schlop schlop schlop
Schlop schlop schlop
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haha yes
This is so me if i was a dog
Wouldn't it be funny if I had a dog I could care for haha and to be my friend haha
going for a walk and petting it haha
How much water does a dog even get down per schlop? Seems inefficient, why don't the just gulp like normal people?
based based poster
based based based poster
Based haha posters
what's so funny?
How would they gulp it?
imagine being so lonely haha you actually have a dog as your only friend haha
They form their tongue into a cup shape so it's actually pretty efficient
Just sort of put their mouth in the water and gulp it I guess
keep drinking my friend,dont be dehydrated
imagine having a gf and a dog that you love more than anything else and then she breaks up with you and takes the dog because before you got it, you agreed that she could have it in the event of a breakup because you would have never imagined that you could love a dog so much haha wouldn't that be funny
cronch cronch cronch
Good thread
who's the dood
He's ourboy
Having a pet with a gf is a terrible mistake
One time I had an Australian GF and made her my pet, does that count?
he runs this server
Get the fuck out of my dog thread
That requires cheeks
Based Orangabro
What about putting their long face in the water and just sucking real hard then?
They'd have their snoots in the water and drown dummy
I wish I was a girl (female) so I could say "God I wish that bucket were me"
You can't without cheeks. Or at least, there's nothing telling your body that the fluid you're sucking up is not supposed to go to your lungs.
here is my theory on how a dog could gulp water, using their lower jaw as a scoop
thank you for this thread
maybe dogs have ridges on the top of their mouth which they think is too catch the water when they are flicking it in with their tongue.
I don't know who you are but I love you for joining me on the gulp train
since you're interested
SO relatable
Tfw no dog gf
the tastebuds are on the top of the tongue not the bottom
dumb dog evolution
Hold on this is retarded how do they find out if the water is poisoned then?
dogs dont drink water to taste it
జ ్ఞా
schlop schlop schlopin on heavens doooooor
Nice fitness related topic friend haha.
Looking forward to more threads like this.
Why did you bump it?
The top of the tongue still hits the water mongs
Nice blog
Nice blog review site
neither do humans, but it would be nice if they could have the sense of what they're drinking before being forced to swallow by their anatomy
>Why did you bump it?
This thread is fucking quality m8
because he likes the thread? didn't you read his post
Could someone tell me what this post is about? Didn't bother reading it tbqh
it's about schlop schlop schlopin
They can’t gulp it because their noses would submerge I think.
They cup their tongues backwards like a ladle and get enough
Damn, I love schlopin. I'm gonne go and read that post right now
They have pretty good noses