saturday morning

> saturday morning
why are you here?

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god I wish I was that mask

Imagine being strapon fucked by her dressed like that.



Because here is where I belong

because its 12 44 am SUNDAY
where my incel australians at!!!

Just woke up

About to get out of bed and go squat :)

Doing homework

I don't have anywhere else to go

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its not gay if its a girl or at least she gives you a reacharound, right?
>TFW poorfag
>TFW free school gym closed on weekends

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imagine brutally fucking her, it would be like satisfying your desire to dominate a big guy sexually and humiliate him, but it wouldn't be gay cause she's a girl, its perfect.

sipping preworkout and about to go into my garage gym

>sipping sperm and about to be fucked in the ass

There. I fixed it for you.

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you in dallas? I give the best suck.

those glutes are shit though, he's clearly a homo and trying to get on the guys good side to fuck him, though i don't know why he would want to fuck i guy with tiny glutes like those. but i'm not gay so i guess i wouldn't understand

>all guys who look better than me are gay
>go to his website
>3rd comic down is about BLUMPFFFFFF
why am i not suprised?

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If anything, it makes fun of liberals
You're a big gal

If you live in a homegym you are not better looking than me, faggot.

You sound triggered user, need a safespace?


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Most gay sentence I read today.

You want a fucking medal son?

You're exactly the same as those you hate, right down to being unable to make your own arguments.

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Wow, standardised response #257 really floored me, I guess you won kiddo.

"You sound triggered" isn't an argument and the fact that you expect the other person to respond properly is hilarious.
Act retarded, get a retarded response, cry that the other person isn't being mature. Fucking lol
You have to go back

>isn't an argument
>is hilarious
>Act retarded, get a retarded response
>You have to go back
Do you think in buzzwords too?

Sure. Still means I win this argument since you can't respond to what I actually said.

You haven't said anything.

"You sound triggered" isn't an argument and the fact that you expect the other person to respond properly is hilarious.

Well if you really need it explained I was pointing out that being triggered every time you see comic insulting your precious president is no different from a lefty being triggered by a comic insulting whatever they hold dear.