fapping and porn increases dopamine... why is this a bad thing?
Fapping and porn increases dopamine... why is this a bad thing?
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Read about insulin sensitivity!
I'm convinced the same applies to dopamine.
It's not, wanting to have sex or jerk off is a sign of high testosterone and vitality.
If you can shoot multiple times a day good for you, you're not a beta faggot.
If you seriously think stopping masturbation will make your life better, you're going to be sad when two years go by and you're the same faggot you've always been with a weak dick.
>can't even go 4 hours without jerking off my nuts are so big
because more dopamine shots is the last thing we need nowadays
you want to get dopamine from long term goal oriented feelings of accomplishment instead of a quick hit of it every time you're bored
>heroin increases dopamine... why is this a bad thing?
fuck why do i stick around this failed board
>Opiates releases dopamine, why is it a bad thing?
It depletes dopamine, retard. Teaching your brain to reward when it shouldn't have.
holy fuck what an idiotic premise
yet somehow uneducated low-lives are able to afford $300 for their drug habits, that's saying a lot actually... think it's the dopa?
like I know this is upsetting be we have to be objective, let's talk guys -- we're just talking...
You have to understand an addict going through withdrawal will do anything for his fix. It's almost as if he's going through a life-or-death situation. Instinctively an animal will fight to survive every time no matter how shitty his life is.
Find me a heroin/crack addict you'd switch shoes with for dem dopamine gainz. Ask them for some tips on how to make big bux like them. Ill wait brother ;)
You guys are avoiding the actual question: why is too much dopamine a bad thing, in the sense it's worth stopping porn & fap to decrease? how about these "superhero" powers that some experience with nofap?
I'm trying to figure it out, please stop shitting up my thread.
>Cocaine and heroin increase dopamine... why is this a bad thing?
Tolerance to dopamine increases proportionally, then normal things can't trigger a dopamine response
Top kek imagine being this retarded
>inb4 “I was merely pretending!”
you are a very stupid, user
Dopamine receptors take a while to reset... wouldn't it be counter-productive to end the habit that nullifies normal things (as if masturbation with a stimulant isn't normal)? What is the end-game with things like nofap?
That's okay, I'm trying to learn; regardless, I'm not trying to talk about illegal drugs but something you're trying to quit in the privacy of your own room.
explain with fucking details faggots
Nothing wrong with beating off, but if you need porn to get turned on or to bust a nut then you're dependent on it and you should ween yourself off of it.
Is this a troll thread? Literally anything can increase dopamine
Fapping is literally Pavlov's dog, but voluntary and cvcked.
If you fap, you will never, ever make it.
Of course, but the the selling point of the nofap fad seems be entirely based on the idea that watching pretty girls do sexual things is unhealthy due to the dopa it's creating in your brain.
I ask, what is the point of trying to rid yourself of something that is happening regardless?
>Nothing wrong with beating off,
Yes it is.
There is no reason to beat off what so ever.
No positives. No healthy reason. No psychologically positive reason to either.
Every even semi successful society frowned upon excessive masturbation or masturbation in lieu of sex period.
When a society normalize the kind of sexuality and sexual proclivities always ends up collapsing in on itself.
Just jack off to girls you know and they know you and you know they like you (likes from social media etc.) I also found out orgasms are much stronger than watching porn
>No positives.
It's producing dopamine.
That's a man
this is what happens to guys who jerk off too much
You clearly haven't done enough research into nofap to make an argument against it, much less dedicate an entire thread to it.
I'm not arguing against it, I'm 5 days in nofap myself... it's a legitimate question I'm asking here, not a trap.
Increasing dopamine isn't the problem with fapping, I don't even know where you got that statement from so I can't reason against it.
>Dopamine receptors take a while to reset...
>wouldn't it be counter-productive to end the habit that nullifies normal things
Lifting takes awhile to yield significant musculature changes. If the outcome is greater than the current state, why not work towards it regardless of the timeframe?
If I don't fap I'm gonna kill myself.
25yo and still a virgin...
I'm tired of porn and classic faps. Please what are the best masturbators : Tenga, Onahole or Fleshlights ?
And which models ?
man you are so deep into it. i wish i could show you how much better you would feel when your testosterone isnt being strained on a constant basis and your brain filled with prolactin. you just have to make that decision for yourself
my brother was a heroin and meth addict for a few years,
most heroin users survive on about $20-30 a day,
the spiraling portion of their lives eats up $100/day and also knocks them out while they nod off for 12 hours
then lose their jobs, stop taking care of kids and maybe overdose ect.
If they survive that part of their life they are usually homeless and stealing with all the withdrawal symptoms leaving them more or less helpless to dealers taking advantage of them.
At this point they are willing to do any drug just to avoid feeling pain, meth is sometimes all that is around. Or getting a bag with a little too much fentanyl mixed in and poof you are dead.
Anons, I would avoid over doing it with pain meds, man up and deal with the pain without drugs if you can.
There are some statistics out there saying even using pain meds like oxy or percs can become addictive in as little as 10 days and leave you with withdrawal symptoms.
>Please what are the best masturbators
ugly girls
Stop posting here and lower your standards retard it's not difficult to fuck 4s
dopamine needs to be produced by the body, you are essentially depleting your body of it. By doing drugs for a long time or just fapping 3-4 times a day you are screwing with how your body naturally releases it.... like when you have something good happen to make you happy.
Now since you have trained yourself to only release when you have a drug or fap your brain has to relearn how to release dopamine properly... basically you will be depressed for a long time... this is part of why an addict relapses, they cant feel happiness properly...
so does this sound like a bad thing or still confused?
Not exactly. Insulin sensitivity can cause irreversible damage in the form of Diabetes but dopamine problems can be fixed through many different ways such as not being a faggot and living your life by fucking lots of bitches.
Its literally this simple. Dopamine is supposed to act as your motivation system. If you give yourself all the dopamine you want without doing anything, pretty soon you won't want to do anything
This. Even nutting to the hottest porn star you know getting railed by somebody else isn't nearly as satisfying as burying your meat in an average woman. You've got strong as fuck urges, channel them into something that's slightly more rewarding. Strive, and you'll be surprised at what you achieve.
weird, this is how I feel when I try stopping porn, youtube, and candy. how do I stop? pls help
You have to get through it so your brain can finally reset itself
I've been on nofap for two weeks. I had two wet dreams over the last 4 nights, and this morning I was about to break my streak because I couldn't stand the half orgasm'd state I felt locked in. Then as I was jerking off, I realized something.
This wouldn't fix me. I didn't need this. If I didn't need it why did I want it? I didn't have the answer but I closed my Japanese yuri femdom video and went for a run. It was a lot more satisfying than any sad cum would've been.
Discipline to make it a couple weeks
>Drinking red wine gives you antioxidants... Why is this a bad thing?????
I literally get depressed like the post I replied to said. Its hell. Imagine being the most bored you've ever been x10. Thats how I feel. The smallest things stress me out and I freeze when its time to do hard work. If I deal with the depression long enough will I really be happier?
start by not being such a little bitch and use your will power.
quit touching yourself faggot
>did nofap for a month
>zero changes
>fapped today
n-now what?
I guess we should just keep children in their bedrooms all day then
If you were using porn, candy, and YouTube to hide from some area in your life that is causing you pain, then no, you will also have to address that.
But quitting those easy dopamine habits will make it much easier to point out the problem areas in your life.
When you fap a lot you are taxing your test levels. Lower test means you wont be able to deal with stress easily and you become more emotional less confidant and not outgoing etc. Basically irrational like a woman. Start by not fapping for one day, then two then three and so on until you can make it by a whole week without fapping, then continue on from there.
>Implying that sitting by yourself alone, masturbating to images of another man pleasing a woman is in any way healthy for your brain.
i browse the web, watch movies/tv and eat food (including sugary foods)
is that increasing my dopamine? should i stop these too?
Anything in excess is bad and can lead to addiction.
>Make sex feel good so men procreate and work for sex
>Works for thousands of years
>Suddenly porn exists and men can get off whenever they want without working a minute
>Depression skyrockets
Geez boss i dunno
>fapping and porn increases dopamine... why is this a bad thing?
because it will be harder for you to get turned on and enjoy sex with a real woman -or man if you're into it-.
You can get to the point of ED or being unable to cum, or being dick insensitive, etc.
It's ok to fap and it's ok to watch pron sometimes, but my advice is to not overdo it. Don't become me.
this, and people wonder why men committing suicide and or turning into trannies has been on the rise
Fucking this
internet, porn and social media addiction is real user
Sugar behaves very similarly in the brain to alcohol.. this is why many alcoholics develop sugar cravings when they try to quit.
Everything in moderation as another user said.
you also seem like you are trolling for attention, maybe you need to deal with why mommy and daddy didnt love you enough.
I get your point but your logic is flimsy. Porn's always existed, it's just now we're only ever a moment away from it due to the internet. One reason of many for why humanity just isn't ready for it and needing to have it taken away. I can't wait until China corrects this problem.
please respond
a month of nofap and my life was still shit
it's still shit right now
well said. Men need to work to feel fulfilled too. It's why men die off so quickly after retirement.
Sitting around doing nothing is killer for us. Being a NEET is not a happy life.
It's not meant to give you super powers. For me, it helped because I had to do things to fill the time I would have otherwise spent fapping. So I became more productive. Instead of looking at porn I worked out more, practiced piano, picked up a language, whatever. I'm surprised you didn't learn to do this on your own over a month, how the fuck did you keep yourself from thinking about jerking off?
Masturbating gives you limp dick you stupid faggot. Not masturbating gives you the pleasure of sex again, greatly motivating you to not have limp dick. Your nuts probably look like rotten peanut butter if you can't nut stupid faggot. Don't listen to this fool.
If you jack off you lose out on maximizing your gains. It takes hours for your test to regain its regular levels. A huge part of being Jow Forums is mental Jow Forumsness. If you are a slave to pussy you are not mentally Jow Forums. Don't expect to attain your greatest potential until you have rid yourself from the porn demon.
>Jow Forums
>fapping and porn is the reason why societies fail
holy fucking shit, this place is turning into /x/
This. Rewarding effort and good behavior reinforces effort and good behavior. Likewise, shitty habits are reinforced when we reward them. Dopamine is incredible, but it's meant as a reward for accomplishment, not instant gratification.
Something something how the jews broadcast porn to palestine or some other nation to keep the men weak while it is highly restricted in their own country
just respond with "jews." Everyone here will agree and applaud you
I mean, you're being ironic but if you read a lot of the recent literature, you'll see a strong correlation of the fall of man & the global Jewish agenda.
It's not
Jamie Lewis did Gay For Pay.