Could you take me in a fight ?

could you take me in a fight ?

Attached: 1048832_467595116656239_92360501_o__1_.jpg (822x1100, 426K)

Go somewhere else with your rape fantasies.

probably knows kung fu so no

Shinya Aoki. Am I correct? If so, I don't want my arm broken and then him taunting me with a middle finger in my face while I'm on the ground with a broken arm.

Are you 4 ft tall?

I would take you to bed ;)

dang hmongged

reminder this is why almost no asians post their body on here haha

>be white
>be 6'5

Attached: elegant pepe.jpg (245x249, 8K)

id take you on a date faggot

Probably, if nothing else because I always concealed carry.

i outweigh you by like 80lbs i'd just toss you son

no but i'd apply to where you work, land the job, and whenever I walk past your left side I'd whisper something and when you ask what I said I'd say I didnt say anything and keep doing this until youd go crazy and kill yourself

Because they're afraid everyone will want to put their penis inside them?

you like like you weigh 90 lbs

if youre a pro fighter, probably not

Lol I'd just take out my glock and pop two into your head just like my ancestors did faggot

Yep it's him. He'd break my arm then flip me off.

I split twinkz like you in half with my dick alone

I could take 10 of you, silly chink.

No, but I could take you in a photography contest...

Additional question: do these trunks come with or without bagpipes?

>"When I had his arm behind his back, I could feel it popping, I thought, 'Well, this guy's pride just won't let him tap, will it?' So without hesitation, I broke it. I heard it break, and I thought, 'Ah, there, I just broke it.' I was stopped afterward, but even if I hadn't been, continuing to break it more would have been fine by me."

jeez louise


why is your head so fucking big compared to the rest of you