Mens' Prime

At what age do men peak, Jow Forums?

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For me it was like 8 years old

Everyone peaks at different times. I know guys that peaked at 16. For a majority I'd say it's around 22-25. If you can keep your hair and have a fit body, you can probably last well into your 30s and even 40s.

By attractiveness? Later.

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21, same as women

Unbeknownst to me, I peaked at 19.
It's been all downhill from there.
Nothing but thirsty MILFs and GMILFs, girls with daddy issues, and chicks who're following me around like lost hungry puppies who caught a whiff of sausage when my dick is more visible then normal.

right before they start to fall apart.

If you keep fit, 50. Most men peak at 25 or so but most men see their body as an afterthought and destroy it with drugs and poor diet.


For asians, mid to late 30's.

For whites and blacks, mid 20's


mid 20s, after 25 it will only get worse

>For asians, mid to late 30's.

Fuck yes, I can still get to med school by next year. Start when I'm 30. Late 30's be a junior doc. Still can make it.....

16-35 before that you're a full on child and after you're middle aged. I'd say ideal age is 27

There is no peak because women of different ages want different men.
The reason women have a peak is because men of all ages agree that early 20s is peak for women.

Physically, probably late 30s early 40s.

Men have a 25-30 year peak imo, provided they keep fit and motivated. They don't fall off a cliff afterward either like women do.

Women have a 5 year peak at best and the dropoff afterward is harsh.

by that i meant the peak lasts for 25-30 years.
Usually from around age 25 - 50, give or take some.

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Can someone explain to me the part on the right? Im a brainlet and dont understand it.

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all the data indicates that men dont even begin peaking until 35 but surely in terms of pure physical attributes it would be more like mid/late twenties. male personalities and wealth can continue to increase i suppose which might be a factor.
females on the other hand begin taking a nosedive at around 17. and factoring in things like personality actually doesnt help them at all

it's confusing because they make it out to be a two dimensional graph when really it's a series of one dimensional pieces of individual data. it should just be a simple bar graph.
so basically asian women are most attractive, whites are more attractive than blacks, etc

It shows which race-sex combos are most desirable, regardless of age. So, for men it's white>nig>spic>chink and for women chink>spic>white>nig

Makes sense now thx lads

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In the nba most athletes have their peak from 25-35

Beta s o yboy detected.
Women are in their prime at 13-17

>taking the word of a retard on Jow Forums
Wew lad

Let's be real here. Considering 10 years after high school everyone's 21st century sedentary garbage diet lifestyle of smoking and drinking turns most people to shit.

Disregarding peak, I'd say the desirability window for both men and women is wider and more in control now more than ever. This society of convenience is giving people the rope to hang themselves with and by simply abstaining from unhealthy lifestyle choices and being consistent and disciplined will be seen as desirable. Consistency and discipline are choices that we can control for our entire lives.

Remember, we all don't live in LA surrounded by frauding plastic celebrities.

>early 20s

you mean late teens to early 20s. almost all women are the most attractive they'll ever be at 18

Mid to late teens to early twenties actually.

This is a lie. I'm 27 and I get many more attractive women then I ever did when I was 16-20.

They key is being disciplined, focusing on self improvement (physically, emotionally and mentally) and not letting your body go to shit.

unironicaly true though i wouldn't fuck a 13,14 or 15 year old

Look guys I was trying to be politically correct
Scientifically speaking peak is exactly 14

>Females on the other hand begin taking a nosedive at around 17.

Let's not exaggerate, mate. Most females are still at their peak by 25. Late 20s to early 30s is where they nosedive.

this nigga cant read the chart on the right

FEMALES: white > black > hispanic > asian
MALES: asian > hispanic > white >> black

>this delusion

A decently attractive woman in her 20s will mog any 13 year old into the ground.

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Are you retarded?

It shows how attractive on average each type of person is. The higher your dot, the more attractive you are. For example, Asian women are the most attractive, while black women are by far the least attractive.

The dots could've all been put on one line, but so you can easily compare races, each race has been put on its own separate vertical line.

Physically, men peak in their late 20s, usually about 28. Our brains keep improving up until about 30, then they usually start to slowly lose volume. So in terms of the purely physical aspect men peak about 28-30. However the decline after that is slow, and the added experience is a major benefit, so performance wise the peak may be later even for many physical activities.

The other aspect to this is self improvement. Many people don’t really work on themselves at all, thise are the people that peak in highschool or college, when they are at their best looking and most popular, and become a fatter shadow of themselves after that. Someone who continuously improves may peak way later in life, pic related is a good example. You can’t tell me Jeff Bezos isn’t now at a point in his life in mid 50’s that is way beyond where he was or even could have been at 30.

So tl;dr: keep improving and it’s all uphill until you hit actual old age

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Depends on whether or not they take care of themselves. A man can look distinguished and handsome into his 50's if he eats right, exercises, and doesn't abuse his liver. Or he can wind up looking absolutely horrible if he lives destructively.

>females on the other hand begin taking a nosedive at around 17
i blame obesity and poor living habits desu. most girls should be in their prime in their late teens to twenties, and it’s sad to see a lot ruining it by smoking and partying every night.

also not wearing sunscreen if they’re white.

I'd say 30s. Still fairly young, have some life experience, may he not the greatest shape of your life for the average man but early 30s is when test is the highest. Should have some spending money, freedom to do whatever. If you take decent care of yourself and arent a fuck boy I'd say 30-35 is peak male. I'm 24 now and definitely feel better than I did when I was 20. Its all about lifestyle

physical potential - 25
athletic peak (if you practice a sport since a long time) - 18 - 32 (depends a lot on the sport, 18 for skating, 32 for marathon for example)
cognitive ability - 32 - 39

this graphic doesn't mean shit. 45 yo men are the most desirable because 45 yo women past their prime have to resort to dating sites.

inside is yellow :)