I figured out what causes depression.
Think about it, how many times were you depressed after taking a nap , when you didn't get enough sleep or when you were fasting? What causes low blood sugar?
A messed up circadian rhytm, dehydration, alcohol, hypothyrodism adrenal fatigue, lack of exercise, eating too much sugar which causes a blood sugar drop. Whenever you feel exhausted about life and you're feeling frustrated with everything, just eat something or go to sleep. Now you might say that there are depressed diabetics, and to that I say that they don't have physical depression, but that they are sad about something. Not advocating anyone to eat sugar, but when you are trying to give it up, you might fall into a slump of low blood sugar. Soda doesn't really help, you need to eat something sweet.
I figured out what causes depression
Other urls found in this thread:
Except I'm balls to the wall carnivore diet keto pro and I'm not depressed at all.
Mewing is the key to life
Also snort creatine
ketones are basically super-glucose
To say there’s one cause of depression is pretty idiotic. Nutrion and dietary issues can certainly cause one to become depressed, but can drug use, natural brain chemistry issues that some people just have, but more often than not it isn’t that anyone needs pills to make them a mindless fucking drone it’s that they need purpose and meaning. Take a rice paddy farmer in some shit hole country. He steps on a landmine and gets merked, loses a leg. Now he can’t work. The village keeps him alive and helps him but he’s now horrifically depressed. They come together and get him a couple cows. Well now he can produce some farming goods again, despite being permanently crippled he is able to obtain milk, raise calves and produce both meat and revenue for his village. He’s no longer the depressed ex rice farmer, he’s the hard working one legged milk man. Most people, especially the people here (neets) are lacking purpose. Even those with jobs and/or school know without realizing it that they’re not doing anything super meaningful. It sounds cliche but people need hobbies, shit they can fall in love with and obsess over and never stop talking about. Passions. We’re always told to go get a fucking job and work and that’s what our life should be, yeah we need to be making money to support ourselves but that’s not a life.
I thought about mentioning that there are obviously more causes of depression but I didn't care since I haven't saw this one posted that often. Judging from your first sentence of your post, you're just an ignorant cunt that hasn't considered what I just told you. Didn't read.
I find this hypothesis fascinating, I thought it was a lack of Vitamin D (that's what the books say) but I have depression and I often forget to eat.
Inflammation is also a possible cause. Look it up.
his first sentence is literally entirely right
low test? Bam, depression. Isolated from others? Bam, depression. Low D3/O3/magnesium/zinc/whatever? Bam, depression. Certain drug abuse? Bam, depression? Thinking depression is only one thing is like thinking a fever can only have one cause.
now even close bozo
I'm OMAD carnivore, and I do 72 hour /fast/ every weekend
never felt better in my life
Are you retarded? I don't need to ask that; you are retarded
gonna have to shut you down user
im type 1 diabetic and I feel the worst when my blood sugar is high. Like kill myself im such a loser im worthless kind of feeling.
I feel much better when its low and am actually more sociable and talkative when its low
>Whenever you feel exhausted about life and you're feeling frustrated with everything, just eat something or go to sleep.
I tried that for years. Didn`t help.
>weak minded manchild can’t take being called an idiot on an anonymous book club forum
Maybe you should get your blood sugar checked
Considering a common side affect of depression is overeating and excess snacking...it would just fix itself
You didn't figure out jack shit. Your body (unless diabetic, insulin resistant or fasting) has built-in regulation to control blood sugar using glucose that you have stored in the body. The average, non-impaired person has enough glycogen stored in their liver to keep blood sugar regulated for ~24 or more hours without intake. Sure, this could possibly lead to a lower energy physical or mental state, but NOT clinical depression.
Take an advanced biochemistry and macronutrient metabolism course at college and you may understand how your own interpretations of the reactions of insulin, blood glucose and energy usage are factually incorrect.
If you want to go even deeper, take a course on molecular biology, epigenetics, and gene regulation to understand that DNA modification is ultimately the gatekeeper to metabolism as a whole.
t. fatass cutting
high blood sugar makes you feel lazy as fuck and literally drives you to sleep
>Comes up with hypothesis
>doesn't decide to follow up with own experimentation/study
>thinks he is right anyway
You might as well just be a flat earther
>I figured out what causes depression
Kek, everyone just knocked this faggot on his ass and then crouched over his face to shut down his throat.
Get absolutely shit on you fecal eating homo
>I figured out what causes depression.
You're so cute when you're trolling.
But to anyone else: if you're depressed when you wake up, it's probably caused by apnea. Especially if you also suffer from headaches.
Low blood sugar does contribute. But a deadly combination of genius and despair is much worse.
eating plants causes depression
Health Dangers of a Plant-Based Diet | Kevin Stock - kevinstock.io
all you gotta do is eat animals
>heh! You just need to eat some processed carbs there goy!
I wonder whomst could be behind this post?
huh. well it seems i am in the wrong thread. i meant to post in that one about how bad breathing and posture causes balding
More like superiority/inferiority complex, a big ego and unfulfilled delusions
So if I get a cow I'mma feel good?