I need your strength fit. Plz pray for me. My right shoulder feels a bit weird but I feel I can hit this today!
Going for 2 plates fit. Wish me luck!
I mean good luck bud
You can do it friend. Keep those legs planted and firm!
May Rich gib you stretgh
May the blessings of Jefferson Cavaliere be with you. Retract scapula, internally rotate shoulders and keep a healthy rotator cuff. Don’t forget your facepulls afterwards.
Nice combat boots/ sweat pants combo buddy, good luck!
You aren't getting full range of movement with those things up retard that is well above your chest??
>that guy who benches in the power rack in steel toed shoes
Am I going crazy or are the spotter arms or whatever well above your chest? You know you have to bring the bar to your chest, right retard?
I felt like I was about to pass out. Got stuck and had to lower it. Better luck next time. Thank you for the encouragement -_-
>You know you have to bring the bar to your chest, right retard?
No he doesn't. If you arch your back 15 centimeters above the bench, then sure, hit your chest, if you don't, don't try.
Bro anyone can fucking bench 2 plates if you have those guards well above the bench.
You literally aren't doing bench press if you aren't bringing the bar to your chest or at least an inch above it
Holy shit I post with literal dyels considering 90% of these comments what the FUCK
The floor is raised thanks to the timbers bro
>these people are posting on a Jow Forums board claiming they've reached 2 pl8
What the fuck
Relax, your roidrage is showing, friendo.
Fuck off I'm sick of newfags giving out terrible advice, which is probably why OP is benching the way he is now.
OP I don't know who told you to bench like this but they're fucking stupid
Good luck user.
I made it to 2.5pl8 this week and I'm feeling pretty good, won't be long before I hit 1/2/3/4
I can do 1.5plates for a couple of reps. Just thought I'd try 2 today. I'll stick with lowet weight but I assure you my chest is less than an inch from the bar when it is fully lowered.
Stop telling people to not bench safely, that is not good advice.
If it's still resting on the bars, you're not getting a full range of movement.
Fuck off you literal DYEL
Is this an Anytime Fitness in the UK?
Safeties go below the chest. If youre arching correctly the safeties should still be covering your neck. You fucking dyel
Nah. Sydney, Rozelle. It's not the best gym but it's only $55 a month!
>If youre arching correctly
what if you're not arching 15 centimeters? Is the lift completely null and void?
>not a dyel
Pick one.
If you have to arch your back to hit a weight, you're not benching it. You're fucking incline benching you idiot. Stop cheating and retrain you limp wristed faggot.
Melbfag, did Anytime fitness for a few years, my advice; scout smaller gyms and ask how good of a deal they'll give you if you pay up front. Now I go to a place that actually has a bench, a squat rack, and waaaay less middle aged machine cycle mums.
No one is arching their fucking back when benching, it's about retracting your scapula which if you do right now you'll realize your chest pushes out more.
I hate this board and the lurkers who literally do not know how to lift weights
>No one is arching their fucking back when benching
>I hate this board
You're free to leave anytime.
Plant your ass on the bench
Roll your shoulders back
Retract your scapula
Is it that hard to understand?
>If youre arching correctly
Heh, what a retard.
Don't worry bro, I feel you. They see "arching" and think of pic related and not simple shoulder isolation. And you're right about the safety shit, there's no way to get proper ROM with safeties that high (unless you got a chest like a barrel).
t. 1.5pl8 bench who thinks hes better than elite powerlifters who have a slight arch
I was the second one, not the first.
I didn't say that, I just said that arching brings your chest closer to the bar, not that it was wrong.
Also, there's nothing wrong with having 1-2 inches from your chest to the bar if you feel shoulder pain by bringing it lower.