What are your unhealthy habits to halt or slow down your fitness goals?
Unhealthy Habits
Lying in bed all day depressed as fuck
Drinking a bottle of Jameson
Not lifting
Oh boy where the fuck do I start
>I smoke a pack a day, as does my girlfriend and 3/4 of my friends and relatives. Tried quitting more times than I can count and quitting will be almost impossible when everyone you know smokes
>I am a borderline alcoholic , drink 3 beers a day minimum with a couple shots of hard liquor before bed and my girlfriend is also just as much into alcohol
>I rarely get more than 6hours of sleep a night
>I occasionally smoke pot and snort a line of coke. Not even my girlfriend smokes pot or does coke so yeah im pretty fucked.
But hey at least i'm not fat or addicted to food and i've also beat my video game and phone addictions
The smokes, alcohol and drugs tho are really going to be the end of me and I don't see myself quitting any or all of them any time soon even though I really want to.and even if I do I gotta get relatives and friends and my girl to quit smoking and drinking too
When I am not lifting I barely want to eat and my weight nose dives, but when I am lifting my appetite goes into overdrive and I turn into a fatfuck.
I am not sure how to balance the two.
Too much sugar, not enough lifting or sleep. About to head to the gym, but trying to juggle college and Jow Forumsness is rough sometimes.
>no friends
>smoke weed and play videogames from 10pm-4am every night
Feels bad desu
Still go on fit almost every day
I eat unhealthy and play video games on my spare time on weekends. I still go out with friends though later in the day. Other than that, I work, exercise and eat healthy during the week. The only problem I have is getting 6 hours of sleep.
Half psychotic manic-depressive. Every now and then I feel so low that I take a pill and half a pint of spirit from the fridge and run screaming in the cold ocean air till I cough my lungs out and my eyes are blurry with tears as I worry I'll kill myself if I stay at home in that state.
My body feels like a 16 car pileup the day after, I say 'never again' but I know its's bullshit.
I am copy-pasting this here because I got no replies from /sig/:
I have a routine that includes meditation, journaling, running, etc but lately every time I sit in front of the computer I start playing LOL and end up wasting 3-5 hours of my day. I have tried uninstalling but I end up installing it again, is there a way to completely block a program and also websites? This is fking me up
just taking a break from videogames entirely, i was going through the same problem for a while so i gave my girlfriend the RAM for my computer and told her to hide it from me for at least a few months. worked great
Bro i had the exact same problems literally identical except swap coke for mdma. Honestly brother im telling you this now and i hope you see this. Stop this shit. This hurt and pain that you're feeling that causes you to take all these substances isnt fixing it. Its the cause. When i realised that and dedicated myself to quitting my happiness and health went up infinitely. I was severely depressed. Im good now tho. Its been about 3 months so far. Best of luck to u brother.
Nice excuses FAGGIT
Family full of smokers and I quit after 12 years
Family full of Meth heads and I quit after years
Family full of drunks and I only drink once or twice a week
Just try harder pussy
>Stupid amounts of caffiene. 300-500 mgs a day easy
>Average less than 6 hours of sleep. This is an average meaning that ill get 2 or 4 hours most nights and get a couple nights of 8 or 10 hours.
>Go through 4 juul pods a week
>Have a stupidly high tolerance for alcohol. I need 20/25 drinks to have a good time. Fortunately i dont do this that often
>Lonely as fuck so sex with anonymous strangers. Had an std scare last week
>Have super sensitive skin. Constantly itching myself to the point of bleeding. Fortunately it mostly effects my legs
>Have to do a retarded strength program three times a week to get some form of gains. Other programs are too time consuming with my schedule. No time for sweet sweet hypertrophy
>literally never do cardio
I'm 20. The candle that burns brightly burns quickly, anons.
Not doing meal prep, because not much space in the fridge, often lazy or get too OCD about it.
Staying up too late. Then sleeping even for 9 hours I still wake up tired.
Fuck around in the morning, no burning desire or motivation or purpose to strive for.
Sitting in front of a computer all day either gaming/Jow Forums/youtube constantly or just being listless until I go back to one of those.
Getting over this...
I don't know. I've been living at my parents for a while now and I was in a bad situation before that after a worse relationship, and i think it's impacting my motivation a lot.
More immediately apparent, though, has been that when I've made efforts to devote my time properly to things I actually want and know I need to do, it feels like I've developed ADHD or something. I just end up jumping on ideas and pacing around detailing them out, often unrelated to what I had been doing earlier, or thought-loops about what I could have done or what I would do under certain idealised or fictional settings. Or make lists over and over again of my goals and things to do and whatever, but then not actually start on them because that require something more of me and I get distracted so fast. I don't know, it's weird. That or I just end up browsing inanely until I remind myself to go back to doing something. So I'll go to start actually doing something, anything, and an hour or three later find out I've just fucked around getting nowhere yet.
I think meditation helps a little, at least the day and day after trying it I actually did something useful for half an hour. Though I've already skipped doing it the past two days, idk why.
Probably these:
>Eating too much when I get home from work e.g. yesterday: Irish super lean steak(191 cal), packet of smoked meat (132 cal), pot noodle (326 cal) and then 2 pieces of bread with peanut butter and honey on them (I'm estimating from 300 cal to 600 each) and then a beer without the alcohol so that's about (200 cal)
At least I worked out for 2 hours r-right?
I get hospitalised with gastrointestinal issues every other year; losing ~10kg and gaining surgical wounds that take time to heal every time.
>work at Atlanta airport
>vending machines everywhere
>they take cards too
>concourses loaded with vendors
>they even built a Sbarro directly above our stock room so I can smell delicious pizza fumes all day
Fuck I'm just surrounded by delicious junk every day
>staying up late
>wagecuck job + impulse buying on amazon + irresistible craving for overpriced protein smoothies at gym = no money halfway between checks = eating fried garbage and whatever snack foods get given away at work
Please man, please will you fukin delete this
When there's chocolates in the house I sometimes make excuses on myself so I could have a reason to go to the fridge and get one.
>no friends
these aren't habits, they're symptoms
>I'm still on Jow Forums
>My dopamine receptors are still fucked despite nofap
>currently got a new well paying job, that means something, but friends don't seem to put effot in me as i would them
I'm angry that i'm not where i could be, which makes it worse
“”borderline”” alcoholic. A minimum of 5 drinks a day isn’t borderline anymore bro.
Quit drugs, cigs and alcohol and tell anyone who doesn’t support you to fuck off.
>hurrdurr college and lifting is hard.
These fucking millenials
If you enjoy playing LOL then who tf cares. If you do not enjoy it then why tf play?
>drinking soda and snacking on multiple chocolate bars and chips
>going to WacDonalds every single time after work
>binging after workouts
>when bored, going to the grocery shop to buy soda and salami sticks
Yes im a fat lard, but I still try my best every single day.
But in my case doing your best isn't enough.
eat less when u lift and eat more when ur not
Im pretty good with this lately to be honest.. although I need to do more stuff for my recovery, like walk around more n all that in my free time, and stretch a little more, cos when Im not working out im in my bed basically.
Video games. Not playing them in general, but spending a lot of time watching youtube gaming related videos.
I find that looking for other things that you might enjoy will help because then you'd have no more time to play it. Also don't just completely block it out, just discipline yourself into playing less and less each day.
Imagine coping this hard over taking a huge loss on a 2000$ investment
Unironically take overeat on it till you have to puke. That'S how I ruined Chili con Carne for myself. Even smelling it makes me gag, even 0 years later. If a day isn't enough, eat it for half a week if necessary. NOTHING else, no fruit or vegetable and let it stay outside the fridge. If you haven't come to this point after your second day, you will probably break it once it starts to go bad. You will mentally always associate pizza smell with near-pukung over rotting ingridients.
I masturbate way too much to twisted shit
I also spend a lot of time playing videogames but it doesn't refrain me at all when it comes to going to the gym
what kinda shit?
Not telling, too embarrassaing even if i'm anonymous
I stop at hungry jacks (burger king) after work and order these loaded fries that have cheese sauce on them.
i gave up smoking
but i really like getting dizzy after one
Nigger what I sold it for 2200, you know graphics cards have gone up recently right? Lmfao projection at it's finest. You will never make it dyel loser.
This is why I still come here. To read shit like this
Post body
I chew tobacco. Past few weeks I've been getting plastered every weekend fri and sat and on Halloween. Love to get fucked up. That's about it.
I hate chewing but at this point it's like having to get gas for the car, I have to run to the farm store to get some chew.
After a very dramatic night drinking on saturday night at my buddy's 21st, I'm done drinking for a while.
I think I'm headed in the right direction considering these two things.
None, I don’t smoke, barely drink, have a healthy diet and since not long ago, I exercise
Get fucked dyel loser.
19 and trying to get stronger so haven’t really cleaned up my diet that much when I can just stuff hamburgers down my face and still have all my lifts go up
lmao jesus christ
why are you on fit if you dont lift robot scum?
5'6" kidlet
Binge and purge is what I do at times. It makes me feel real somehow
>Then sleeping even for 9 hours I still wake up tired.
you might have sleep apnea. are you a round boy?
last time i was hungover i decided to stop gettin drunk and drink like 3 beers max. will see how it goes
dont smoke it anymore. just take oil every now and then.
>fast food
this is the easiest for me to avoid
pretty easy to avoid.
this maybe my only broblem but ive lessend on them very much too
you need a strong mind pussies
I quit sweets, soda, only drink once a month or two, but I'm still a smoker and I don't wanna quit.
last time i was hungover i decided to stop gettin drunk and drink like 3 beers max. will see how it goes
dont smoke it anymore. just take oil every now and then.
>fast food and soda
this is the easiest for me to avoid
pretty easy to avoid.
this maybe my only broblem but ive lessend on them very much too.
rarely play
this maybe my only one
8 hours a day
you need a strong mind pussies to conquer your weak desires
>no time
Sure buddy
Let me rephrase. Im spending my time in areas that i care more about. I'm taking 18 credits, doing research, and studying for the LSAT. An ideal but more time consuming program is just not my priority right now, but I accept that tbqh
This is one of the few times I'm going to be honest on the internet. I like just like you describe. I also have diagnosed OCD/depression. I am addicted to comfort, escapism, anxiety relieving, etc. I don't do drugs other than coffee. I binge eat our of 7/11 but I'm not fat. This has been going on for decades. I am 43. I don't know how to escape this. I live in comfort and hell. This is truly hell. This will go on and on and on for you if you don't find a solution. Do whatever the fuck you think you must to break this cycle and grow up. I bullshit and lie to get by. I work when I must. I am in hell. I've gotten my life together a few times and managed to date a few amazing women but then they discover my secret and/or I just can't handle responsibility and spiral down into perfectionism, procrastination, then escapism and lying, OCD and depression. I wish I could tell you I figured this shit out, fixed my shit and got my life together permanently. But no I am shitposting my life away into oblivion. Good luck.
psychedelics are the most powerful way to break such habits. worked for me with ayahuasca analogue(syrian rue + mimosa hostilis).
Every day I go to the store after work and buy a pack of crisps which are like 500-700 Calories, thankfully I always stay under 1800 Calories but goddamn it's kind of annoying.
Weird how we have the exact same problems?
Almost like those are normal everyday problems during puberty / uni life, right?
>oftentimes sitting over 10 hours a day
>eating candy
Fuck dude I needed this. I don't know if real, I hope not for your sake but if so then thank you for sharing. Truly.
It's not too late for you to try. Maybe you have tried idk maybe you're more like me. You made me cry here. Going to share more because this is fucking eerily familiar. I don't know what to offer you besides this and thanks.
So familiar.
The no drugs but coffee (though I went through a phase with more).
The lying.
The getting it together and having a few great girlfriends. One turned into a codependent shitfest. The other was supportive even though I treated her badly, cheated, later convinced myself it was no good, I miss her.
I'm 28 and all I've done is get a degree and lift sometimes. I already have the feeling that I've been doing this countless years, started some time around 18. Maybe earlier, but that was anxiety issues and I've gotten mostly over that. But this shit, the OCD thought-loops, perfectionism, deep depression, just keeps dragging me down. In lucid moments I see myself headed towards where you are. If I don't DO something that will be me. I know the need to change, but of course then I turn to escaping that realisation. It's easier, you know that. Maybe life is too easy, no proving grounds, no need to try. Too easy to be cheaply comfortable all the time. I found something in the Epicureans: that putting in effort, even if uncomfortable, is worth it when the trade-off is greater enjoyment of life in the long run. I thought I could work with this but it was just another slight point of light I shied away from at the time.
Maybe I haven't truly tried to change. I don't stick with it. As soon as I am able to acknowledge that I've put in some work I reward myself with some nice current-past-time (avoidance). And besides that there's this exact thought: if I change I won't be ME anymore and then I devolve this into an existential debate with myself. So many blocks.
FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK. I need to go do some soul searching.
School. Takes up the whole day then proceeds to fuck your evenings with homework. I fucking hate HS
stop doing that
My only issue is alcohol. I unironically like it. I thinki also have a generic disposition for it. I try to keep it to Friday and Saturday but when i mess up it can lead to a multi day binge. Fasting helps since i can't drink when fasting. I'll about to start a new job after quitting my "bullshit job" so i hope i feel more fulfilled. I'm also moving back to my college town where my friends are and I'm going to join their combat gym. I'm really hoping things get better.
I'm addicted to Halo Top. Fortunately I ate two pints in one day a week ago and it caused so much cramping, gas and bloating for the past week that I never want to see that stuff ever again.
Well if you're like me (3.6k hours of Dota, 2.5k hours of LoL), you're probably not actually having fun with the game. Because MOBAs fucking suck and playing with Peruvians for 3 hours a day actually made me despise South America on a personal level. If you don't think they suck, that's okay. There's another way around it.
>realize you only have so much time after work to do stuff
>have to do chores, cook, go to gym, clean apartment if need be, study if you're a student, leaves little time for games
>don't have a job/something where you're working 8 hours a day
You should probably get one of those and it'll put things in perspective real fucking fast how much of a time sink video games are during the week.
>"But hey at least I'm not fat or addicted to food and I quit my phone and game addiction"
Wow great those are all easier than your current problems you idiot. Dump you gf she sounds like a fuckin looser oh wait so do you.
>forgot to eat dinner
>look at clock
>2 AM
>tired as fuck, dont want to cook
>defrosted chicken in the sink
>jar of crusty cool ranch dip in the fridge
>stale saltine crackers in the pantry
You are me jesus christ
this scared the living shit out of me, I'm gunna go do something productive man I can't go there. Same thing exactly with the women thing, I date the most beautiful intelligent women then they realize I'm scheming, lying depressed fucker. And the OCD too. Thank you for this warning user, I hope it's not yet too late
>rest at home
Where else would I be fucking resting?
Me too. Wondered if I should reply to this when posted. Decided to do it later.
The itching is fungus/parasite overgrowth probably. Fix your routine and diet
My bad habits are forgetting to prep meals for the next day so I go out and screw my macros. I smoke pot on the weekends and sometimes during the week when I should be studying. I play too much video games and neglect everything else. Jerk off almost every other day. Bad habits I need to break.
>Rest at home is a bad habit
>school is an unhealthy habit.
You must be in 8th grade lmao get off Jow Forums
I can't seem to get my sleep schedule on track since I was like 12. I love staying up at night, napping in the afternoon, but it makes me feel like shit during the day. I eat too much bread which I feel like fucks with my nervous system.
Fetting wasted when going out, a rather lazy gf and having a hard time eating till noon (without getting sick). I think i'd rather stay with weed as drug of choice when bulking.
Your turn retard.
Are you black?
I smoke too much weed and drink too often. I also used to order takeout food constantly (before i started lifting). Last winter was rough bros, I'm so much better now but can improve a lot more by cutting out weed and beer.
worrying about petty shit. Getting better
I'm a will-let and I have trouble motivating myself doing ANYTHING.
And I mean litterally :
> feeding myself
> lifting
> working
> house chores so as to not live like a hog
> playing fucking video games
Also I have to not have access to weed otherwise I just indulge myself in smoking and I become comfortably numb and not do anything productive.
>eat sweets almost every day, easily 300g of chocolate at a time
>waste the majority of my free time on image boards
>buy games and books that I'll never have the patience to try
>procrastinate everything
>can't even start studying before 8pm because 'I still have time, I don't have to do this yet'
>never go to sleep before 2am despite having lectures at 8
>decline invitations to social meetups because I don't give a fuck about anyone other than close family
>don't have hobbies or interests
>avoid talking to anyone, can't look people in the eyes
>hold my shit in way too long because I'm afraid of seeing my roommate and having to say hi
>partly for the same reason I never cook, plus don't know how and afraid of making a mess'
>don't even lift
>never even been to a gym
also these except the weed
>getting high and playing video games 10pm-4am every night
I know you feeling depressed now but enjoy this as much as you can while it lasts. Working full time and having a gf is soul sucking
>user calls someone else dyel
Well aint this a pot calling a kettle black
Be careful with oil, I used to say 'it's fine cause I'm not smoking it' but I ended up fucking up my brain and getting mild psychosis. Like everything, it's fine in moderation but don't be an idiot like I was and do it every other day.
>>never even been to a gym
you can't make me
why are you on fit? take your incel shit elsewhere
>eating video game controllers
do americans really do this??