Fat loss rant

This really starts to drive me nuts. Since 14 years of age I tried multiple times to get lean and always, ALWAYS, hit a wall at around 25% bf. Best try was with 14/15 at 90kg and 22%, worst was in between with 101kg and 27%. Currently at 100kg and 25%, really fast (35kg thanks to fasting/snake diet) but I hit that fucking wall again.

I know it's my own fault I got fat again after grinding my nerves at this wall for several months each time. But this time and during the 35kg I lost with fasting I really believed into it. Maybe I shouldn't look at all the motivational shit that comes with Cole and his snake diet...

It seems like it's not working. I get really shitty with fasting and can't go longer than 72 hours without food. I tried 5 days 3 times now, but after day 3 my mood and energy levels fall into a bottomless pit.

And having hit that wall there's horseshit happening in the fasting windows. I lose 300g per week at best. Like wtf? How can it be so stupidly fucking hard to lose fucking fat? Bloods are good, T level is good (on TRT for 2 years now). Why the hell ain't I losing the ~2kg of fat per week my BMR suggests although I'm lifting and doing cardio?

Also I want to laugh about 'You can make gains on a deficit'. Yes, I had strength gains at first, but just because I quit lifting for 18 months and restarted when I decided to try getting lean this time. But fasting I some days really struggle to lift the same fucking weight I lifted the last session.

If anyone bears to read my rant, maybe you have encouraging words for a man who just wants to be lean for a single fucking time in his life.

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14 years? Bro see a nutritionist and a trainer if you’re having that much trouble. Maybe you’re one of those thyroid people who knows

sounds like its time to try the carnivore meme

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You must suck dude. Fasting got me down 15 pounds in like two weeks and my lifts didn’t suffer because I was fasting. Sounds like you’re a weak bitch boy.

If I could afford a trainer. But I visited a nutritionist once. Was baffled why people get paid to tell you obvious stuff like 'no sugary drinks' and 'cut simple sugars' and the like

Maybe. I still sometimes battle with my depression, but I learned how to live with it. It just sucks when your bench regularly plummets under the 100kg mark or your DL falls from 170kg to 150kg for two weeks...

Did you lift fasted?

You fatties and your meme diets.
Count calories, eat 500 less than tdee, simple as that.

This, do it as long as as necessary.


Congrats, you lost all credibility. Fuck off with your meme illness fatty

Fuck I hate you people. I guarantee you are fucking up in an obvious way and not telling us. All you depressed fucks are liars.

Guess what, shitface, there's a difference between those 'omg, I'm depressed be nice to me' and real depression aka having suicidal thoughts, being sad for no obvious reason, feeling empty, struggling to do the basics (grocery shopping, cleaning the apartment or even getting out of bed). I'm not giving in to this anymore. But the 'slowing down' in my head is still present from time to time.

But okay, tell me what's wrong: I normally fast for 48-72 hours and have 2-3 PPL workouts in this interval. After lifting I do cardio, either 15 Minutes HIIT or 30-45 Minutes LISS depending on what I am able to do. I only drink bottled water, coffee and snake juice. Between two fasting intervals I mostly eat a single Kebab that is around 1200 kcal. Worked well from 135kg down to 110kg and then it started to get terribly slow and mind raping.

That's a nice way to tell your body to lower base metabolic rate by 500 so you get all the weight back in a year.

>waaah! I don’t w-w-wanna clean my house or get g-groceries!
>oh no! A mild problem! I wish I wasent living anymore! M-m-mommy I’m sowwy!
>I’m sad for no reason! It couldn’t be that I’m bored, unfulfilled, or any one of a million other reason that I can’t recognize because I have sat with my electronics off to 2 fucking minutes to do some inner reflection

Nice try you faggot.

Rounded up well. Broken down to the T it is. But it's like with most modern illnesses, it's hard to get away from. You have to unlearn a lot and learn a lot of new stuff. Better if I call it 'I have a hard time rewiring myself from a shitty lifestyle'?

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I am still in the process of learning to set goals, have dreams and follow my wishes and desires. And I'm doing somewhat okay. Once my life was only driven by fears, like the fear of dying alone, fear of not being able to sustain myself and the like. But it's hard to switch from a negative to a positive drive.

Yes, that term is respectable. Nothing shameful with admitting you have a fault. Men do it all the time, they just work towards fixing it.

Nigs I’m gonna tell you from someone who is at the lowest weight of their lives rn after struggling for 6 years, it’s all mental.
Put away the scale. Don’t look at it for 10 days. Trust in your diet, snake juice or CICO or whatever. So long as you DO NOT BINGE. so many people say they eat 200cal a day for 4 months and don’t lose a single pound (because they don’t count the 2,000cal weekend binges) and just in general, keep trying different ways. I tried to fast and got way too hungry, undid everything by eating a whole bunch like a /fat/ now I stick to -500tdee and it’s like sailing through a cloud.

This. Started in Jan, down 70lbs from 226lbs to date. Eat less, work out more. Consistency is key. No cheat days only cheat meals that fit within the calorie count for the day. 1-2 cheat meals a month. Get some discipline.

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Fasting is a MEME for sub 25% BF user. You should know better. Fast kills your gains harder than it burns fat. The only use of fasting is for lardasses who have A LOT of weight to lose and can afford losing some muscle. It's not meant for cutting.

It's almost like you don't know how our bodies work. If you just cut below base metabolic rate our bodies realize we get food but just not enough so it slows down a bit.
Now with fasting it realizes there is no food at all so you metabolism is boosted a bit to help you get food.

I wouldn't exclude myself from the lardasses as long as I'm over 15% bf. Can you source your opinion?

You could try eating more fiberous foods like potatoes and oats. They will keep you feeling full longer with less calories in general. This could also lead you to cutting out more snacks throughout the day as well if that is a problem for you.

Noce theory with no scientific evidence to back it up, faggot.

It's almost like it's just wishful thinking.


>Snake juice

Jesus fucking christ OP, you gullible god damn fuck. You think any of this shit was around when this board started? Have you even read the god damn sticky?

>Breakfast: 4 eggs, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, any other veg you want, coffee
>Lunch/Dinner: some form of fucking meat and a load of vegetables

Is that so hard? Eat as much fucking meat and veg as you want, stop this nonsense fasting shit. Anybody doing this is looking for the easy way out, you need to put up or shut up.

I just ended a 6 day fast last weekend.
At the start I was roundabout 78kg, at the end of the fast it was 75,6kg.
I went to the gym every day.
Since then i ate around 1300-1600 calories, low carb.
After the first day of eating I wheighed 77,5kg...

Today is the 5th day of 1300cals low carb food, and in the morning I wheighed 76,9 kg.

I literally lost only 0,1kg per day despite the restricted amount of calories, and no it can't really be water weight as Im almost eat entirely keto.
I also did at least 40min of cardio in addition to the regular gym routine every single day.

Yes the scale can demotivate you, it does it did so for me too, I don't know how my body holds on to the wheight, but I just don't give a fuck.
What do I need an explanation for?!
All I need is look in the mirror and see that despite what the scale says Im actually leaning out, so whatever.
Just keep on doing it.

o wow, I'll just do that 5 times then, lowering my base metabolic rate by 2500 total, and I won't have to eat anything ever again

Shut up fatty.

I agree that fasting is a meme. I'm not OP.
Did you missquote?

Keep eating your onions and other bullshit. I'll keep being healthier and thinner I have been in my entire life after just a month of fasting.
You do know it's not about starving yourself?

You still have to supplement vitamins and minerals. But eating zero calories forever should be cheaper anyway.

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You get thinner as you lose muscle indeed.

>You get thinner as you lose muscle indeed.

Do you maintain your strength and endurance while losing muscles too?
Fuck off smartass

>Do you maintain your strength and endurance while losing muscles too?
As long as you sacrifice form and reps for ego lifting, absolutely.

Calm down fatty you'll give yourself a stroke if you're not careful.

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>As long as you sacrifice form and reps for ego lifting, absolutely

What part of endurance don't you understand?!

I'm not doing this for the first time faggot, if volume, strength and form would be as affected by fasting as you imply, then i would already be benching - 60kg upside down

Same. I always hit a wall. Once I got lean, just once. And it was pure fucking torture. I wish I never tried to bulk, because i would still be lean. I waste more time trying to lean down after a bulk than I would doing a recomp.

It fucking annoys me because I'm certain it is harder for me than most people to lose weight. I hate to say it but maybe I do have thyroid issues

I certainly did. Apologies

Do OMAD. Cut out sugar. I personally minimise gluten. Eat at a 500kcal deficit or so. You should drop 2-4 lbs+ a week depending on activity level. Works for me.


Meme diets will always fail.

No they don't.
If you stick to any diet that won't kill you and do some kind of activity you'll lose weight.

The "500 calorie" thing is fucking retarded because there are people out there who litterally CANT cut 500 calories from their diet or they'll basically fucking starve and there are morbidly obese fat asses who can cut 2-5k from their diet a day AND THEY HAVE TO EAT 3-5 TIMES THAT MUCH TO MAINTAIN THEIR GIRTH and drop multiple pounds.
A day.

The 500 cal cut thing is just a way to talk stupid fucks into thinking they can eat any old shit for you trash as long as they eat less.
Doesn't talk about the rebound that happens after or how they'll just be skinny diabetics rather then fat diabetics.

The only good advice that I have ever read on 4chin in 12 years. Fasting is a meme, there is no substitute for eating a high protein diet, approx. 500 calories below TDEE and fucking LIFTING WEIGHTS.

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Rather than going to an extreme and torturing yourself, try developing some patience and healthy eating habits by calculating how many calories you expend in a day and eating below them like 99% of other people who successfully diet.


fatty cope alert
>fatty cope alert
fatty cope alert
>fatty cope alert
fatty cope alert
>fatty cope alert

>Avoid starch
>don't add refined sugar to things
>dont be vegan
That's literally all you need to do.

Fasting is litterally the fastest and easiest way to lose excess fat.
Eating less food(which is usually shitty food because YOLO diet as long as you eat less) makes you smaller and run more efficiently which will stall and slow weight loss.

By that logic fasting is equally if not more retarded since it doesn't teach you anything about nutrional value of food so once you stop and start eating your shitty diet again you will go right back to being fat.

Every diet works.
Problem is that no one actually thinks about what to do AFTER the diet is over.
How to maintain that weight loss
That's the biggest problem

Everyone pretends that everyone is a fucking beginner and needs to START losing weight.
It's why yo yo dieting, which actually makes you fatter in the long run, and intermittent exercise is the norm.

No diet that you can name that is in the sticky or this thread has adherence or life long simple changes as a part of the diet.
None of them.

You are saying that one diet does not work because it fails as miserably as the diet you use.
Don't you see how ridiculous that shit is?

You have poor reading comprehension I think