This thread is an oldfag refuge, no r9k's welcome.
To gain entry you must post a relic of a time long lost, a time where fit was comfy and bad instead of pathetic and bad, a time before we got invaded by the biggest losers on Jow Forums.
This thread is an oldfag refuge, no r9k's welcome.
To gain entry you must post a relic of a time long lost, a time where fit was comfy and bad instead of pathetic and bad, a time before we got invaded by the biggest losers on Jow Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
time to move on i guess
Talk about bread
when he was actually doing this for entertainment for us and talking about how he hated them for being so shallow and taking pleasure in dismissing them as 6/10
also birth year dubs of truth for ya boy
good old fit had namefags that actually helped people, Isley, Tuna, ATIWAB, TinyTrip etc. zyzz was still alive, scooby was popular, frank yang wasn't completely crazy yet, the memes were better, every 3 threads wasn't about nofap or "muh crushing loneliness"
we had fit girl threads, not "thicc" threads where all the robots spam fat whales, i want to go back
hodge twins still did lifting videos that were helpful and had some decent advice, Christ Jones and the Swole nerd. Jeff was the Beiber of Jow Forums
I miss having discussion about RIch P's new video and abuse his memes
Jesus, I've literally come back yesterday after a 4 year hiatus (snapped my shit up, took a while to find a physio who wasn't unfit for their job). Are none of those trips around any more then?
Your post made me remember that Yo Elliott gif of him doing that thing from his balls kek
in a perfect world we'd have oldfag nazi mods that would purge all the robots that out themselves,
>make Jow Forums (somewhat) great again
find it and post it please...
i've seen Isley here and there, mostly in the powerlifting generals, but the day of namefags is mostly over
we still have good threads sometimes, but Jow Forums atm seems mostly to be run by a bunch of betas from r9k that don't even lift
yeah the fat girl love really triggers me. this is FIT. NOT FAT. Back in the day we would call them landwhales and shamed the guy to gtfo of there with their fatties
high test women
yeah, board culture has gotten a lot worse since the robots immigrated
also the overall intelligence, helpfulness, comradery, decreased. I also noticed lots of trolls and alpha-wannabes that are just assholes browse here now
yeah what the fuck is that shit about? this board was about ascending as a man and wanting to fuck qt3.14s. We were all gonna make it at one point....remember..?
I found it. I've never posted a gif before so hope it works.
This whole video was gold. That said though I liked Elliott, he had good advice, good videos, good attitude, chilled and helpful (besides this vid)
Where were u when zyzz was kill?
>Zyzz no
i still don't go in to Steam rooms, bro.
but i was away for a while when he passed away, i got back into Jow Forums when the memorial threads and comics were regular and when they 404'd people started them back up
there's still some of us left, i'm happy about that atleast, r9k is already here so it can't get much worse than it is now, hopefully they'll kill themselves soon enough
newfags get out
Also I've not seen one person say the word rippletits since I started lurking again. Nor have I seen one pic of that guy he trained, who did SS+GOMAD, where he went from skellington to t-rex. Pic related
The man was a gold mine
i remember i saved a bunch of Tunas posts, he'd always have long writeups to help out newfags like me
when was the last time there was a recipe thread?
I was here when scooby got dox'd and went into hiding, but I never found out... did he ever build that plane??
tuna was based. I remember that guy
why the fuck is this imageboard so important to you?
or just nutrition threads in general
I have some pretty old memes
I figured that if fat girls are throwing themselves at me I'd just take it
a lifetime ago
I stopped lurking Jow Forums this year. I remember seeing them in 2016 a lot, 2017 not so much
iirc this guy wrote the sticky
this one was actually a big motivator for me.
Bring back the old demotivator meme format
i wouldn't say it's important to me as much anymore, but as health and fitness is a big part of my life now, i look back fondly on the Jow Forums i remember where this board introduced me to the lifestyle, when help and advice was always available, the humour, motivation and inspiration was good etc.
i feel bad for the current newfags stumbling in here looking to improve themselves
Man I had that link of every single fit recipe. I even tried your pic
friends don't let friends skip leg day
this might be the earliest fit meme I have saved, I had an external that half died with ancient memes
do u have the comic of the girl masterbating to Scoobs
OP here, glad to see i'm not alone, Jow Forums may have plateaued, but plateaus are only temporary
we got you bro
>y-you too
I don’t understand how people look like this. Do they wheel around in wheelchairs all day and avoid using their legs?
Hahaha Christ. Wasn't there one where a guy discovered a hidden pic of scoob behind another more normal poster
In his sister's bedroom or something
Isley is still around, looks like most of the serious oldfag lifters split up into /plg/ and /fraud/
I don't have it saved but I'm pretty sure you're thinking of a guy finding his sisters porn stash and he printed off a picture of scooby and added it
there's 15 threads every day from 400 pound depressed betas complaining about how they'll never get women, a fit body, etc. their goal body being an >anime skinny boy, and they obviously dislike physical exercise
it's so tiresome
no idea, most of Jow Forums abandoned Scooby when he abandoned us
i remember seeing an updated picture of GOMAD guy, don't remember how it turned out though
SS isn't pushed as much anymore, there are better variations for the average dude
This is a the gist of what one guy at the gym i go to said
"I never really train legs cause girls dont care about legs. I was in the army and in asia the girls there just cared if you were buff so i just trained upper body. I wear jeans all the time when i go out anyways so you can't tell"
Dude was 6'4" 220 20in arms but my 6'2" DYEL ass could out squat him
DYEL as a catchphrase, body type and valid critique of someone's "rate me/what mode am I?" threads
yeah that would be the robot invasion doing their thing
>SS isn't pushed as much anymore
thank fuck, also trappy was exposed as a hairy brazillian manlet named raphael or something
i think this guy just has skinny calves or bad insertions, i remember someone saying he can squat heavy. most people's calves are just fat, and in bulk/cutting cycles you lose that. that's why they look skinny and it's only corrected by training your calves
>getting baited into sharing old content for OP's arsenal
Not even once
Generals are what did it. The fleeting anonymous nature of this board and the whole website is what made it so good. A thread was alive and hilarious for the small time it was up and it was over. Now you have these generals part 324322 edition fuckwit where the same posters congregate each day to post inane shit that is so far away fromthe topic at hand it might as well be an online chatroom; regular posters and personas abound.
You have these which then combined with an influx of r9k babbies to form stupid generals about jerking off less and the absolute extreme will power it takes to stop beating your fucking dick to a tranny eating horse shit. When you open a QTDDTOT thread and realise that the posts inside here are essentially what Jow Forums used to be but each question would create a thread that spawns discussion on that topic it makes you sad. Discussion of fitness is relegated to a single thread while people cry about whatever the fuck.
Then there are the trolls. This board was about self improvement, people aiming to be stronger, faster and all around better than the lazy shits they once were. Trolls descended on this board like the plague and revel in their superiority in things nobody has control over. Old Jow Forums didnt really give a shit if you were tall or short (tiny trip teasing aside, his physique was amazing so naturally it attracted bitches), white or black, balding or full head of hair. Look around the board now and its people obsessing about things out of their control. On a board about improving the few things in life you can control.
Its a goddamn shame what happened to this place (and Jow Forums, fucking generals i swear to god i hate these little chatrooms so fucking much). I still come back once every few months for a laugh but theyre few and far between. See you cunts in a few months between no fap general and the latest r9k crying thread
Dom Mazzeti was fucking right guys! He said the robots were going to invade and kill off the strongest of us. He said its because they would be able to smell our unwashed shaker cups.
Jow Forums ruined this board, all the feels threads, mewing, lookism, jelqing, is because of them.
It also doesn't help that lifting is a hobby that many people can't keep up for long.
Also how many people pick up a hobby like film, music, anime, vidya, cars, and drop it after a year?
Not near as many as lifting, and if you decide to pick those hobbies back up after a period of time, you can start right back where you left it.
Lifting weights isn't nearly as forgiving.
As a consequence, Jow Forums has a revolving door of newfags, more so than any other board by percentage.
I'd argue that a minimum of 80% of people posting on Jow Forums have been here less than two years.
i wanted a comfy old-timey thread and i got it
yeah this is a pretty good summary of the issue, i wonder if the generals was a natural consequence of the robot invasion, can't remember what came first
also true, oldfags and people that stick with lifting will always be outnumbered here
Fitness has a high turnover and even moreso when you look at why people here lift. How many of them will ocntinue to hit PR's when they get the gf they dream of? I faltered somewhat when i got a girl and i was someone who never lifted for that purpose. Imagine how many fags here just up and leave when they get a girl? How many of those will stop watching movies when they get a girl? Youre completely right in that we have this hobby that is usually a short term one for most and its made even more short term here as people achieve the thign they set out to do and never return.
Or maybe im still sour that my gym bro left me when he got a girl so i was the only one ignoring his girl to keep lifting regularly i dunno
Generals i think started as enclaves to hide from the crying robots. Their spam was everywhere and the only place they wouldnt go into was a powerlifting general. This was a good idea initially but like all generals itturns into a circle jerk of namefags and regulars where eventually no one discusses anything relevant to the topic at hand. Go into a general and see how many good morning/wahtre you lads up to today posts. These arent the posts of people discussing a topic but just those of a chatroom. Same with /tv/. GoT fags spamming the board constantly eventually get forced into a general to contain their bullshit. Enter the general now and it makes no goddamn sense, anybody wanting to discuss the show is thrown into the general that is a cesspool of faggotry.
sucks losing a good gym bro man, hope you find a new iron buddy
when i started lifting in college, having a gym bro helped motivate me and on days where i wasn't feeling it i went to the gym anyway
yeah, these generals act like sub-boards within the boards, i completely understand why they came to be, but shit isn't getting any better
Anybody have any of the pre SJW explosion TUMBLRcrringe
i got some shit ill dump what i got
Ah fuck me i remember when fat people hate was actually just fat people stories. People sharing funny stories of things fat people did that was hilarious to Jow Forums people. Coworkers askign about weightloss and then drinking ranch. Parents crying about gland problems when they drank litres of coke a day. It was just some funny shit people posted and we all had a laugh. Then some anons with a chip on their shoulder decided to get angry about these people that we just laughed at and forgot. Threads went from amusing material to people aiming for more rage inducing stories. Now we have generals where people sit allday being angry at a bunch of people who just like eating mcdonalds. Like who gives a fuck? It was funny to laugh at but to sustain this kind of hate for years is just sad.
Board has had an influx of just angry people. People angry at whatever the fuck and theres no humor in anger
I remember when zyzz and his friend were still here. Tiny too.
Fit helped me a lot, mentally and physically, when I was about 20. I left, came back, zyzz was dead, and left again. I lurk maybe 1-2 times a year, things seem pretty much the same as before.
Not enough fat people hate threads though.
>Implying big Lenny isn't still alive
How there isn't a daily big Lenny thread is beyond me. Big Lenny is twice the meme rich could ever be
we started /plg/ and /owg/ because nobody wanted to talk about lifting in other threads anymore. There was a time when you could post a thread about squat mechanics and everyone would be legitimately interested, but it seems like nobody on Jow Forums actually lifts now. This alienates people who do lift and /plg/ is basically the only place you can still discuss these things, or /owg/ when it isn't dead.
Jow Forums and Jow Forums were the worst contributors to the problem as virtually every thread became about their limitless insecurities. I'll lurk every couple days but will only actually post in generals
oh and scooby. Never got what the fuck that was about, except he was swole and had a funny hat
double dubs
There isn't enough Fat people hate in general, i read the Story of Jerome and i was reminded of my general dislike of annoying fat women that seemed irrational
i get it man, if the ship keeps sinking i might jump into one of the general lifeboats too, it's better than being surrounded by whiny robots
this pic sums it up
it went into hate a little bit but then some leddit shit shut down and they came here
also when high test meant the dude had high test and would literally fuck anything even fat women
I left for a while because I legit tried to help people training for aesthetics but I would always get 5 replies saying how SS is THE ONLY way for a natural to build any muscle
>because nobody wanted to talk about lifting in other threads anymore
The invasion of sad depressed babbies essentially ruined this board. The issue with this is the threads just turn into shit when theyre kept alive for the sake of it. I just poked my head into plg and its just shit posting. Yeah its the last place for discussion of fitness on this board but its also gone to complete shit too. Dedicated fitness forums are the only place for this now and Jow Forums has hit rock bottom for actual discussion. Actual forums or just leave this place and return every few months for a laugh.
You were one of the good trips btw, really enjoyed your posts if that means anything
And? How was the taste and texture?
yeah that pic explains everything, sucks being an oldfag, but if going to generals is what it takes to actually talk about lifting then that's what i'll do
not the user youre looking for, but they aren't great, palatable but honestly a regular pancake and protien shake is way better
yeah won/t say /plg/ doesn't have its fair share of problems, there are a couple of really sad cunts there who don't lift and just stir shit
the thing about dedicated fitness forums is that as soon as there are usernames, there's beef and drama that doesn't go away. I can't stomach r/weightlifting, it's a shithole. Everyone has a delicate ego to protect
Oh yeah, dedicated lifting forums are god awful but theyre the alternative ill go for here if i was forced to choose. I wasnt so i just chose to leave it all and come back here every now and then. Not gonna lie though, my life is definitely missing good lifting discussion and i can see why youd put up with the retards in a general to get it.
I found this. How far back do I have to go to prove that I was here when Zyzz was?
i know you're of the old guard so don't take this as a dig at you, but don't you run into similar problems when tripfagging it up in plg?
as long as you're not a robot you're welcome user
not particularly, but I also don't really have an ego, been around so long that it's almost offensive if someone doesn't call me a retard or a faggot.
I have a ton of these old Jow Forums recipes still saved if you guys want me to dump
I actually have a bunch of good shit that used to be good.
I was here when we were convinced Zyzz's death was a hoax. We found a picture of a muscular brown man on a beach and we were sure he was hiding while he was doing his bulk.
>waahhhhh why are people who are losers coming here to improves themselves!!!
>only people who already have improved should be here!!!!
>muh zyzz cocksucking
hehe, i get that, i'll visit your general tomorrow, i'm not a powerlifter, but it's closer than /fraud/, /fast/, /fat/ etc.
christ we have a lot of generals