What to watch when a girl comes over?

What do you fitizens recommended when a thots over and you need some shit to watch before the banging?

Attached: couple-on-coach.jpg (900x600, 73K)

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pumping iron

girls love parks and rec
source: my public observations

Why waste time watching TV? You both know why she's there. Just cut to the chase and bang.

Conan the barbarian

Find a porno with a plot. Girls like that.

Based and redpilled

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This. She doesn't want to watch anything, and neither do you. Stop pussyfooting around. If you turn something on, she will just start texting Chad.


If I have a girl over I dont really give a shit what's on. Turn on radio/TV and ask her to undress

the notebook, which is unironically my favorite movie. who gives a fuck what she wants to watch

something tarantino so at least you can see their real side depending on what she says

The Greatest Story Never Told.

She will love it.


You can watch it for free at TGSNT.TV

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first you have to make her a bowl of eggs. dont skip steps, user.

lol i end up with a lot of nazi shit on my youtube suggestion videos, worried this is going to fuck me over some time lol

how many eggs? dozen enough?



don't bother trying to prove 'taste' to her.
it will either be too interesting to fugg or just cringe

>tfw my first date with my gf I watched Drive and was too ingrossed in the movie to make a move or even flirt

ITT: Virgins

Netflix shit.
