People my age are dying because of poor health choices they've made

>people my age are dying because of poor health choices they've made

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get rid of meat or you're next

Know a guy in his 20s getting strokes from beating too fat, another have ulcer from drinking too much. What the fuck is really going on.

How about I get rid of your meat?

By hiding it in my ass

Post age

It’s because they on that damn phone all the time

People have been eating meat since we broke up from our chimp ancestors and obesity is only a recent issue..but yeah, meat is the fucking problem.

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I blame social anxiety on this, not obesity though

The real issue is foods designed in laboratories to be addictive and cheap, especially fast food with its overuse of cooking oils.

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The easy access of food and lack of will power is the reason. Humans were never meant to have food around at all times with no gauntlet to go through to deserve it. There are people on this board who dont even burn calories between meals but still eat. Disgusting.

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False. Hunter gather societies in the cradle of Africa had food growing literally all over the place. Took about an hour a day of casually walking around to fully feed yourself.
I mean, you also had things like malaria, various swarms of vicious biting insects, ebola, and large predators that could still hunt human beans running about culling the population, but feeding yourself was easy.

>people I went to highschool with look like they're already ready for death and look slow as shit or have kids and look worn out

For me I still feel like I just graduated last week and seeing them with kids freaks me the fuck out

First, no, humans did not have the amount of food readily available and at such low cost until the last half of the 20th century. We're at a point where it is literally impossible for someone in a 1st world country to starve to death, even if they're homeless. A dollar a day can you feed you indefinitely.

And 2nd you're forgetting the part where early humans still had to do this crazy thing called labor, food just didn't magically grow on its own, and meat didn't just magically appear behind a door that just happened to hold freezing temperatures to keep the meat fresh. All daily life revolved around moving and performing an actual task with your hands.

The obesity rate speaks for itself, the last few decades have created a new lifestyle where anyone eat the worst fast food they crave at any time, for very little money, with no energy spent in the process.

Humans today are a pathetic excuse of a 'predator".

You people don't even run.

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How old is you?


I’m 53 why?

I’ve noticed a lot of people are fat from drinking. Also generally not exercising either. Not good!

what about extra virgin olive oil

That's a cheetah

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In the 50s food was cheap and available all year round and people weren't fat, the difference is moder food is ultra refined shit that doesn't trigger proper satiety signals

Same. 29yo here, regularly get mistaken for being mid 20s, occasionally early 20s. The one that gets me most is the guys I knew in college who were like the wildcard of their social groups, now posting pics on their Facebook personal blog of mundane things their babies have done


it duh science man fault I'm fat

Gov't chemicals in our water supply, Chem trails, ozone shills, SSRIs in the water, gay frogs, satellites beaming radiation down on us 24/7, cellphone overexposure, GMOs, organic agriculture, brake dust, sunscreen conspiracy, lunar "cycles"
The list goes on and on

I'm 27 and just last week I had a construction foreman on the job I was working say I looked 19. I don't know what to do about it though, it's not like I can grow decent looking facial hair.

>people my age are paying for others' poor health choices

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people my age are bald, fat, have diabetus and gout also all of them have that jaded look LMAO fucking normies I hate them so goddamn much.
I'm 28 btw

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>Humans today are a pathetic excuse of a 'predator".
Based cheetah poster. The only advantage humans have over other animals are his brain and unrivaled endurance, people now are fat, stupid or both.

because your post related directly to your age you bellend. you're gonna have to start doing regular maths questions to prevent that brain from degrading too much more old man

'Food was cheap' but income for the average middle class family wasn't nearly as high as it is now and poverty was still a major issue for many areas. Also you need to look at the lifestyle and technology differences. People still worked in factories, people still got up and moved around on a daily basis in all aspects of life

Man I hope I can go back to this. I got really depressed for about a year and dealt with family issues and I had a police officer guess my correct age. Another months before said I look 30, but I don't count that because I was wearing sunglasses and just woke up.

Not memeing, society and marketing. We as a human collective are sick.

>literally negative lats

are you implying that people back then wouldn't make the same choices we do today if they had the chance?

>still posts in Jow Forums
>still does pepe shitposting threads
is this my future? man I need to get out of this shithole before it's too late

Hecka checked mAh brotha

Not everyone lives in Amerifat or BriTon

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>says that he has unhealthy habits and is going to change that
>shows us how he can only do half a pull up
>in two weeks he will show us how much progress he has made
>never follows it up with a video
this dude needs to be sent to a boot camp or some shit

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that's gay

if it makes you feel any better people in other countries are dying because of poor choices their leaders made

I had ulcers at 17 due to a my mom and the fact that my family would drink a 3 liter of Pepsi a day. It's amazing how I was never overweight.

>Bald and kinda unhealthy from years or focusing way too much on work and dealing with it by drinking too much plus lack of exercise
I'm hoping I can undo some of it, but if not hopefully I can at least hit a point in the future where I cross back over the line. Sub 18 people always thought I was younger than I was

>You people don't even run.

Yeah he forgot to say no homo

What are we talking about here? Are you guys talking about ulcers as in white bumps in your mouth region? If so, many people have them.

U think thats spooked?
People my age are repeating those mistakes every day

Many such cases!