What kinds of accessory work do the chinese weightlifters do to get such juicy physiques...

what kinds of accessory work do the chinese weightlifters do to get such juicy physiques? i know they're also on gear and very genetically gifted

Attached: lu-xiaojun-snatch-pulls.jpg (1350x898, 132K)



They got 20000 chinks with phds on cheating the WADA engineering the de-luxe juice.

Then they give those steroids to apex athletes carefully picked from a pool of billions of people, after they train harder than you could ever imagine for all their childhoods.

just do some pullups bro, and drink lots of fruit juice for the natty carbs

As someone whose coach was actually a chinese weightlifter in guangzhou, this is basically a lifting protocol for their athletes

weightlifting stuff (including snatch, c+j, squat, pulls, push press, etc) - 12 work sets and a lot of warmup reps, followed by 3-6 sets per exercise of 8-20 reps depending on weaknesses and fatigue:

horizontal pull including chainsaw db rows, seal rows, plate reverse flyes
horizontal push including weighted dips, tricep plate extensions, decline deficit pushups on parallel bars
vertical pull including BTN pullups, lat pulldowns
lower back including weighted reverse planks, back hypers, back extensions
core including ab wheel, planks, hanging leg raises

there's also some weightlifting specific stuff like snatch balance, deficit RDL, kettlebell high pull, etc but this isn't for mass as much as reinforcing movements, you get the picture. The key is really just that they devote almost an hour every single workout to mass building - only the Russians have an equivalent focus on it which is why the likes of Klokov and Berestov were so jacked

Small people look better with a given amount of muscle mass.

Literally the best roids money can't buy

4000 years of Chinese Martial arts history.

state sponsored uberchink program

a firm handshake

Daily dose of a posterior chain exercise.

Try it out yourself, you’ll see how strong and juicy your posterior chain becomes. It’ll go from your weak point to your strong point.

Posterior chain exercise, one per day. Squat or deadlift or rows or power cleans or anything else similar that uses the posterior chain. Do one of those exercises every before doing your normal workout

Look at those front delts and tell me there is a god

>state sponsored uberchink program
literally this

and based anti-chinese poster

>the state can’t create anything good

Turns out it can, capitalist btfo

>followed by 3-6 sets per exercise of 8-20 reps
Does that mean like all of these exercises every day, one of each movement each day, bro split or pull/push split of them? How many exercises for those 3-6 sets each?

commies pls go

More plz

they'll do lower back and abs every day, at the very least some reverse planks and regular planks. For the rest, you're probably looking at one exercise per body part, 3ish exercises of 3-6x8-20.

So an average day would look like
warmup - dynamic movements and cardio
snatch 6x2
snatch pull 6x2
standing db ('chainsaw') row 3x20
weighted dips 4x10
btn pull up 3x10
reverse plank 25kg plate, 5x1 minute
hanging leg raise 3x20
bar work if needed, usually a few sets of 10 with just the bar on snatch, focusing on positions and control
massage, maybe more cardio if fat fuk


Snatch and C&J

chinese do way more accessory work than anyone else, if you want minimalist look at Hysen Pulaku lol