*hehes your path*
>Is dat rice????Yoo shoodnt it greins, it's illuminati propaganda.
>how can yoo be sow ritardid user, hehe?Eat dis ro meat!
what do?
*hehes your path*
>Is dat rice????Yoo shoodnt it greins, it's illuminati propaganda.
>how can yoo be sow ritardid user, hehe?Eat dis ro meat!
what do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is this cunt topless in an heritage site
I used to like this guy until I saw the youtube videos of the 'meetups' he made. Holy fuck was a weirdo. And not even a likeable weirdo.
Yeah, he's a grade A retard and literally mentally ill. Doesn't discount the merits of animal-based diets, though. I just cringe so hard when I see people pushing him as some sort of figure for the carnivore movement.
Accept the final redpill and move on.
>still looks better than 95% of Jow Forums and 100% of vegans
He's become the equally retarded opposite side of "all or nothing" cult mentality.
He switched one retarded brainwash for the other.
Deciding to not eat any plants at all is just as dumb as refusing any animal product of any kind.
Not with that hairline, nigga looks like Axl Rose
Daily reminder that this faggot talks about posting on Jow Forums in his vlogs and is the toothless poster.
Thus I've compiled a list of vegan youtubers with perfect teeth:
Try to find more than 3 vegan youtubers with bad teeth now faggot.
hehe animal products will heal all your illness and disease. Just eat raw liver hehe. Don't eat any fiber it is literally indigestible and clogs your gut. You feel full eating grains, plants, and fiber only because you can't digest it and its blocking your gut hehe
>Mic the Vegan
looks sickly and has a green tint to his skin. Don't even care if his teeth are good looks like he's gonna drop dead any second.
I would give him a raw heart to eat before he was forced to poison himself with some indigestible vegan horse feed.
Bro the vegan cringe is off the chart. Guess how many people here watch your NPC propaganda videos?? Zero.
Because we already know what vegans teeth look like lol...
He had more YouTube videos though.
Wtf I'm vegan now
this is such a based video lol
>More videos.
Yeah but they are vegan videos bre, have you ever watched an vegan video?? OK you are in for an surprise lol.....
But sv3rige eats fruits and vegetables in many of his videos
Sv3rige eats fruits such as mangos and other vegetables in multiple of his videos.
Dr. Shawn Baker advocates for 100% full meat-based diet, not sv3rige (who eats vegetables and fruits).
Kek i dont really go into the raw meat thing but watching this guy inflict ass pain to mudshit vegans is hilarious. Based as fuck.
I would eat it with him and discuss how much we both think vegans are weak fags, then we would part ways and I would fondly remember the experience, wondering if some day, he will once again hehe my path and offer me raw meat.
Right on bro. Remember it all started with the humble milk merchant, milk jar. MPBUH.
I figured it out. He contracted a (or several) parasites along the way. He wasn’t always mentally ill. He literally has a brain eating parasite. Probably toxoplasma gondi, which would just make him retarded essentially
Say hehe one more time.
Just look his older videos when he had dark hair, he was more retarded than janoy
A broken clock tells the right time twice.
>Those salty vegan tears.
Boohoo vegans, it never gets better..
I literally eat horse every day but Thanks for the you little twink
holy shit he's getting jacked. must be from 200+ G protein a day
Link a video where he ate a vegetable, just one.
Always knew there was something wrong with that mentally ill freak constantly spamming the same videos over and over again, had to be some jobless retard or sv3rige himself, who is a jobless retard.
Sorry herbivore, you can say whatever you want, but this is your toothless future if you try to live on horse feed.
He doesn't eat vegetables but juices them for drinking and only when they are in season.
Sverige did juice one Vegetable on film, but I can't remember what it was, also he juiced cucumbers, fruit or vegetable??
>Meanwhile in vegan psycholand...
hehe baby one more time
>Seething vegans.
Are these creatures the most miserable pathetic 'people' in the history of the earth?
You decide:
sup sv3rige, how's the donation money going?
hey sv3rige, how's your gf doing?
I'm not Sverige. How are your dentures vegan agenda activist? Was it worth it, sacrificing your health and your teeth for a virtue signalling libtard cause?
Sverage is making far far less than any popular vegan YouTubers like bite size Emily or Fagan gains. Sverige is in it for the cause, freedom, and personal health, he is not just another trendy vegan liar like your side.
>Sverige is in it for the cause, freedom, and personal health,
the man literally begs people to give him money
>I'm not Sverige.
So you are not only a carnitard but also a carnitard that doesn't even lift?
>Sverige works, makes a product, and getting paid for it by his fans/consumers.
(Like every other fucking human on earth who isn't rich or on welfare free ride)
>Let's attack him, I'm sure vegan ad-hom will work this time!!
Thanks for being so funny vegans, while you lose this war.
>heeelp heeelp please give me money heeelp
>*beats up girlfriend for pity bucks*
>Carnivore, if you please.
And you know who else is carnivore? Lions Sverige, and wolves and frogs. And not you. Herbivore.
Vegans are a hilarious joke.
Why do vegans look so sickly and emaciated? Like the walking dead lol. As an insider can you explain this?
have you considered choosing a champion for your cause that's not a rampant narcissist who thinks the earth is flat?
These are all people who spend hours on makeup a day and/or try to keep a positive image for their fanbase. They for sure brush their teeth 3 times a day with extra fluoride
I choose a leader based on how hard he makes my enemies rage. So judging solely on your flowing vegan tears and ad hom, Sverige is obviously the best choice. Plus I'm feeling so fucking healthy eating carnivore it's ridiculous, why don't you try it? Lol.
They can floss all day, and 8 year vegan Rob Stuart explained how careful he was with his dental hygiene. It makes no difference, vegan unnatural diet starves the teeth of vital nutrients, vegan teeth rot and fall out. He quit after 8 years vegan, now he describes what a retarded mistake it was being vegan, today Rob Stuart is carnivore.
>veganism makes you insane but this insane guy is a great role model
Sv3rige is absolutely based and redpilled, and a really nice guy
Foods for Optimum Oral Health
Calcium-rich foods, such as low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese, fortified onions drinks and tofu, canned salmon, almonds and dark green leafy vegetables help promote strong teeth and bones.
Phosphorus, found in eggs, fish, lean meat, dairy, nuts and beans is good for strong teeth.
Vitamin C promotes gum health, so eat plenty of citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, potatoes and spinach.
Vegans win again. Imagine being this scurvycuck meattard.
I consume mostly meat and animal products, I’m just smart enough to fucking cook it. You do know what veganism is, right?
This is definitely either hehe man himself, or is just one of his autistic followers who fell for the raw meat meme. Kek either way you’re an absolute ucking moron XD rawr
>eat raw meat goy
He might be way too overboard with eating raw, and rejecting anything else, but he is right at one thing.
Animal meat, organs and fat are what we humans are meant to include in our diet.
Hehehe you're wucking retarded! The 9/11 planes weren't real, and the earth is flat! I once didn't eat anything for 2 months, after which I collapsed and was nursed back to health in a hospital, where a judge ruled I was mentally unfit.
Everything I hate is unnatural!
He's becoming more and more like a cult leader. Yea some of the information he shares about the primal diet were good but he's going overboard with this diet shit and ignores everyone that doesn't share his opinions.
holy hell, how is seeing shit like this constantly not a wake up call for vegans?
I've never seen a single carnist that looks half as bad as this.
he should shave it at this point
mostly because raw vegans are retards, they literally eat nothing but sugary fruit all day
>More flowing vegan tears.
>And ad-hom.
This is what I want from Sverige and he is delivering, and he's not even here. Just keep crying and sobbing, it's the only way I know my side is winning
yeah they love that shit
*stares at the sun*
>those teeth
wow, didn't know sv3rige was vegan
>Omnivore vegan nuns.
What? Anyway get back to me when your study reflects reality is rotten vegan teeth syndrome.
I do agree with you on all the healthy meat products you mentioned,
why does nobody talk about other carnivore dieters who are more sane?
Snake Diet
Vegetable Police
Jordan Peterson
Shawn Baker
on, and on, and on, and on...
>Miserable vegan tears.
Thanks I guess. It's good to know my side is winning. Good luck starving yourselves to death!!
Stay vegan obsessed weirdo!!
*Still healthier than eating horse feed*
*stabs classmate*
Frank Tufano is also good.
How do you know all this?
>Because I am a ass-blassted faggot obsessed vegan. (Emaciated sickly obsessed vegan)
Keep projecting your boogeyman scurvycuck
Good job user. Ignore the carnicucks.
>jon venus
>(((Jon Penus)))
Proof that a guy who eats a lot of meat every day and works out can build muscles. (Jon Penus-- birth to 2014 when he maxxed out his frame and muscles)
Seems every vegan hero from Jon Penus to Gorillas to Okinawans, to Sverige, all eat meat.
>>Tell me about the vegans, why do they hate this natural man 'Sv3rige?'
Because he is a documentary filmmaker, and he single handedly destroyed veganism.
our boy frankie is doing great work
reminder to eat your fucking liver btw
>tfw pretty sure I prompted him to make a video on budgeting
feels good man
>that gyno
oh no no no
Better take the Tim Shieff videos off that list, he is with us now, your cult just had another defector.
Tim Shieff a niche vegan athlete YouTuber just came over to carnivore.
It's a huge defection, a huge win for team carnivore.
He said the horse feed (vegan food) was leaving him exhausted and drained, now he is eating raw eggs and wild salmon and feeling great (except the guilt over leaving his vegan cult)
he literally believes the world is flat and stares at the sun.
veganism is autistic and so is sv3rige
I turned people on to him a few months ago. Glad he's back to making videos and going even harder than before. Definitely one of the best sources for carnivore diet info.
Looks like another one of your comrades has escaped from the anorexia cult. Whose next? Jon Penus? 'Goji man, or is he going to stay Vegan no matter how sick he gets lol??
That's not gyno he just has Sicilian salami nipple genetics
Most of those foods are not vegan
just lol at guys who promoted veganism 24/7 for YEARS claiming how good they felt jumping on the carnivore bandwagon
only proves veganism is a cult for people with an "all or nothing" unhealthy attitude and now they're directing it towards a new "trend" because of the mass online exodus of mentally ill vegan fitness/wellbeing personas
omnivores > all
>In America there are 20 million vegans.
You have to admit these starving fuckwits are funny lol.
based and redpilled
Can you not read?
>When you accidentally cut n paste the truth..
>Calcium-rich foods, such as milk, yogurt, salmon, help promote strong teeth and bones.
(Which vegans don't eat, so their teeth fall out lol)
>Phosphorus, found in eggs, fish, lean meat, dairy, is good for strong teeth.
(Poor vegans lol)
This nigga look like the Kenny doll.
Frank's good and churns out tons of videos. Vegetable Police needs to get out of Thailand but it is interesting to see him thrive on the garbage meat he is living on over there.