Just had my gyno removed
Just had my gyno removed
do you have a before photo?
how much did it cost you?
Why are you weird colour
you're fucking fat, didn't you try losing weight before going to such extreme measures?
Why not just lose fat? You're still easily 20%+ bf. Why not get the surgery if it still looks bad after cutting? God, fatfags are so insufferable it hurts
>no compression vest
ask me how i know it was a dog shit surgery that didn't involve removing entire glands and shaping chest
this, you're retarded
do you faggots even know what gyno is? how about you look it up first before saying something stupid
Is there any way a poorfag can remove tits without surgery like fat burn/sweat creams or tumeric?
just loose weight
Iodine, the disinfectant they wash on the skin for surgery, is brown
You wouldn’t lose the gyno tissue after losing weight
because getting in shape can help the appearance of gyno or make it less noticeable. Also, the mental benefits of recomping one's body may have put the OP in a better state where gyno surgery was no longer a priority. If he thought expensive gyno surgery was going to solve all of his body image issues, he's got a whole new world of hurt waiting for him once he realizes how fucking fat he is.
Try again, cunt. No one who has gyno would ever not be insecure about their man tits.
When you are born with a vagina it is called top surgery, bro.
You'll never be a man tranny
you're not entirely wrong, but you're missing the point. You're coming from at it from the angle of, "if you have gyno, why even try, you'll still have gyno", where as, I, a person with gyno who got fit, am coming at it from a different angle. That angle is, lose weight and recomp your body first. You may have good pec genetics. If that's the case, once you build them up, your body might not look so bad. I know that after I put on some muscle, my gyno is a little less noticeable. It's still there. It still bothers me. I still wanna get surgery one day. The thing is though, I feel a lot better about myself nowadays and putting more lbs on my bench press is more important to me than getting cosmetic surgery.
>because getting in shape can help the appearance of gyno or make it less noticeable
except you are 100% wrong you dumb faggot. Getting leaner will only make your gyno more visible. Gyno is literally overgrown hard breast tissue that sticks out like a sore thumb. If you are really fat gyno will be bit less noticible but the leaner you get the worse it looks.
He did the right thing because now he can drop weight and not worry about his preteen girly tits poking out through his shirt
Why didn’t you wait until you were actually lean?
I go tthe surgery 4 years ago and it’s a life changer man. Enjoy the rest of your life without tits.
it's not 100% unilaterally true for everyone though. Big upper chest makes the gyno less noticeable.
Insurance paid for all of it
I've lost about 40lbs in the past year with the titties sticking around. Healthcare professionals confirmed it was gynocomastia. Next step is to recover and lose another 20 or so lbs.
>it's not 100% unilaterally true for everyone
except it is because gyno is gyno and not something else
>Big upper chest makes the gyno less noticeable
except your nips are on lower chest and you're dumb as fuck and don't understand anything. Are you literally retarded or something? your fucking bodyfat or muscle mass won't do jack shit to "hide" your gyno. Muscle will push it out more and fat won't cover it.
It is literally a hard mass under your nipple and you don't store far or grow muscle between your gland and nipple. You can't do anything besides surgery to fix your poking tities.
yep, looks like gyno
Show before pic or it wasnt gyno
Doctors will tell you you have gyno just to do the operation
>getting cut open over being fat
>next step is to recover
yeah you're gonna just recover all your fat cause you probably cant exercise for a month
Tits or GTFO!
That's not how it looks for everyone. I have gyno, but my nipples are normal.
I have a friend who had his gyno removed at about a similar look fat% as you. Because he didn’t get sub-20% first, after the gyno surgery healed up his chest looks fucking weird, as he’s still a bit fat but his area around his tits isn’t.
Looks so fucking strange and he still doesn’t take his top off when sunbathing because it’s a whole new thing he hates.
He can just stay lean, and don't have fat anywhere. It's what you have to do when you commit to liposuction, which is what they often do when they remove gyno.
>Because he didn’t get sub-20% first, after the gyno surgery healed up his chest looks fucking weird
because the surgery was botched. I said many times here that when i had my gyno removed it was done by a veteran gyno remover. He removed entire glands (he specializes in roiders), he spent quite a bit time "sucking it every bit of leftover gyno cells" but 75% time of the surgery was taken by "shaping" my chest. I don't know what he was doing exactly but he was pushing on my chest so hard i was jumping up and down on the table. He told me about faggots who half ass gyno surgery and that people come to him to fix the mess.
If you want a COSMETIC surgery to be done correct you have to pay for it. Faggots who do surgeries covered by insurence always half ass their job. He was told to remove gyno so he will cut piece of gyno and aesthetics is none of his business
man I look worse than this with my chest, do i have gyno or am I just fat?
5'10 196 lbs
That looks like a fucking barracks room. What branch are you in fatty
that's not gyno. You're a fat motherfucker.
you should've lost the weight first and then considered surgery you mong, you're like 40% bodyfat and suprised you have fat deposits on ur chest so fucking retarded.
welcome to Jow Forums everybody enjoy ur stay
stop being such a cunt about your man titties, fatboy
Nice gyno, fag
you're just fat dude.. jesus christ how people are so stupid here
what did you do to make insurance pay for it?where do you live?
Good lad. That brings back good memories for me - had the surgery 7 years ago myself. Wait till you catch a view of your chest the first time that bandage comes off!
You didn't think to lose weight first?
I'd love to see the fat, out of shape, never gonna make it fuckhead that wrote this post
Why didn't you just do dumbbell flies until you got a man's chest?
this is what I imagine reddit to be like
you must go back
ex-fatty is this gyno or will it go away if I work out?
>insurance paid for it
Why didn't they get the rest of the fat while they were there? What prompted you to get that awful tattoo? Do you ever look back and regret your obviously terrible life choices?
There’s no way this ain’t a chick
>ex fatty
Keep losing weight its most likely fat but hard to tell
you have to make a claim sound VERY convincing that it's severe and causing you emotional and or physical distress
most will reject it as a cosmetic procedure
Post more of your milkers, fat boy. Daddy likes what he sees.
You're still fat you're just skinny fat now
Keep cutting titti boi
high body fat is highly correlated with occurrence of gyno. getting rid of gyno before tackling your fat fucking ass is just going to bring gyno back retard
Check it with your doc if you want to know if its gyno or not.
Would still recommend losing weight first but if youre skinny and you still have tits, thats bad luck buddy
Nice shitty military barracks and fade. Thanks for using my tax dollars to let tricare kikes get richer.
Unless you’re like 10% bf (you’re not) you’re fat at that height weight buddy, sorry.
would need a profile shot bc it looks like youre still a little outward fat there
but if youre skinny fat id say surgery is the only way
>high body fat is highly correlated with occurrence of gyno
only in boys hitting puberty you dumb fucking mong. You are compeletly fucking clueles so shut your dumb mouth.
my wife has thast same type of nipples
Pic related is my gyno before and after 25kg of weight loss.
Breast tissue still palpable (and have had this confirmed by a surgeon) but not visibly noticeable.
How did you get insurance to pay? Did you have to lie and say it was painful? My policy requires persistent pain as a criterion
Tell them it is sensitive and hurts, they’re not gonna put you on a lie detector or EEG to prove it hurts retard.
White """""men""""
i got this surgery done too :) prepare for some swelling for a month or two!
why did you do it before losing weight first?
you could have just......... not had gyno if skinny.........
thats basically no gyno at all
fat loss = heavy gyno reduction confirmed
thanks habib / sikhman
Well they also require class 3, and mine might only be class 2. So depends how much of a jew the doctor is
That's definitely gyno dude lmao
That's not gyno you fucking shitskin. Those are fat tits.
The fucking state of this board. No one knows what the fuck is gynecomastia or lipomastia but everyone just keeps repeating "gyno" every time they see someone with chest that doesn't look normal
Look up how gyno surgery looks like and what they are cutting out of your chest.
Think i got it.
t. University of Jow Forums medical graduate
You look like you hada fuck ton of day to lose before taking this route. I hope you don't look retarded after it's healed
You have a bit too much fat to tell. If it doesn't show through a shirt I wouldnt cut until summer if I was you.
why didnt u lose weight first u fucking retard
My gun went away on its own around age 30, same body composition just slightly more active lifestyle and regular sex.
Was considering surgery before that, now it's totally cleared up even while bulking and with creatine.
Fuck off, retard. I’ve seen two different surgeons and had an ultrasound. It’s gyno.
fit in gyno threads:
>its not gyno its fat its not gyno you're just insecure it's not gyno just cut it's not gyno i can barely see it
fit in other threads:
This is some kind of psychological phenomena, when you start downplaying something once it's been pointed out to you
This u r fucking retarded op
You will still have bitch tits when u are this fat
It might be gyno. Doesn’t mean anyone notices it except fitfags
Fuck, that's exactly the kind of gyno I have.
Developing my chest did help a bit though. It's still there but the chests muscles kinda makes them less noticeable.
I'm saving for surgery.
how long till you can lift
i removed my loose skin and couldnt lift for 3 months
>Fuck off, retard. I’ve seen two different surgeons and had an ultrasound. It’s gyno.
niggers just want your money.
This nigger just pushed his nipples back in.
Wtf is this shit
You should have waited till you were not fat anymore.
You are still 50lbs overweight you fucking retard
>If you want a COSMETIC surgery to be done correct you have to pay for it. Faggots who do surgeries covered by insurence always half ass their job. He was told to remove gyno so he will cut piece of gyno and aesthetics is none of his business
this op is going to look retarded, he's never going to lose the weight tho so it won't matter. If he could not be bothered to lose the weight before fucking having surgery he won't be bothered to now
Post more
You're fat af. You could've just lost all that weight.
REE I was slouched I look pretty slim IRL but I do have a lot of body fat that goes to my stomach.
Considering getting this done, I have puffy nipples and larger breasts from juicing 3 years ago. It’s bad. I wear bandaids over my nipples.
How much was it? What type of doctor do I go to? Is anything covered under insurance if I say the nipples are painful and sensetive? (which they are)
holy fuck i dated an emo chick in highschool with itty bitties EXACTLY like yours LMAO
>nails done
>femin hands
This is a female
You're on the skittles though
I have jacked it to enough trannies to know that youre on hormones.
im not I dont want to be a girl anymore
>to lazy to drop bf% to be 100% sure u have gyno
i was 225 5'7 big and man boobs now at 160 im looking good
rip future chest gains