Hi Jow Forums

Hi Jow Forums

This is my first ever post here. I want to gain muscle and a nice physical body. Not necessarily arnold tier but nice and toned n stuff.

My arms are skinny and weak af. How do I build arm strength? I was thinking bout buying a pullup bar for my door. Are pullups the best way to build up upper body strength?

I have bought a rice cooker so I can do the peas/rice protein combo. I also eat beef stews often. I plan to buy creatine also.

Also Im gonna do nofap aswell.

Any imput would b cool.

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Read the sticky


There is no "tone", or "toned". There is muscle, or there isn't.

Read the sticky.

Sticky. What page is that in please? Can I post my queries there and they answer?

>Not necessarily arnold tier but nice and toned n stuff.


fuck the sticky

calisthenics or body wait are certainly better than nothing but much better to mix with some lifting especially for shoulders ect which are hard to hit without weights
but pull ups and push ups will be enough for some strength and aesthetic gains

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quit browsing reddit first you beta faggot

OP unironically so Starting strength or Stronglifts 5x5, eat lots of protein and get restful sleeps every night.

You start with your fucking diet. First you ditch every single carb that is in your eating habit and start eating some goddamn protein and fats. Start eating liver once in a while to get everything you need to build your body with that protein and fat.
Now that your diet is in order you can whatever the fuck you want to build yourself

Sorry, confused. What should I do. The sticky says to eat more and bulk but I want to lose weight. Shouldn’t I eat less???

shit tier advice. carbs are GOAT if you're actually strong and lift a lot of weight.

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Cheers for the advice lads
Think ill do the stronglifts
Gotta fix up my diet first

who's liver should we eat first

Thanks for the tips. I’ll try to do as everyone says, though some parts might not be compatible, I’ll run it by my gf first, she’s getting her nutrition degree so she’ll know more.


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do no porn. Fat every 3-4 days, or else your penis won't work and you'll have prostate issues/cancer
use no porn as motivation to meet women

make friends with the guys at the gym by spotting each other and talking shit

for strength/size do some beginner routine that teaches you at a bare minimum; squat, bench deadlift. and does these 3 lifts as often as possible.

You'll be "toned n'stuff" to the general population with diet and getting a 1.5 plate bench, 2.5 plate squat, 3 plate deadlift, at a BMI of 20ish, you'll look good shirtless, but disappear in a shirt, you'll have viens also.

Are you a femanon?
Toned is the term to mean muscular but not so muscular that you are overly masculine.
Ignore what the other anons said about "toned" and show us your tits so we can help you.

where is that Wojack from?
Movie reference? Somebody help a newfag out.
Taxi Driver?

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It's very difficult to build muscle if you don't eat enough fortunately for begginers can go for a recomposition and it's the only way to lose fat and build muscle but you still need to eat enough protein use my fitness pal to track your protein/carbohydrates/fats intake and calculate your daily calorie intake and then eat 25-35℅ below it, also lift, you may lose some weight but if you don't have muscle underneath you will still look bad

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I think when lay people say "toned" they mean a little bit of muscle, with some definition as well. What we would call Ottermode

I'm gonna assume you're trolling based on the retarded way you can't even properly respond to posts, but -

Your GF doesn't know shit about weight training. She's also probably doing an undergraduate degree lul. Literally just eat more calories than you consume, read the sticky, and do compound lifts. If you overcomplicate this you'll be tiny and pathetic for the rest of your life.

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Hey OP, don’t worry too much and don’t have high expectations, afterall you can only build 3-5lbs of functional-muscle in your first year of lifting. Good luck

This isn't your first post. Your rhodesian memes betray you.

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