Reminder to quit powerlifting. You probably dont even like it.
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
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I still like it enough to continue for a while.
But it's so fun
In for stop looking around like a dork when you make a deadlift
105kg bench AMRAP on Sunday. Hoping to hit 9 reps. That would put me just a few kg away from 140kg estimated.
Hurry home garagebro! Your mom made you an extra serving of baloney-mayonnaise casserole!
Competing makes me want to scratch my eyes out. So much sitting and waiting. It makes golf seem like a rush.
fuck off, finally I found something that I can fail at for lack of talent, not lack of motivation
>gym has uber-chad
>aesthetic as fuck, 6'2 and what I presume are 185lbs@11ish%
>long flowing mane, booming thunderous voice
>incline benches 3.5pl8, curls 40kg dbs for 800 reps
>find out through mutual acquaintance that he a) was approached by the local pl team begging to join them and told them to get fucked in that wording and b) IS IN HIS 4TH YEAR OF HIGHSCHOOL
whatever they put in the water that makes the frogs gay seems to benefit him
Saw some massive chink in a stringer doing 110kg deadlifts for like 5 reps and 70kg barbell rows. It makes no sense. How do roids make you so big even with shit weight?
>told them to get fucked in that wording
seems needlessly rude desu
Lol, I like this guy.
his mere existence is rude to mine desu
>tfw mildly torn rotator cuff so haven't done any pressing for 3 weeks, became depressed so then didn't go to the gym for 3 weeks at all, and haven't squatted or deadlifted as recovering from a knee injury from earlier this year.
Got my physio appointment next week and squatted 90kg pain free with sleeves but fuck it's shit. Got Finals in under 4 months as well
I find that higher reps don't correlate so well to 1RM, especially if you don't do 1-3RM work very often, but good luck user!
>failed 4pl8 squat today
Should i shoot myself or hang myself
Rep prs don't mean nothing etc. etc.
Cool. Except the program calls for it.
>physio apppointment
"Stop lifting and do these stretches"
90% chance thats what your appt will be
Hurry home garagebro! Your mom made you an extra serving of baloney-mayonnaise casserole!
>few kg away
Id say 125 would be your max
Not him but you're allowed to be happy about it just don't start with e1rm
>get hurt
This is so dumb, if you dont use it you lose it. You should have been pressing 1kg Dbs at least these last 3 weeks so you can recover faster. You basically compromised your own shoulder health if you really weren't stubborn enough to work through it and ignored working with presses.
This is why some of us have elite lifts and then theres retards like you.
Blood flow is goat
Why do I lose interest in girls after fucking them?
False. I hit 127.5kg when my max was 100kg X 9.
Ok. But I'm not bothered to spend 2/3 months peaking just to hit that weight properly, haven't been lifting long enough to worry about that shit yet.
How? It was an opinion. Was its paused?
Fair enough, guess I'll start doing light then moderate weight high rep bench and ohp to keep the blood going. It's been getting better by itself anyway, but hopefully my lifts haven't been ruined too much. At least I'll know for next time
a bucket of carbs
>quick bedtime wank turns into 5 hours
>finally cum and pass out
>wake up this morning with blood all over my dick, hands, and bedsheets
You're not supposed to use sandpaper afaik
just fixed my squat tech. hopefully I can keep the same form with actual weight.
going from squatting and benching 2x/week and diddly 1x/week to squatting and benching 4x/week and diddly 2x/week
see you later virgins
eternalmediate injury clinic here i come
post routine
I may not be the strongest here, but I definitely have the most sexual prowess.
Women want me, men despise me.
If you were that good men would want you too, you massive homogay.
You're not funny, go away jealous retard.
Nice blog
Can't stand ignorant people like you.
You can get strong doing full-body 4 days per week without being stupid.
Squat 5x3@80%
Bench 5x5@70%
Row or Chinups
Deadlift (light variation) 5x5@70%
OHP 5x3@80%
Row or Chinups
Squat 5x5@70%
Bench 5x3@80%
Row or chinups
Deadlift 5x3@80%
OHP 5x5@70%
Rows or Chinups
deads the day after squats and rows :thinking:
Recovering from a 5x5 or 5x3 isnt hard. When recovery becomes an issue, you switch to upper/lower.
At least in golf, every shot is a different problem for you to solve. And if you have a cart and aren't waiting on the duffers in front of you all day, it goes pretty steadily.
This. It'd probably be more accurate to do whatever MikeyT's method of 1 single at 90%/@9 or whatever (I don't know, google it) and infer shit from that.
>Women want me, men despise me.
I'm sure you're at least half right
I've literally done exactly that for over a year and have put over 20kg on my comp deadlift.
20kg in a year kappa. see you in ER
so after a 5/3/1 cycle i'm supposed to add 5lbs to my bench and press tm, and 10lbs to squats and deads. isn't it retarded to add the same amount of weight to your bench and The Press™?
You can microload.
Glad you like me mate
Are you implying that that's fast or slow progress?
Since D is a heavier deadlift day, I'd do that ABxCxDx, if you can work out on a Saturday for the D workout.
>mfw gbro not responding to my stupid questions on facebook
I miss u gbro ;_;
Sure. As you keep getting stronger, it would even be smart to just plan on lifting every other day or lift on a 9-day week.
Planning to run Nuckols' 3x int bench for OHP form for a few months, what should I do for bench that could help maintain strength? Don't want to add too much, maybe on one day.
Bench fairly close grip so I think I won't lose too much either way.
You might do some dumbbell bench after the first OHP session of every week, and some actual bench after the final, AMRAP OHP of each week. The former to prioritize the pectoral muscles that aren't as involved in the OHP, and the latter just to stay proficient at actual bench press.
Thanks. I was actually thinking of adding dumbbell work, since I usually ignore it. What sort of reps would I do after the AMRAP? Some triples @ 75% and just add 2.5kg a week?
I doubt any of the tripfags could perform a spagat with such suppleness, despite being half Grizzly's weight.
>Some triples @ 75%
That was actually what I was thinking. Like 8x3.
>and just add 2.5kg a week?
As long as it's not ass breakingly difficult to do so. If you're focusing on OHP, just shoot to with maintain your bench. If some mild progress happens, that's a bonus.
75% +10kg might be a little bit heavy since I'm just trying to maintain bench. I'll see.
Might be a bit much. I'd prefer ramping doubles or triples to a top set with good bar speed.
Recommend me a new game plgfrens
Explain pls. Don't know what ramping doubles are.
Super realistic. Great graphics.
10% jumps.
150 x2
180 x2
210 x2
240 x2
270 x2, bar speed slows slightly, stop.
I believe he means doing doubles with increasing weight, making the earlier sets lighter to keep you less tired for the final set, possibly allowing you to hit a slightly heavier weight at the end without undue grinding. With triples, you might try 5x3 @ 70% 72% 75% 77% 80% or some such.
I have done some "pyramid" scheme with squats that is similar, but you start with lighter weight AND more reps, and do fewer reps as you increase. I did something like Squats x8, x5, x3, x1, x8.
So start at like 50, stop at maybe 80-90. And I'm guessing i'd be focusing on form and speed.
Would I do anything more after that? Seems a tad light.
Ultra ghey
I just got finished with Salt&Sanctuary. It's a "Soulslike" Metroidvania, so if you like Dark Souls, you probably won't like Salt&Sanctuary because it's actually GOOD instead of a steaming pile of overrated shit.
It's "Soulslike" in that you have to "bank" your exp (Salt) at a campfire (Sanctuary) to level up, and the combat is primarily "dark fantasy" in theme. With melee weapons, magic, and the occasional bow or flintlock pistol. You lose your salt when you die and can get it back by killing whatever killed you (or a Salt Apparition at the lcoation of your death) if you died to the environment. The character progression mechanics are better than Dark Souls because S&S is actually good.
It's Metroidvania in that it's a lot of sidescrolling 2D platforming through various areas that you unlock by killing stuff and the occasional new platforming ability (invert gravity, wall jumps, air dashes, etc).
The Vagrant was also kind of fun, though that might be more of a Buy On Sale game.
If you like X:COM gameplay and FallOut setting/narrative, you'd probably like Wasteland 2
>Seems a tad light.
You don't want a ton of bench volume. Your goal is not to add a bunch of fatigue from the bench press. Your goal is to maintain some neural efficiency in the bench press while you focus on your overhead press.
I pulled something around my neck/upper back doing shrugs (lmao)
Wat do. Hurts when I move my neck to the left, should I just keep moving around and ignore the pain. It hurts but it's not horrible
enter the gungeon
Shut the fuck up basedboy reddit neckbeard
Reported for off topic
Someone sounds asspained that Dark Souls is objectively terrible.
I don’t play video games because I’m a grown adult and have had sex
wow something me and sean both have in common
Looks interesting
And I haven't played dark souls, I've pretty much only played FPS for the past 20 years and started to try different things just recently.
>The Vagrant
looks like weeb trash
>Wasteland 2
What if I like fallout (3/NV at least, 4 is garbage) and have no idea if I like X:COM?
>enter the gungeon
I had a touhou project phase which left me with a visceral hatred for anything bullet hell
Played it already
You both go on the internet and tell lies?
Sssssplooosh! SPLOOOOOSH
Don’t mind me just disposing some Norman khan into the toilet
Squuuuuiiiiisssshhhhhhhhh DROOOIOOP drip... DROP
oh my this is turning out to be quite the disposal haha must have been something I ate cause there is a ton of Norman khan being excreted
Another one wow!
Squiiiiiissssssshhhhh plunk! Plunk!
Beerfpfftsss drop! Drip! Drip!
This toilet is being crammed with so much Norman khan that it’s the equivalent to how significant trains in India are packed
>I have done some "pyramid" scheme with squats that is similar, but you start with lighter weight AND more reps, and do fewer reps as you increase. I did something like Squats x8, x5, x3, x1, x8.
don't look now, but you just basically wrote out a slightly higher volume 5/3/1
Does Chinese count as weeb?
>What if I like fallout (3/NV at least, 4 is garbage) and have no idea if I like X:COM?
Does "initiative" (each character gets their turn order determined by some stat roll) turn based combat with action points (every fucking thing to do spends them) and strategy involving terrain, cover, distance to target, etc, and completely ass-random chances to hit that invariably fail when you NEED that 95% chance to actually work in order to live sound fun?
It's kind of a slow paced, "computer RPG" more than the 3D FallOuts.
If you want faster, less mind-racking combat, NieR: Automata and Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (for the PC Master Race) are options. Everyone should play NieR: Automata.
What do you bench, figlet?
Maybe I'll write a 40 page, $20 e-book about how 8/5/3/1/8 training can get YOU TOO to set state squat records in podunk states.
Also, I'd do that, like, every other week, while doing lots of sets across and high volume, or more dedicated intensity training, the other 5 times I'd do squats in between pyramid workouts. ALSO, all this was AFTER I had already hit the 600 lbs that continues to be my lifetime squat PR.
Last I tested, I got 340 freedoms (about 155 kg) touch'n'go. That was probably two months ago, at 220 lbs body weight.
Eh I'll give it a try
Perform a spagat Isley. Guarantee you cant.
A hwhat?
>laughs in superior subtotal
i think figjams squat+bench total is more than yours
Oh yeah... well it's only about 7.5kg higher if we use theoretical tng benches
na he squats like 30kg more
A SPAGAT. The true test of suppleness.
Strongly agree with this. I did this for OHP for two cycles and didn’t bench. It was very annoying playing catch-up. Do some triples and maybe even hit a heavy-ish single to stay in the groove
Thanks for all the advice. Will definitely do some dumbbell work. Not sure if I'll go for the ramping doubles or just some triples though. Have to think about that.
Press 1x8@50%
Press 1x6@60%
Press 1x4@70%
Press 1x3@80%
Press 2x1@85%
Chinups 4 sets
Lying tricep extensions 3x8
Curls 3x10
Facepulls 3x10
if the tricep extensions give me tendinitis again even with better form im switching excercises
>Squatted 520 to depth
>Almost had 545 but couldn't get the last little bit
>Almost benched 345 but my right shoulder decided to shit itself.
Only really disappointed with the bench because I know I have it in me.
>rubs hands
Fuck you buy my book
calling stretching a weighted exercise is obese levels of delusion
depends how long ago, if it's within the last day or two it'll recover, just do what doesn't hurt and when it feels better do some light rows or something
okay i want to get into powerlifting but cutting atm so not sure if i will make much str gains but was hoping for a new routine from here,frankly i just wanna get big and strong.
what should do bros.
Let's see you do them moves with a 100 kg weight vest
I am a bad person lol