Are there any leg exercises worth doing that can be done with dumbbells only?
Are there any leg exercises worth doing that can be done with dumbbells only?
sumo squats and goblet squats. weighted lunges. also use google, faggot
you don't. leg exercises are for faggots only. women literally find muscular legs unaesthetic
>having weak legs
>lifting for women
only betas lift for themselves. literally the only point of being in a gym is to attract mad pussy.
prove me wrong
Do you have strong toes?
i don't care what women think
> be me
> 19
> no pussy
> fast forward 2 years
> lifting like crazy
> bicep curls all day every day
> girls approaching me left and right
> slaying pussy on a daily
quit making these threads, everyone knows what lunges are and how they are literally one of the best leg exercises ever but almost no body does them.
you dont need to do leg exercises
if you squat and deadlift it works all the muscles in your body
also big legs are very unattractive to women, you should try to look like a V with arms
I just can't maintain balance. How do I train it?
This. as long as you don't have very skinny legs compared to the upper body
>tfw when new to Jow Forums and just finding out that women probably think my muscular legs are gross
Prove yourself to be right, faggot
Bulgarian split squats are pretty based
Bulgarian Split-Squats
That's completely untrue. Women love big legs and a nice ass. If you have those that's the first place their hands go
Seconded. Best overall leg exercise that exists outside of a squat.
>projecting this hard
I lift purely to increase my explosivity and strength in martial arts so i can beat your ass
Please be true I've had these fucking muscular ass legs my whole life. I'm built like a god damn toad who's been lifting weights and I hate it.
>goblet squats
It's either legs and ass or arms. Those are the first things women notice. My gf is constantly grabbing my ass.
>tfw you care what women think about you
Guys please workout your legs if you legit workout just to get pussy i actually think you might be autistic.If you want to get pussy just fix your personality or become PUA
If you want to become PUA then
>pic related
>toad mode
split squats, lunges
both of them are much more miserable than just squatting so i recommend you get a squat rack and bar
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
>even thinking about what women want
you're not gonna make it
Single leg squats
Lunges are god tier. Especially if you’re trying to make better use of lighter dumbells you have laying around from when you were dyel.
Lateral raises are also great for developing your delts.
How much weight is good for lunges starting out?
I'll agree to a point. There are countless physical and mental health benefits to exercise and lifting. Lift for yourself and you improve your life. You're right that going to gyms is for pussies. Home gyms are the way to go.
low quality bait
>women find big legs unaesthetic
why would i ever believe you, satan?
who is this
On a scale of 1-10 how stupid and I to use this leg extention... feels like it shredding the joints when I use heavy enough weight setting resistance to actually build muscle
Billy Herrington AKA Aniki
wont work, im not tall
nigga u really expect me to read all that shit?
is this bne sahpiro?
who the hell is bne sahpiro?
you can't make that much progress without heavy squats and deadlifts
>without squats
yeah it's gonna be more difficult to build legs like that without squatting but it can probably be done if you just hammer leg press
>without conventional deadlifts
utterly irrelevant for big legs, mediocre hamstring builder compared to GHRs or GMs or RDLs
if you deadlift less than 500 don't (You) me
its usually man buying into this sort of pics though
I lift so that my daughter has a strong daddy to look up to
only liberal faggots say "yikes"
on here you use "oof"
imagine trump charging into a goblin's nest, goblin vomit and slop all over him haha
who is in the pics?