>John Cena is 6ft
Why does he look like a manlet?
>John Cena is 6ft
Why does he look like a manlet?
Here we go
>Why does he look like a manlet?
John Cena is 6ft
He’s actually an inch smaller. Everyone would be satisfied if they were manlets and had this guy’s physique.
head too big
His head is too big.
His pants are poorly tailored.
That jacket pattern and his natural width lessens his appearance lengthwise.
>His head is too big.
not a bad thing though, when he stands close to you youll know hes taller and then having the big head just reminds you of your impending doom if you dont submit to his every will
He has bad proportions. Big head and short legs. Makes him look short.
>calling Doomguy ``Doom Slayer''
complete virgin mode
Head real big
Because he wears those retarded oversized jean shorts
Every wrestler adds 2" to their height
Head is too large and he's also too wide, all of his limbs are thick which makes them appear shorter in terms of relative proportion.
>noooo such thing as too wide, mother fuckerrrr!
That or he's lying.
6ft isn't even that tall. I'm 6ft and I get height mogged by 40% of men i see on the street
This it would be better if he was called "The Doom Chad"
im 5'11 and im taller than most people in uni. Where do you live, netherlands?
Also I wear sambas (no sole) and most people i know wear basketball shoes to cope.
I'm a legit 9 foot, and I'm the shortest girl in all of my freshman classes at Stanford.
Not him but I'm 6ft2 and get height mogged by most guys in my uni. Australia btw.
Uni is 80% Asians and Indians so unless you're in Darwin I doubt that
because he is a manlet