my doctor wants to put me on zoloft... what is your guys opinion on SSRIs?
My doctor wants to put me on zoloft... what is your guys opinion on SSRIs?
a way for your electromagnetic resonance to become so subdued that awful energy forms can come in and ruin your life six ways from Sunday
I'm on Zoloft. It makes me spacy but I'm not constantly struggling to leave bed anymore so I can deal with the tradeoff.
Permanent side effects because your a moodlet. Reminder that all anti depressants and anti psychotics have adverse effects on your mind and immune system and you will be cucked for life so the jews can control you more
I'm on sertraline. Works well. Side-effects are minimal.
Christ we have this question every fucking day.
Do it user, SSRIs are great.
Now give me some of that spare serotonin.
Iam on anti psychotics because i have schizofrenia
Not much better then a placebo, always leads to psychotic behavior and suicide, and the side effects are worse then simply having a bad case of the "blahs".
A chemical lobotomy for those whose lives are so empty they need to be sedated in order to live them out.
You can't even spell Schizophrenia, so I doubt you have it.
pisses me off. i went to a psych and he had the nerve to tell me theres no real permanent effects of these things. meanwhile i used to be on this shit and i got gyno and gained weight during my teenage years.
dude just go for a run...
If desperate, try psilocybin. Check John's Hopkins research on using it to treat depression. Higher success rate of recovery than antidepressants. That said, antidepressants don't do anything but smother symptoms. Unless YOU find out and fix what the root cause is, you won't be cured. Psilocybin seems to facilitate that process which is why it's success rate is so higher even from a single use.
T. Studied this and used one psilocybin trip to kickstart my road to recovery. Dropped all drugs of this kind and feel like I saved my own life.
>got gyno and gained weight in my teenage years
>all because of SSRI
is this a real side effect or is user just denying how shitty his diet is?
If you are depressed enough to need them then just take the pills user.
I'm assuming you've tried all the usual tricks, like sleeping more, drinking more water, eating healthy, exercise etc.
If you've done all that and still feel shitty then just go for it. Worst case scenario is that you come off them and you're back at square one.
I've been on SSRIs since elementary school and am 23 now
Tripping just makes me worse and I get in cycles where I progressively attack myself worse and worse and get buried, people talk about psychedelics like they're the cure all but they just make me worse and make my head even more in overdrive than it already is 24/7
SSRIs are a kike scam
Did nothing for me and literally broke my penis. I recommend looking into another anti depressant family
sorry i dunno what kinda medication it was desu. i was on a lot of them. but i lost the weight pretty dang quick after i got off whatever it was so im not really sure
ssri's do spike your appetite noticeably during the early months
Calls fatties lazy
It's just calories in vs calories out, its not hard just eat less and exercise more.
Take anti depressants.
Get fat
Fucking tablets fault.
>Worst case scenario is that you come off them and you're back at square one.
No user.
You'll end up worse then you were before you took the drug, plus you'll have an addiction to a drug to deal with.
>be me
>5'4 manlet
>got confirmed for antidepressants and hoping it kills my sex drive
my only concern is the weight change or strength loss. if i continue to workout and eat as usual will my progress remain the same or will i gain/lose weight out of my control?
SSRIs aren't addictive.
Grow up.
I think they can drastically help or hinder people. I'd exhaust all my options before taking them, but wouldn't be scared to take them either
Some meds will increase prolactin levels and theres not much you can do (((because they wont tell you nor give you anything to counter it)))
In all seriousness, get a second or third opinion from other reputable doctors.
If you *truly* have tried everything else- vitamin D, more exercise, more sleep, no drugs or alcohol, new job, getting some pushy, etc.- the. Go for it as a last resort.
Find a mission in life and you'll forget you were ever depressed.
>stop and you're unable to function
>not your real self without drugs
>have to be on drugs for life or there's a real chance you kill yourself
yeah dawg sounds like an addiction
Depends how crazy you are
What psychedelics did you take and what doses?
>taking ssris
>not meditating for at least an hour a day and blowing your mind out with mushrooms every weekend
>thinking he'll ever make it
I think for some people it can let them reach some normalcy and then it should be about changing the way you think and live, other than that stay the Fuck away from them. I think the side effects are dangerous and they are playing games with brain chemistry trying to figure out what pills work for you.
I recovered from 15 years suicidal depression and crippling anxiety and now work a fairly social job while mostly maintaining stability. People think it's a meme about lifestyle being that important but its proven science that you have to work to change the neural pathways. Your brain gets set on depression, its what it is comfortable with after years of living that way.
Don't listen to a doctor my brosicence is better
Most of the time L, one time liquid mushrooms, if it's a light dose I can manage a fun time but anything significant sized I get stuck in all my actions. Like I stand up to go to the bathroom and I just stand in my room for like 5 minutes in a loop of a thought, every thing I do I get stuck in. I compulsively check through every orifice of technology I have and can never be satisfied or satiated. I have OCD also, I'm a very obsessive person
not him but that's how it's spelled in my language
only use it as a temporary stabiliser. getting yourself out of depression has much more to do with lifting yourself up by your bootstraps than it does drugs
t. someone who is recovering from a 15 year depression
maybe you need a trip sitter who can help you break negative loops
>it's just calories in vs calories out
if you do them for too long they may prevent you from getting a boner ever again
Psilocybin use in these instances is meant to be used in a guided therapy session, not as some party drug used haphazardly in the hopes you'll just magically be better.
listen to him it's kinda crazy to trip alone while on anti-depressants desu
>tfw no mushroom source
>dont know where to pick or what to look for
>dont wanna buy off darkweb because mushrooms are smelly as fuck and will probably get picked up by the law
No it sounds like you are retarded.
I was on SSRIs, and had none of those things.
I stopped 2 months ago without tapering and didn't have any of those issues
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, so please fuck off and stop spreading misinformation.
If you value your sex life, see if Wellbutrin is an option.
what country you from?
nigga you can literally buy a grow kit for 50 bucks and grow them in your room (at least in europe)
hmm i was on SSRI's. Stopped cold turkey. had brain zaps which were really fucking weird and painful. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to touch these drugs.
Just think of them as a subscription plan, that you're on for life once you start. It will cost you thousands
Why do antidepressant copers get so defensive when called out?
thank you
can I still get what I need from them though even if I'm on Lexapro though? Am I just permanently fucked up from being on Lexapro from childhood? I'm still depressed as hell but without it I'm terrified of everything and everything seems so real in such an overwhelming way. My reaction to fear is to let it paralyze me, that's how I've always been like when I get upset it's all I can focus on, the fact that I'm sad and having the problem that I'm having. It's like if I don't focus on the sadness and problems how else would it get better? But this focus just prolongs the sadness and causes more problems? I don't understand what I'm supposed to do, I never feel like I can just get up and do something to take my mind off it even if I'll be in a different frame of mind once I get going, this knowledge is inaccessible to me when I'm not yet doing anything
People mail weed constantly in the mail and almost never have it nabbed as long as you are semi competent with packaging. I've gone picking for them before but wouldn't be confident in advising someone. Culinary mushrooms were fairly easy for me to learn to identify to pick and the psychoactive versions shouldnt be horribly hard to identify if you are diligent with research, but it always helps to have a second opinion. There's plenty of websites and forums that will help you narrow it down, but there's always a risk.
Your problems sound pretty heavy, way beyond the average user autism, perhaps you can speak with your therapist(i assume you have one) about psychedelics or perhaps find one who has experience treating with them.
Plenty of antidepressant users have been on for OVER A DECADE- some basically as long as the drugs have existed.
You might have beat the system, but that's like lots of people who can go cold turkey on alcohol or whatever. Doesn't change the fact that many users develop a crippling dependence on these drugs.
In an apocalypse, these fuckers will die en masse as soon as their drugs run out.
I dunno but if you're under 25 theres always that increased risk of suicide. I got that with Lexapro and it is unbelievably bad. I was depressed enough to get on it but two weeks into the lexapro all I could think about was how and when I would kill myself. I got off of it and got on effexor then, which is really interesting, cause that turned me into an asshole and made me generally manic, but it was fun having confidence it's just that everyone ends up thinking you're a dickhead. I also have a friend who was on two SSRIs, one did nothing, and the other helped (though he was so manic during this time period) but he stopped because it was giving him constipation.
tl;dr it'll turn you into someone you're not.
I've never had a guided session and the idea of mixing it with antidepressants sounds like a very bad idea. Guided psilocybin therapy is still really niche and illegal in most states and I very much doubt if any research has been done about the possibilities of mixing psychoactives with anti depressants.
As for the rest of your post. I had to force myself socialize even though it terrified me. You literally have to go against what feels correct for you. The expression fake it till you make it is somewhat appropriate in this regard, even though it sounds like broshit. My advice would be to start writing down what you believe would be steps towards changing your thought processes and life style and then begin implementing them. This is a gradual process, and it fucking sucks. But so does being stuck this way.
I'd say do some real research if therapy like that is available with in your area and consult them about your concerns, don't just jump in the magic pony ride alone or with some dipshit friend as you won't get out of it what you intend.
Those people are retarded then.
There's no point taking the pills and not doing the work to improve your life.
I was on them for a year, I used it as a crutch to help me not as something to hide the symptoms. I sorted my life out, stopped taking the meds, and now I'm fine. Use them as they are supposed to be used and there won't be any problems.
It's like those fatties that get given that weight loss drug that stops their bodies absorbing fat. The point is that they are supposed to eat healthy and the drugs help speed that up. Instead they eat even more shitty food and leak orange oil out of their arses all day.
Anyway using the technical definition SSRIs aren't addictive, people may develop a dependancy but not addiction. That's a different thing.
Another way to enslave the goyim and for kikes to make money
I had the brain zaps, they were never painful though. In fact I kind of miss them. If I'd ever fall into they old habit of getting lost in negative thought patterns I'd get a small zap and it'd bring me back into the present.
And i disagree, it's not supposed to. Be a lifetime subscription, it's supposed to be a short to medium term assistance.
Sometimes your feels are too heavy to lift, the meds make those bad feels lighter, but you still need to lift them.
Only take them if you're thinking about offing yourself. Any other reason is not worth altering your brain chemistry for.
Start small and work your way up, you are not fucked up, focus on things you can change and set reasonable goals. As far as taking mushrooms on SSRI it may not be the best idea, you may need to do a bit of reading on this. At a guess I would say try to get off them safely then wait 6 months to a year, then you'd be in a better position, imho, best of luck user
As far as I was aware mushrooms won't work while on SSRIs. I think they bind to the same receptors as each other so you don't get the psychoactive effects.
Similar story with things like mdma too.
I might be wrong, but that's what I gained from my brief reading up about what's safe to take while on the meds.
try these first before an SSRI
Vitamin d3 10,000 IU
Test levels checked
All health ails can be cured by a raw natural diet comprised mainly of animal foods, especially eggs and liver.
SSRIs require addiction, all they do is blunt your brain. It's a chemical lobotomy, potentially does permanant damage.
Best anti-depressant is spending a night with a tryptamine psychedelic, get Ayahausca (oral-DMT), Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin), or Orange Sunshine (ALD-52, legal form of LSD which turns into LSD-25 once it comes into contact with H2O). 12 hours later, you're brain is reset and you will experience you're newfound euphoric self loving life every day for at least a year.
There's a reason (((they))) have made these illegal and have not allowed them to be researched with adequate funding.
Not profitable to have someone take a medication once.
I got prescribed Prozac a month ago because I've had seasonal depression since I was like 15. I started taking it cause my motivation was in the fucking drain every day of the week and I didn't feel like socializing, I was also really angry all the time one day I got home and was so pissed I unironically ripped my shirt off (ik it was autistic)
Now that I've started SSRI I feel like I'm not critically thinking about anything, which definitely is not good, but I also don't feel like killing myself all the time. My doctor said the word for it is frontal apathy or something, anyway what I'm saying is if your will to go to the gym every day is dying you should give them a try because the trade off is worth it
I'll update if I start letting niggers fuck my girlfriend or start advocating for an open border though
i did acid and don't seem to have got anything lifechanging from it even though thats what i wanted, although i did take a fuckhuge(for a first time) dose and i was all alone so i dunno
I'm on zoloft for anti-anxiety, not depression... I've always been a relatively happy and productive person but I worry about literally everything, and I think the worst possibly thing is going to happen tomorrow... for this zoloft has saved my life because I just don't care anymore, and my fears are chill af.
Don't listen to conspiracy theorists.
I have experience with Zoloft.
SSRI's are great to put you in a normal state, so you can have a clearer mind and tackle your issues. They're a temporary support to help you get stable enough to not have to use them anymore. The effect of doses differ among patients, but typically, the goal is to slowly get patients to 200mg. That's when most people notice the effects.
Speak to your doc and give it a try.
Personally, I didn't experience any negative side-effects and it did help me overall.
You either had a very rare reaction to them or you're lying.
There are no permanent side effects.
Go back to Jow Forums you fear-mongerer.
It's almost guaranteed to be his fault.
You'd have to be taking a very strong dose of SSRI's to have gone through all that and doses that high aren't ever administered unless the patient is in a very bad state.
>you can't spell the thing so you evidently don't have that said thing
>t. brainlet
user, take the nicotine pill. Nicotine has been shown to be an antidepressant.
Just slap on a nicotine patch and see where that takes you. Don't take any of """those""" pills
>i went to a psych and he had the nerve to tell me theres no real permanent effects of these things
Because there aren't.
Stop acting like you know better than a professional. I used to do that shit all the time in my teens, trust me they're cringing at you.
You can't get addicted to SSRI's and you won't end up any worse if they don't work. You sound like an anti-vaxxer.
>There's a reason (((they))) have made these illegal
Yeah but it's less "happiness is bad, people should suffer" and more about greed.
During the vietnam war many young people started to become disenfranchised with the war (mostly because of graphic imagery made possible through television) and of course growing influence of marxist sympathizers in universities.
The older more conservative generation couldn't understand why the youth were being so unamerican so the government gave them an answer: DRUGS all that lsd, mushrooms, etc THAT'S WHAT'S MAKING YOUR KIDS HATE AMERICA!
It's far easier to demonize a things (drugs) than it is to acknowledge the changing values of youth culture.
As a result the DEA was created and that's where the problem really began. The DEA employs a lot of people. Creates a lot of jobs, makes a lot of people a lot of money, keeps the private prison system full and wealthy and also allows corrupt actors within the DEA (most of them) to make incredible profits off the illegal drug trade.
The DEA became a self serving agency that relies on the demonization and illegalizing of drugs to keep all it's employees and allies employed and wealthy.
At the end of the day it's not that there is a conspiracy to keep you miserable, at least not on the drug front. At the end of the day it's just that making and keeping drugs demonized is extremely profitable to those who keep it that way.
That's not how it works you brainlet.
If SSRI's are prescribed, it's often because you were in the inable to function properly state.
They're supposed to level the imbalances in your body to get you to feel normal enough to tackle your problems. Then you, when ready, you leave the SSRI.
Educate yourself.
When you spread misinformation, people get angry. Who would have thought?
You'll balloon in size and be so doped up you won't care about your problems. Enjoy.
I was on 3 different SSRIs (prozac included) all of em have only contributed to my nearly broken liver and destroyed mind
It depends on the meds and the person using them.
I was on Zoloft and my sex drive didn't change. I felt no weaker than when I wasn't on them.
You say like there’s absolutely no downsides to drug use ever
t. used to do pills acid k etc
This. Took me several years to feel normal after taking lexapro
>That's not how it works you brainlet.
That's not how it works you brainlet.
SSRI's are a product. They exist to make the person selling them more money.
You think Coca Cola want to design a drink that you only drink once, have your thirst quenched and never buy another one again? No. You're supposed to keep buying more Coca Cola for as long as possible.
Learn to think critically brainlet.
This but unironically. Medicine has nothing to do with health. The most expensive useless treatment will always be recommended by doctors
Actual advice from someone who's struggled with depression: see a qualified therapist that knows what they are doing and stick to it. Therapy is actual treatment, pills are not.
So you're agreeing that SSRIs are not addictive?
I mean coca cola isn't addictive is it? and you're comparing them.
>everyone is out to get you and these professionals that have dedicated their time, money, and effort into helping people aren't actually trying to help but simply creating elaborate machiavellian schemes to rob you out of your money even though most insurance companies cover ssris so it's not even a net loss
>im le critikal thinker
You're not at all a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
I didn't say that anywhere in my post at all. I simply stated that the reason why these drugs are illegal is not because of some conspiracy from the ((evil thin bananas)) to make the world a more miserable place, but because there are people who make a lot of money out of them being illegal.
>t. used to do pills acid k etc
Oh it shows, brainlet.
Been on Prozac, Lexapro and trazadone. They all made me feel worse. Also SSRIs fuck with your sex drive and can actually drive you to suicide.
Tldr yeah take em
>Therapy is actual treatment, pills are not.
Correct, but the SSRI's are meant to stabilize you enough to go to therapy to begin with.
For example, when I was depressed I couldn't even get out of bed, but when I took Zoloft for a while, I felt normal. I used that opportunity to go to therapy and fix my problems. I spoke with my doctor and I got off the meds to see how much I've improved and I didn't need them anymore. That's the point of them.
>I mean coca cola isn't addictive is it
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
>Also SSRIs fuck with your sex drive and can actually drive you to suicide.
That's why a good doctor doesn't throw you in the meds at a high dose. You take them at low doses and build it up gradually. The side effects depend on the person and you have to let your doctor know if you've experienced any.
Damn. How long did you take them for? I've been off them for about a month and i feel more normal.
>stop and you're unable to function
Wrong, I came off them and could function fine.
>not your real self without drugs.
My real self was depressed, so yeah that's kind of the fucking point isn't it?
>have to be on drugs for life or there's a real chance you kill yourself
I came off them and managed to successfully not kill myself, so wrong again.
Have you ever taken SSRIs? Because you don't seem to have much knowledge of how they work, and you definitely shouldn't be dishing out advice.
I agree that they can be helpful when used correctly, but unfortunately they are almost always prescribed to be used long term. Ive been on several SSRIs over the years and no doctor ever discussed any plans with me about stopping. Up until a couple years ago I just assumed they were meant to be taken for life. I'm off of em now and regularly seeing a therapist and I feel better than I did when I was on them. Congrats on getting your mind straight
>everyone is out to get you and these professionals that have dedicated their time, money, and effort into helping people
Yes and the person working at walmart does it because of a desire to help you. You fucking retarded sheltered liberal. I hope we end a welfare state so that you can starve to death with your ridiculous socialist worldview.
Everything you just said made literally no sense.
What in the bloody fuck are you on about?
This is your brain on Jow Forums.