Rate my 2.5 month progress
Current on 2 mo Reg Park 5x5 beginner, .5 mo on Reddit PPL
Changes: I see no
No changes faggot come back in a year when youve made some real progress
You're still a fatass
Then why do I feel revulsion when I look at the first pic but not the second
I don’t know if you’re bulking or cutting
>"Strength" training
>No Progress
LMAOOOO what you're gonna tell me next, that you actually followed the meme advice of drinking milk on this board?
low standards
better start playing the long term game boi
Don't come on this shit pit if you're fishing for complements mate. This place is for self hatred.
try the skinny fat solution™
Nice try at hiding the fuckhuge love handles bro
How are your lifts? How much did you add to your bench? It may take awhile to see significant change if you start low.
>Boxes an stuff errywhere
Holy shit dat mess...
Isnt that a good thing? Shedding nasty skinny fat while putting on muscle
wtf if there's any difference at all, I'd say you were fitter in the before pic
If you hadn't posted your routine, I would have guessed it was a weekly zumba class attendance, you fat piece of shit
nigga, I started with the bar alone and made three times more progress in my first week than this dude in his 2.5 months
Listen man it's obvious that nobody is gonna be impressed by your body unless a meaningful visible change has been made (pretty much impossible at high bf% unless you go full bloat). Just post your before and after lifts and maybe then you'll get some compliments as long as the progress is good. By doing this you're just waiting to get shit on. Good luck we're all gonna make it bro
you look like shit and your room is messier than my gf's. goddamn, get your act together.
Explain what's wrong with drinking milk
nothing, don't let (((them))) fool you
>wtf if there's any difference at all, I'd say you were fitter in the before pic
Yeah except for the muscle mass...?
Guys he def made some progress. Are we meming here?
where the fuck do you see an increase in muscle mass?
When are you gonna post the after picture?
Now say something nice about my progress or I won't come back :) I'll stop posting here for good, assholes.
Do we really think the second pic doesn't look pretty... fine? I mean not great or anything, but an improvement over the skinny fat disgrace of the first pic.
Nice chest work, arms are bigger. Abs are buried under fat but clearly present. Delts/shoulders are coming in. Probably looks a lot better in a shirt than before.
Honestly, it's fine.
Lel you have the body hair of a 12 year old Dutch girl
here's my 2month progress, lifting twice a week. upper/lower
Why is this allowed to be posted here? Is this fucking serious?
you won't be missed. go fish for compliments somewhere else
I can see that you and everyone on this board are jelly DYELs. My feelings aren't hurt. Unless you can post your body and prove otherwise
>Lel where even am I xddd
You should kill yourself faggot, no one gives a damn about your gross torso
Wrong my torso is based. I see now that you tear me down because you are jealous. I feel sorry for you. And I will pray for you. I am brave for even saying this, but it's because I am the better person.
3 months of PPL. Didn’t take a before pic but I was skinnyfat.