Start pissing blood

>start pissing blood
>go to doctor
>get a tube up my dick
>doctor says nothing wrong
>double check with scan and all because still pissing blood
>doctors still say literally nothing wrong
>still randomly pissing blood to this day and its been over a year

should i just not give a shit?

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Go to a real doctor

Do you ride bikes often?

no, and i went to a real doctor, twice.

Do you eat beets?

sometimes, not very often.

Are you 100% sure it's actually blood? There's other things that could be red.

Also, Have you been to General Doctor or Urologist?

i have, they took tests of my piss, stuck a tube in my dick, and scanned me. And they all said nothing was wrong. I’m pretty sure its blood, it looks just like it.

Do you have a history of not tipping the doctor? I think you also have to pay extra for a diagnosis. You may have only paid enough for the tests.

>Pissing blood
>"Nothing wrong"
do you live in africa or something?

This happened to a family member of mine. Pissed blood for several years and his doc said it was fine
Eventually he got worried and got other opinions, turns out he was riddled with cancer

Become an artist

Attached: bloodurineironman.jpg (550x397, 36K)

Cancer is fucking scary.
My grandfather was just doing his grocery one day and collapsed.
They took him to the emergency room and gave him a body scan, turns out he had late stage pancreatic cancer and was completely riddled with cancerous tumors.

No I'm British

Ask Dr Shipman for a second opinion or just outright change your doctor to somebody better qualified than Dr Pepper

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What is ya blood pressure like my friend? Might be a kidney thing

Also has anything like this happened to anyone else in the family? Might be worth asking what your grandparents died of or something like that

ah, the classic Posh defense. Sorry to break it to you pajeet but it’s pretty clear you’re a third worlder considering your choice of image for this thread was a fucking indian meme

>go to doctor for literally anything
>nah it's fine and completely normal - you're probably just stressed

Why is medicine the biggest meme profession?

Because it usually is the case. Retards like to exaggerate shit and waste doctors’ time

Still confused about why you saw doctor this is normal

Great, so hypochondriacs make doctors lazy and people who only visit doctors when they've got good reason suffer.

>doctors just call people hypochondriacs when they can't figure out what's wrong with them

hypochrondiacs should go to psychiatrists or therapists instead

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Stop going to Dr Shekelstein

If someone is pissing blood and the doctor can't find something wrong with him then the doctor is fucking retarded or doesn't give a shit.

I hear stories like this all the fucking time. Patient comes in to a doctor, they say you're perfectly fine. The problem persists for months, they eventually get a second and third opinion, and bam it's fucking cancer. Happened to my aunt, rip.

Reminds me of this amazing food documentary too, the chef's doc, keeps telling him over and over that his problem is stress related, when it was really cancer.

Attached: Chef's Table - Grant Achatz.jpg (1200x800, 71K)