I wish I had friends. Also, what's a good first time steroid
I wish I had friends. Also, what's a good first time steroid
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test duh
and friends are overrated
Test, and friends are not overrated. You only need one or two good ones that you've known since High school though.
>dialect is an indicator of intelligence
lmaoing at your heuristic mechanisms
no you don't
they all stab you in the back in the end
just wait some years
Do you even live in the south/ around black people?
I’ve lived around black people my whole life and it’s quite clear that they are, on average, less intelligent. All the way from speech and writing to poor driving skills/behavior to school performance to aggression and criminality. It’s a whole standard deviation of difference
The real question now is- will genetic drift/evolutionary pressures/epigenetics/Flynn effect catch blacks up to whites in the near future
Based and redpilled.
Don’t do a “first time cycle” just go for it.
No, but having the lowest average IQ in the world is.
Test-e/u. Ease yourself into tren after
>grow up in a small white town
>can't understand why people are racist
>have teen fantasies of beating up racists and other "bad guys"
>really feel guilt and empathy about the state of our downtrodden black brothers and sisters
>move to a city that's 40% black
>leave that city 4 years later with much more nuanced view on race relations and the state of black America
>now I completely understand why people are racist
>I now judge my immediate safety and the safety of an area in general based on how many black people I see
Nigger enabler detected. Back to your cuck fetishist containment site
Fuck off
>Go to college.
>Hispanic kid kills his white girlfriend ,flees the country and eventually gets caught.
>Another Hispanic kid kills a another kid on campus.
>All racist incidents in the school revolve around white people being racist to blacks.
I actively seek to live around white people for security. But nothing feels better to see them getting killed off. Keep doing your job I guess.
why tf are spics and nigs so goddamn violent? my cousin is in the denver pd and told me that like 90% of all homicides there are committed by non-whites, wtf is wrong with those people?
>Commit genocides, largest wars, slavery
>Why are they violent
They were already violent and enslaving each other when white people found them
yeah, nigs commit over 50% of all murders in the us while being 13% of the population, why is that? or are you gonna keep dodging the question you dumb coon?
Because they're social engineered by megacorps to be as retarded as possible to compliment how retarded they were to begin with.
I'm not a nigger. You can't blame them for being violent when they were enslaved and bred to have higher T, it's natural they're more aggressive.
Compare African Americans to a regular African and you can tell they're much more aggressive.
>World is nearing another war where whites are going to kill other whites.
Violence is violence. Whites just seem to have large bursts of it during history. Kinda like how whites seem to have large bursts of violence in the US. When the inevitable war begins, are you going to be questioning why whites are waging war instead of acting civilized?
Whites premeditate. When shit is about to hit the fan, we set rules, make propaganda, attempt to justify with complex religious and social convictions and carry out destruction with devastating high IQ technological might.
It’s like how a few dirtbags like Elliot Rodger serve to defuse the sexual anger of millions of other unknown, stifled losers
I'm from Germany and African blacks are just as violent if not more so than American blacks.
What's your argument for that?
Blame their own nigger tribes who captured them and sold the undesirables.
A nigger pulling a gun on a cop at a basic traffic stop and then the niggers using it as an excuse to loot isn't equivalent to a war you faggot.
Actually this, the Yuropoors import these subhumans straight from the desert and jungle where they've been living in mud huts and killing each other for eternity. Not to mention the Yuropoors are even less wary of the nature of the nigger than the average American is so they have their guard down.
>Whites kill millions/commit crimes againt humanity within a span of a few year.
>"Yeah! We should be proud of ourselves"
>Blacks kill at a constant rate and decreasing.
>"What the fuck is wrong with Niggers"
I'm not even racist. But seeing white people get killed from time to time by minorities while the media blows up over the story really does put a smile on my face.
>A nigger pulling a gun on a cop at a basic traffic stop and then the niggers using it as an excuse to loot.
Not as bad as a crowd of white monkeys fucking riotting and destroying a town over a fucking hockey game. Additionally, white people will go to war over anything. US and Russia are at odds over a fucking country full of mudslimes.
maybe it has nothing to do with the violence but more to do with the skill, intelligence and glory involved in their acts
i'm not even trying to be edgy, seriously, but the systematic elimination of 9 million people and the brilliant infrastructure required for it's execution is legitimately impressive and admirable in it's scope
there is nothing impressive, brilliant, glorious, electrifying, or even interesting to come from blacks. not their murders, their communities, their music, nothing. everything is completely amateur, juvenile, and primitive. whites from 3000 years ago did more impressive things than africans today
they just drift through life barely cognizant enough to kill and breed, that's it. a completely primitive animal.
even our serial killers are so intense and brilliant that the actions of the zodiac are fascinating to this day, but niggers? the most they've ever done is gangbanger hit and runs, fuck can niggers do anything above a completely base level?
>skill, intelligence and glory involved in their acts
Imagine being so fucking evil that you take pride in the magnitude of people you can kill and then not believe that you're people are dooming the world.
White people are so fucking disgusting. The same people who seek kill for sport, make animals extinct, and actively ruin the world's ecosystem. The fucking worst part is that you people take pride in it. Without white people, other people may find the world a bit harder to live in. But at least there'll be a fucking world that's inhabitable.
you're just exposing your abysmally low IQ more. china, india, and africa lead the world in environmental destruction while white nations are the only ones trying to stop it. africans have made rhinos go almost extinct because their dumb black brains think the horns are voodoo magic, like wtf, could you imagine white people doing something like that? kill a bear for its teeth because they believe it cures aids? as a matter of fact, it is white people in africa who are the only ones trying to stop the extinction of all it's animals, niggers included, what would africa do without the billions of dollars of aid white people send solely from the goodness of their hearts? the whole fucking continent would starve. White people are the only ones keeping china from turning africa into a parking lot for their excess population. You niggers are so stupid, read a fucking book. when the dutch showed up on the southern tip of your continent, YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE FUCKING WHEEL, wtf? how is that even possible? the whole world had mastered art, music, navigation, and niggers were living in 10,000 bc. no wheel, no writing system, no architecture, fucking nothing but a bunch of pygmies with sticks
>b-b-but s-slavery a-and morality :(
the only reason you even have a concept of morality is because a white person forced you to learn it you dumb fucking pavement ape, learn something beyond your base, trivial feelings
Some white people are evil , sure, but a good number of those evil white people have been socialist/nazi/communist dictators, ideologies whic are quite similar to modern liberalism which is in essence evil and relies upon predatory tactics like 1. Creating and reinforcing Victim classes, 2. Creating, condemning and robbing Enemy classes, 3. destabilizing the family, as well as participating hand-in-hand with the political right in the global war machines.
White liberals have developed pathological altruism which is nice on its facade, but ultimately unsustainable and thus is a prolonged suffering. The fact that at least some percentage of the liberals are consciously using left political ideology to gain the allegiance of low IQ victim classes, all while supporting letting in and tolerating criminal migrants, makes them another level of evil.
Test @ 500mg ea week ran for 12-16 weeks then cruise on a dose which suits you. 125mg to 250mg once a week. PCT is a rise
what will 500 mg get my test levels to? cuz i got measured two weeks ago and my natural test is 920
could you imagine white people doing something like that?
>mastered art, music, navigation, and niggers were living in 10,000 bc. no wheel, no writing system, no architecture, fucking nothing but a bunch of pygmies with sticks
except none of this is factually correct.
>but slavery and morality
I can tell you're one of those people that think the people behind the Cuck posts are real black people.
Do an actual blood test where you can see free test too, but that’s a good higher up level. I was at like 280 when I first started.
you're really reaching here, that's a whole list of things white medicine did over a hundred years ago and that african medicine still practices today, just with a lot more rape and albino skinning
Depending on how big you are and how much you aromatize, usually each 100mg of test e will give 6-800 ng/dl. I was at 3500ish on 500mg