Another mass shooting

>another mass shooting
What’s the point of all this muscle if I’m never there to save humanity?

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Jump in front of bullets then

You could try being a therapist and fixing up society's mental health issue.

Mom I told you stop coming here

You are a pathetic wretch.

But it only happens in murica, they are not human so it's ok

>therapist subscribes me some anti depressant pills
>pills make me think of suicide/killing people
>Mr.Pillberg gets another go- customer
>therapist gets a bonus by Mr.Pillberg
>therapist recommends more expensive 1 hour on the dot visits and recommends more pills

I think not!

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Have you ever heard of cognitive behavioral therapy?

>tfw I've tried to always be as open and approachable to my friends as possible
>tfw most of them have opened up about some deep issues they have inside them
>tfw I've noticed that most people walking this earth are just afraid, trying to keep themselves together and survive to the best of their ability
And we all struggle alone because we don't want to talk to anyone about it. And for what? Our pride?

Why are we such fools brehs?

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It's a gun law plus mental health problem. India is a third world shithole but has extremely strict gun laws which is why you don't hear shooting happening there every week. If you want a first world example then Japan

no, tell me more

I won’t be able to give you all the details, but essentially you train yourself to recognize certain psychological triggers and thought patterns that are detrimental and how to stop them from spiraling. Breaking negative feedback loops in your mind, that sort of thing.

is this how you become a based boomer

you just hear about the mass rapes

People are immature, defensive, and sedentary.
People don't like things that are different.
People don't like unpleasant work.
People don't like to think for one instant that their choices and feelings are not 100% correct or reasonable.
Over a timeline of any but the shortest length, people have no self-discipline.

Of course, this can immediately be contradicted by anecdotal evidence, but this is the average person.
To help people, you *have* to adopt a doublethink:
1. This person must be assumed to think like a child.
2. This person must be treated as an adult, or they will reject you.

Another third world shithole, Brazil, has been implementing gun control laws for the past 15 years and the murder rates have steadly risen from 2003 to now.

>being this cucked

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Just a heads up Opee
Nobody actually died in these shootings, they are all staged hoax events with crisis actors.

>Wanting to save humanity

c*lifornia has the most draconian gun laws in the us tho

A country with centuries of rigid social structure
And no niggers

Don't forget Chicago!

It's an amerilard issue. California has stricter gun control than we do in leafland.

There isn't even a correlation between gun laws and gun deaths let alone causation. There are many countries with strict gun laws with both high and low rates of him violence. There are many countries with lax gun laws with both high and low rates of him violence. Faggot.

It's not a gun problem. It's a male problem. Toxic masculinity is ruining the west

I'm sure the corruption and the gangs and the cartels have nothing to do with that
absolutely brainlet tier pic

Roastie, please go.

Correlate this
>guy wants to go ER
>buys gun in burgerland with total ease
>shoots up avenue of choice

>guy wants to go ER
>strict gun laws prevent him from getting one
>gives up his plan and copes with his life
it's fucking obvious.

>Being this dense.
That's the fucking point.

I will shit down your eurofag neck

>strict gun laws prevent him from getting one
Implying this actually occurs.
Criminals, by definition, circumvent laws.
More likely;
>Guy wants to "go ER"
>Tries to but gun, fails, then buys one black market
>Tries to buy gun, fails. Rents moving truck or scraps together bomb.

>At least the Coroner's will mire your body.

I'm a guy btw

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don't forget the manifesto

People who commit mass shootings suffer from something called anosognosia. It's a Greek word meaning "lack of awareness" or "to not know a disease". What it means is, these people do not think they have an issue.

I wasted 4 years on a psychology degree thinking I could make a difference. The fact is most people who want help, don't actually want help, they want someone to hear their problems and people who actually need help will never accept your help. Ever.

The single personality trait shared by 95% of all mass murderers is paranoia. What makes these people so dangerous is not a political ideology, not their upbringing, not their education, not a craving for attention or infamy, not even their virginity status or social status. What makes these people dangerous is the simple fact they are highly paranoid but also functional people. These people are typically of above average intelligent and therefore very capable, they can plan, they can make money, they can fill out a government form and they can mask their paranoia from others. These people are capable of organized and rational thought.

People with paranoia become deeply and profoundly fixated on one specific thing which can lead them into delusion. All of these people exhibit the same hallmark dysfunctional symptom called anosognosia.

These people externalize blame and they believe themselves to be the victims of their paranoid and conspiratorial beliefs, this is why they can commit such horrendous crimes and show no empathy. They are not sociopaths, they are not psychopaths, they are not autistic. They believe they are the victims. An example of this would be "It's not my fault. Look what they (the victims) MADE ME DO".

I wish I didn't waste 4 years on a fucking psychology degree holy shit. Make a difference, fix society, YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. FUCK SOCIETY.

Oh yeah and all of these people show the opposite side of paranoia too, that being grandiosity. Thus they present a disturbing paradox.

You can't help that which sees you as the fucking problem