How many push ups can you do in one set? I bet Jow Forums can't even do ten in a row.

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I do 20 10 10 10

I've always sucked ass at pushups for some reason. I can do a lot, but after like 10 It won't be fun

I do sets of 1000. Fucking faggot.

used to be able to do 100 shitty ones. now can do sets of 25 without killing myself

about 32 I believe.
Not tried to max out in a long ass while though

not doing 10,000
never gonna make it

but what kind of push ups

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25 I think

>Not doing 1,000,000,000 sets of 1

>The virgin push "up" of the body
>The chad push "down" of the Earth

So far I can do about 18 proper ones in a row but I'm a dyel so it doesn't really matter.

>using gravity to assist in pushing the earth down
>not going into the core of the earth and pushing the entirety of the earth outwards

>Not just pushing hard enough to cause an area of negative energy and mass ripping a tear through the fabric of space and time

56 real ones, like 72 if I start half assing them
it hurts tho so i dont like doing "max" pushups

I can do about fifteen but I can do like 22 dips I just dont get maybe i do them too slow or something

20 10 10 10, I can maybe do 25 tops

Across how many sets?

40 was my max, for deadstop pushups I start getting exhausted at 30

I can do 30.
I can bench 120kg tho. Not a fatass just never bothered to train pushups.

I can bench 2pl8s and do all sort of meme pushups but for some reason I always tire out after 20+ and by the time I reach 30 my arms are turning into stone

I can do twenty five continuous push-ups without interruption, and fifty if I suspend myself in the air between the last fifteen and ten.

Around 45 because I'm a bitchboy and don't like push-ups
Thanks for the reminder to get back on em.

could 30-35 in one set but i usually do 3x25

229lbs dyel reporting in. 16 or 17 then form goes to shit.

I don't even do them anymore in favour of bench. might switch back and go for 20 push ups.

>gains extensive muscle mass
>Can't apply any of it
Breh if you already got the muscle, why the fuck are you prioritizing the gym? Go do some push ups and pull ups and squats.

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35 normal push ups in a row
30 wide arm push ups in a row
30 diamond push ups in a row

56 has been the most I've gotten out of one set

About 45


Two months lifting total skelly dyel reporting in.
I can do 20 normal pushups in a row (I get tired at ~17 so I pause there momentarily) and 30 in total when I do myo reps. Then I have to rest because I literally start shaking.


>5'10, 220lbs
>pushups: 40
>dips: 28
>pullups: 19
>muscle ups: 8-9

what do i win?

used to be 50 in a row but now im getting back into it starting at 25 along with getting in my neck pilled workouts

>What do I win?
Ah sweetie

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50 at hardest
40 easily

35 at a push

the max I have ever did was 56 recently, lifting for 7 years straight
the funny part is that I have been able to do 53-55 before even lifting weights and looking like a skeleton

pushups are a meme

Damn bruh I look like a skeleton, 5'10, 145lbs, and the most I've ever been able to do was like 35. I stopped trying that normal width shit when I could reach 15 without a hassle, I always do diamond or really wide.


DESU I do 10 sets of 30 a day

fucking reddit as shit going on here

I run 0.5 mile and end it with 20 push ups. Repeat until I can't run anymore