Nofap question , im scared

>be me
>on no fap for 2.5 weeks
>i dont get morning wood anymore, i dont see any benefits
Guys im actually kinda scared, is this normal?
Also my dick still works as i tried jerking it off to nothing just to see if it gets hard,it did but im kinda scared that it might stop working

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You need to masturbate 4-5 times a day for optimal prostate health, this has been confirmed by numerous studies by Goldstein Inc, Finkelstein laboratories and Al Silverberg foundation.

The #1 cause of death of mammals in the wild is prostate cancer. Because most of the animal kingdom only copulate once a year, the stored semen of animals burns holes to the prostate tract of the said animals and in time: cancer forms to those burns.

Semen becomes extremely poisonous substance in the body after 14 hours of inactivity: this is why 4 times of releasing semen (Porn should be used to release it faster rather than fantasy)

Human males are also the only animals who live longer than most of mammals, because we do not die of prostate cancer because we can masturbate in continuous fashion. Remember: no less than 4 times a day, but no more than 8 times a day.

Don´t believe the fucking memes, trust science.

I did the 180 days, I cummed right on 3 month, since then I am don't do nofap and still have the qualities of 120-180 days, because I now control my urges and fap whenever I want, not whenever I can.

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I wonder who's behind this post.

could you link me those studies and also 4 times a day feels like bit too much doesnt it

>hurr the j0000s

Go back to Jow Forums you fucking retard

It works if you do it once and reach 30 days you can learn from yourself how to become attractive what women like ( unironically you learn your own body language) you walk better your posture is better and women8/10 ,9/10 look at you all the time

Take the redpill and stop denying the culture of this site or even trying to change it fag.

I don't know OP maybe joining an online cult was not a good idea.

so basically do it once for 30 days and i'll learn shit and can go back to jerking off?

Well if you stop it girls don't look at you that much if you begin again but the effects last for 3-6 months if I remember correctly. Just try doing it less like 3 times a week or something.

alright,thanks user

I trust everything the Jews tell me

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>this level of denial

>Boi, don't fap for a month and 10/10 women will crave your dick (unironically they will cross the street and rape you).

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I will also tell you the story of how I did it
>Hear about nofap
>got vacation coming so I guess a good time to do it
>5 days pass pretty shitty but I make it
>go to an island first not many changes expect I walk better and my posture is a little better (also my acne was gone)
>day 20 go to second destination (lasted the urges back home by playing vidya)
>Go to Milano mh bloated stomach is gone and I lost weight
>notice Italian qts start watching me in the metro
>oh fuck.jpg
>random Italians help me in difficult situations
>return home
>gift myself the sin of fap
>oh fuck have orgasm for 1 minute
>then it went to shit after that but I kept the improvements except my weight and posture.
>also girls stopped noticing me
That's only 29 days

this guy is right. If you talk about jews outside of Jow Forums you need to get banned

fuck off

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how are brainlets actually getting mad at this obvious bait

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i think the immediate effects that i got when doing no fap is that i laugh a lot more to dumb jokes on Jow Forums

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is a little edging ok?

NoFap is a meme . Jerk off when you feel like it , its good for you and boosts your libido.

NoPorn is where it is at. Porn is destructing your natural libido and replacing it with fake images of girls on painkillers who fake enjoying it.

Jerk off to pictures of cute girls , or varbies and wheyfus if you're into it. It stimulates your imagimation and boosts your libido.

No dont jerk off m8 i gave up after a week and i feel like completely and utter shit i spilled my spaghetti with a girl that I've got thanks to nofap is like all my confidence is gone dont jerk off is not worth it

Can't fucking wait for day 120, just passed day 80 and the lulls between epiphanies and 'power-attitudes' are becoming shorter. Don't worry op ye'r jes gettin started. The reset for some is like a dragster running on fumes; you have to fully, fully recharge.

Most Jow Forums posters on here, left or right, are DYEL. This site is for anyone trying to self improve, doesn’t matter if you’re white, Black, Jewish, or a scrappy roided Arab with a heart condition.

Please be bait.

It releases dht apparently

fucking kek

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Posters ITT: how long have you ACTUALLY no fapped and what if any effect did you feel?
>I did no porn no fap but regular sex for 60 days. Felt good to exercise willpower but I felt no physical or mental effects advertised.

Go back to R*ddit

xD i read you need to masturbate 6 times a day in the magazine nature, there was a long article by md fingerhut, he considered the lack of masturbating to interracial pornography a sign of too high testosterone, which can be poisonous, this is why men live less long than women.

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I wish it was bait

》spot the shlomo

Fourth day and i feel low energy but at the same time i dont get the fatigue of fapping

Good post, very scientific, rigorous and unbiased. Glad to finally see some FACTS and not a bunch of BROSCIENCE here on Jow Forums

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nigger detected

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are just bros that hate each other. and us Jow Forums lurkers just hate the fags that lurk Jow Forums.

d1 ncaa college hockey athlete

lurk Jow Forums
lurk Jow Forums

fuck you mean you uneducated fuck

I don’t mean people who lurk both. I mean the people who bring their Jow Forums shit in here.

no, Jow Forums hates jews not Jow Forums bros
stop using divide and conquer techniques

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You sound weak. Post stats and body.
Kek. How do brainlets not get this post is obviously a joke?
Bumping for this. Considering but never tried it but curious to know if anyone has personally seen results.

This isnt evrn bait just a joke. You fuckers are morans.

its not divide and conquer. we're still family. too quick to pull the jew card.

u just wanna see my body ya fuckin gayboi

strangely enough I have only heard of people NOT experiencing the effects. the people posting the ridiculous images don't seem to actually have been nofapping for longer than two weeks

i think most success cases are of people who already are losers and need some catalyst to change i.e. no fap for them

>foreigner gets attention
>"they must sense I don't touch my penis!!"

This is plausible. I can see the benefit if you’re young or an autistic neet or something in setting a willpower goal and accomplishing it. Good for them.
I can also see huge benefits in wasting less time on porn. Obviously the people who do “perpetually edging and whining about nofap” November aren’t doing that. But no vidya, no dating, nofap, whatever could all be good ideas in that regard.