i think i just passed the point of no return. i accidentally rewired my sexuality and can only get hard when im thinking about doing a squat with perfect form... is there any hope for me bros?
I fucked up real bad
How the fuck did you accomplish that?
Sounds fucken cool brah
>be me
>2 years ago
>decide i need to better myself through rigorous exercise
>lack willpower
>decide to only jack off on days that i work out
>mfw it actually worked
>never missed a day
>not so bad for the first year or so
>making gains
>get convinced to do /noporn/
>too scared to do nofap because i thought i might revert back to my lazy habits
>start fapping to my imagination but get bored pretty quickly
>start thinking about my day to pass the time
>since i just came from the gym i was mostly going over how it went in my head
>now the thought of squatting to depth gets me a chub
>tfw im now a rippetoesexual
i didnt even notice this was happening until i had to leave the gym one day because i kept getting aroused during my squats that day...
Put me in the screencap
>>tfw im now a rippetoesexual
my sides
put me in the screencap you jew
What a fucking faggot
i-i need help with this guys... stop laughing at me. wat do?
Start incorporating other exercises into your sexual fantasies so you can better spread your boners throughout the session
... Bruh...
Well if you wired yourself that way, I guess you can reverse it, try capping the day you working out only but to vanilla stuff to get back to a more "usual" habit I guess... Good luck!
>implying this isn't what we mean when we say "making it". You are awaited in Valhalla user.
Fuck a screencap, someone send this to SIRS for the new years comic.
>ywn achieve the ultimate orgasm after years of perfecting your squat technique
feels bad man
do not include me in the screen cap
Holy fucking shit
This is gonna end up on reddit won't it... such a forced story surely will get you muchly upboats XD
is this nigger serious?
Its the little things in life we cherish
Psychologyanons, is this story plausible? Why does it sound like this actually happened. Deebly goncerned.
Just masturbate whilst thinking about something else
Put me in the screencap
you're gonna make it lad
You transcended thots and space theres nothing holding you back anymore m8 your mind have beaten up the eternal thot and gave us hope to believe it is possible to make it
Put me in the screencap