Perfect sprinting leverages

>perfect sprinting leverages

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Damm eddie getting shredded

imagine looking like that in order to just deadlift 500 kg lmao

how much you need to cope with life in order to sacrifice your aesthetics to lift heavy shits from floor

Eddie al-Hamdulilah

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he would look a lot better and more intimidating if he went full islam


Chill with the bdd brah

Looks like the guy from shameless

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A lot of women find size attractive you goof.
Care to guess how wet your girl's pussy would be when her heart is pounding like an engine piston because a giant is behind her about to stick his manhood in her?

Someone said he looks like a tall dwarf...and yeah. He does.
Dude has crazy good leverages and genetics.
No wonder he won so much.
Man looks like the missing link.

Too bad he took his epigenetics towards strength rather then building muscle mass and strength endurance.

Dude even has low key bitch tits.
He's not going to be able to pull off the physique thing unless he puts in at least 2-3 years into bodybuilding.
Big Z has the leg up on in him that one.

>imagine centering ur life around looking pretty to fuck some thot

Imagine thinking looking pretty is worth more than a world record and the title of world's strongest man lmao.

fucking gross

his genetics are very weird. he somehow has visible abs while looking like he has 25% bf on his chest. and his lats are rarely visible at all

>too bad he became worlds strongest man and crushed the deadlift world record multiple times

What a waste right...

It's an autistic niche sport for incels, he should have played rugby or something instead.

LOOL imagine being this desilusional fuck

Aestheticfags make me sad.
Imagine putting all that time and effort in just so you can look good the 3 days of the year you get a chance to be seen in public without a shirt on, and the rest of the days look like you don't even lift.

>Too bad he took his epigenetics towards strength rather then building muscle mass and strength endurance
His legacy will last far longer being the first man to lift 500kg than being the vagina with the biggest useless balloon muscles

Best part is that aestheticsfags don't even look better than most powerlifters and such. Most women prefer something builtfattish, like this.

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He didn't even have a hanging belly, what are you on about?

that's not what the average strengthcel looks like though, check CBT periodically for a real red pill, splitfags look significantly better than full body strength fags lmao.

what routine to do to get that body?

being lean and FAST is where human peak is at

deadlifting 500 kg is not impressive when you weight 200 kg lol, everyone can deadlift 2.5 times their bodyweight

also the only people caring about DL is /fit

everyone will be mirin when you run a sub 10 100 m sprint or you outjump everyone

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No? It is legit the other way around.


There is no such thing as a big weak muscle.
Well, the oil pumped or inflamed muscle yeah. But that's not muscle. That's oil or a wound that makes the muscle look big for a while.

Ok, bulk up to 180 kg and deadlift 500 kg then lol. Eddie also used to be a literal national swimming champion, so your point is pretty moot here.

From the look of it, moderate doses of test, "powerlifting, and the seafood diet.

>his genetics are very weird. he somehow has visible abs while looking like he has 25% bf on his chest. and his lats are rarely visible at all
those are strenght genetics, user

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>everyone can deadlift 2.5 times their bodyweight
Manlet detected.
Strength increases logarithmically with size and weight, not linearly.
That's why an ant can lift many times its own bodyweight but an elephant can only lift 1 or 2 times.

>national swimming champion

who cares, a whitoid girly sport nobody gives a fuck more than homos

You say that, but arnie's max squat is something like 550lbs.
That's really small considering the world record is over 1200 and he was at one time the biggest bodybuilder in the world

i am 165 lbs 6 feet height and can deadlift 2.5 times my bodyweight for reps within months of training

but im nothing when it comes to sprinting and jumping, being strong is easy, being fast is not, what eddie hall did can be done by many people who isnt lazy at it, just an overrated guy

No it's not lmao, splitfags always look more aesthetic than strengthcels.

yeah, but who would win in a fight. A woman doesn't want a weak basedboy.

>who cares, a whitoid girly sport nobody gives a fuck more than homos

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anyone with a decent amount of fast twitch fibers will hit like a mule regardless of his lifting numbers, strenght may help you on grappling but when it comes to sheer hitting power its FT FIBERS

Sprinter aesthetics and athleticism are much more natural and appealing, I agree. Not only could Ben Johnson bench 4 plates, squat 5+ and dead 6+, but he was lean and could use that strength to move like lightning

Literally no one outside of track fags cares about your sprint times. Everyone mires raw strength

Swimming is badass too

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>when you have a good body but your facelet

The person who trains fighting.

He couldnt

You're not strong and you're a twink. Eddie is on the same outlier level as Usain Bolt, If you think otherwise you're a coping DYEL

Eddie Hall is doing a transformation by the way, he has already lost about 30kg or so. Maybe he might try to go in to bodybuilding? I'm curious how he's going to look when he's cut.

He's already said that he's aiming to compete in bb

More like shreddie amirite

>that filename
>lol nochest
>scott mendelson
Bitch what, he's a fucking bench monster

Dude, 500 fucking kilograms. He's a fucking legend. People will remember his name for hundreds of years. If I could have traded in my life for that record, I would have done it. Trading in my physical appearance would be nothing. He's a fucking legend dude

No, being strong and fast is godtier. You can definitely have both, and if you maintain both, you will absolutely be aesthetic.

what a fucking woman. you're the type of guy that's so obsessed with his little abs that he ends up going gay at 35 with a fetish for huge guys.


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