr old retards
i really have to leave this place asap

eat a dick, pig

>Unable to interact with humans in a decent and productive manner, even outside of working hours.
This so much my dude
My brother became a cop
and 5 years later he is just the most insufferable piece of shit now
even my parents have a tense relationship with him just because of his attitude
rest of the family hates him

I’m sorry user :(

fuck cops

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good for you fit user.
I dislike most cops but my personal opinion is not important because it's your path
Good luck on your future career, stay fit and be one of the good guys

Fucking this. New this kid in highschool who's only aspiration was to become a cop. He was low IQ (held back two grades), antisocial, and paranoid. It was pretty clear that the only reason he wanted to be a piggy was so he could finally feel superior to everyone who he believed was an asshole to him in school. And as far as I know he's well on his way to becoming an officer at this point.

*knew goddammit. Looks like my entire post is invalid now.

Stopped reading right there