Is anxiety from being touched a normal thing?

Is anxiety from being touched a normal thing?

Stop touching me on the hip ma’am it makes me feel uncomfortable

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Define normal.

It's normal for me, but I am fairly certain I have undiagnosed autism.

It’s only when certain people touch me. Friends? No problem. Strangers or people I don’t like? Get your fucking hands off me

Yeah dude its autism Ted Bundy had it too

That sounds normal. Personally, I hate all kinds of touch, even by those close to me.

Yep, I gahsbe that feel.
Especially when it’s random, like I’m in he store and some guy comes up and says “hey user” while placing their hand in my back.
I find the best way is to smile and touch their arm, they never repeat their mistake

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I hate it too, OP. It's so overstimulating when people touch me, it keeps me up all night , but I'm never horny enough to climax.

I get this anxiety that almost immediately turns to rage if anyone touches me. The only contact I can accept is from someone I want to get sexual with, but only the center of my chest, the center of the top of my head, my cheeks, or my middle back. Anything else feels like a sock put on sideways. I don't really desire sex, even though I've had it a hundred times with one female. Is this a hyperautism?

I've never understood this. I hate it when people touch my moobs because I'm fat but otherwise I could care less if I'm touched anywhere else, like once I finish losing the weight I'll be golden.

Why do so many people hate being touched anywhere?

>accidentally brush cashiers finger for less than a second while receiving receipt
>furiously rub that part of hand on pants for 5 minutes straigtht

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Physical contact with other people was a rare thing when I was a kid which apparently causes issues later on. Now I freak out when someone touches me even when it's just a hand on the shoulder. Don't know if there's any relation between the two but I hope it helps

I used to fucking hate it even when I was already looking good. I kind of accepted it if it's just peers being friendly with me. The only time I like it is with a girl I love. Random thots feeling me up infuriate me. But that's probably because I never got a hug or even a shoulderpat from my parents.

this thread makes me happy
I'm not nearly as screwed up as you people

>I want to get sexual with
>I don't really desire sex
>Peen not included on the ok touch list

Yes this is textbook hyperautism

That's pretty much child abuse wtf

i dont like being touched generally either. idk if i get 'anxiety' from it but it definitely annoys me.

I go to a therapy group and when we introduce ourselves we have to say how we feel about being touched. It’s more common than you think but it’s definitely not normal.

I think it depends in how you were raised. As a kid my parents would give me a kiss on the lips and a hug every night before bed. I've never been bothered by getting touched or anything even by strangers unless it's overtly sexual.

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This. My mother used to jerk me off when I hit my teens because she knew boys that age get really tense and anxious. Literally nothing wrong with touching.

I thought OP's pic was a tinder shoop but no, very disappointed.

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