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Fitness #483
Quints and we all make it
So how much of what this guy said is legit?
Being happy with my life overall
After 1 month of bench I finally hit 1pl8. I feel good bros
Dad and grandpa were both over 6ft tall
Here's my before pic -
What's your opinion on cereal?
Got my first mire today lads
We're nothing more than tools
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Mogs your entire country
Why don't women work on upper body?
Mfw I realize that even if you fucked up your past you can make up for it by planning a more productive or even just a...
What's a Jow Forums-safe Thanksgiving dinner for one man?
Every time I fail I wonder, was the weight too heavy? Or did I just give up?
How often do I need to workout to get a qt black gf Jow Forums?
Goal Body Thread
I need a guaranteed weight loss diet
I'm content being a fatfuck and eating fast-food for every meal
Who inspires you? For me its Brendan Schaub
Sex with my girlfriend is usually me fingering her till she orgasms while she strokes my penis, then she blows me...
Friendly reminder
Why haven't you taken the mussel pill?
What are some Jow Forums careers? I'll start
Want to get fit and healthy
How often can i do face pulls?
He lifts for "aesthetics"
What is girl mogging like? Any girls here who mog or have been mogged? How do girls fight over boys...
Can fit lift more than a girllll?
You know that girl? Yeah, the one you daydream about? She could be yours. You can be together, happy and carefree...
Instagram user Lexx Little claims to have made this progress in 2 years and 4 months - is this possible?
Nice muscles, pretty boy
Skipping leg day problems
/fat/ - Frogposter Edition Episode II
Why are energy drinks so bad for you...
Meal Thread
So how's your bulk going guys?
/Vegan General/
Hey fellas
Hey I'm just trying to lose some weight. As of now I weigh 350 pounds and I'm 6'3". Can Someone please fucking help me...
Any point getting ripped if you're 5ft 5? What's the optimal body for a manlet?
Powerlifters are not aesth-
Lost 100lb. Ask me anything
4 plate deadlift
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Anger issues and fights
Are weighted pull-ups the ultimate back exercise?
Hairloss & Related Issues
I fucked up
Friday night
Callus thread
What supplements do you take and swear by?
Peanut butter and oatmeal is godtier
The gym depresses me
Am i a faggot if i get a membership here? Its just so cheap
After 5 years i back Jow Forums
Wheres the best place to buy my meat and source most of my healthy meals here in the UK...
Has anyone here taken part in an obstacle race and picked up a cute girl?
What's Been Your Biggest Jow Forums Mistake?
Do chicks dig scars?
My son whos 15 recently started working out, he has good muscle building genetics and hes about as big as me...
Who ready to do SM Cathedral after a nice lift bros?
Tfw body-mogged by the entire population
This is a qualified PT
What is your favorite exercise? For me, it's pull-ups
What mode is this?
Just shave it bro, girls love that shit!
Wristlet hope thread
Guy in locker room walking around with massive boner
Is this a shitty hairline for a 19 year old? Is it receeding?
What’s the most intimidating body-type that a woman could work towards?
The reason i love IF
/Fictional goal body/-Thread
Post goal bodies
How do i achieve this naty ?
Healthy sex life
How come everyone on steroids looks like shit?
Is your mom fit?
What music do you listen to in the gym?
You’re following these rules, right user?
Tfw enjoy brutal strenght training
Routine rate
5'6 at 175lb with 18 inch shoulders here. Who else is a stocky fuck lol
Mark Rippetoe really likes squats
Are there any male-only gyms?
Is it possible to get this big naturally?
God mode on nofap
Do you use Nootropics? Which ones? Have you noticed any improvements in preformance and how so?
What happens if you eat onions and onions at the same time?
Alright fit here’s a picture of before, save it for when I post the after picture...
Important Reminder
Child tier thread 18-22 YO
Daily reminder that
What's Jow Forums having for breakfast? I usually don't eat bread, but my mom baked some. Coffee is a mainstay
DAY 15
What foods/habits do I need to do to increase my brain health?
Makes you think, doesn't it?
Perfect form ATG squats vs Heavy barely below vertical squats?
Test boost bread
Genetics are everything
When I was 16, the doctor said I'd grow to be 5'11"
Fitness just ruined my life. Don’t discuss fitness in the workplace ever
What Jow Forums memes did you fell for?
Brag about your sets here. I'll set the bar low (literally:)
Chimps are known to be from twice to thrice times stronger the average male
Sex help? Not sure it’s Jow Forums enough but the sexual frustration is kind of killing my mood to go to gym
Mirin his neck
Knee Thread
To deadlift or not to deadlift, that is the question
How the fuck do you guys do it? how do you avoid gooey, high sugar deserts that send you to fucking heaven?
Why do volleyball girls have big butts with no cellulite?
Do you reward yourself when you reach a milestone?
Face gains thread
Training purely for strength
Post goal bodies
What's the optimal rep number for hypertrophy? 8, 10, or 12?
Protip this is what women want. So why aren't you growing at least some stubble and growing your hair out?
Any other zoomers here? How does it feel like being ahead of your generation?
Chad advice thread
Today my parents told me that when i was a baby they molested me pretty much everyday...
Mom found the callous jar
Tfw noticed girls have started stuttering and avoiding eye contact when talking instead of the opposite
Trying to get as zyzz like physique as i possibly can until EDC 2019
My balls are feeling pretty tense and big today
Squats aren’t helping
What are the benefits of drinking bourbon before lifting?
As a manlet, how do I counter this?
So what do you do when lifting and living a healthy lifestyle and having a gf leaves you as dissatisfied with life as...
Mire Thread: Don’t lose hope edition
This kills the CICO idiots
Is 0.7/1.1/2.7/2.7 good or bad progress for six months of lifting?
Hopelessly depressed
Proper gym attire
Most Jow Forums sleeping position
You will never reach your peak
Do weightlifters actually lurk here?
Okay so I saw that one guy posting on a thread recently (pic related)
Motivation bread
If you could add 4" to your current height but you would lose all your gains and start from the beginning...
Chads + roids = monsters
Redpill Me on Nicotine
So how tall is he really?
Is it bad for you?
R8 my quad
Are children the ultimate gains goblins?
Jow Forums btfo
Friendly reminder to rub aloe vera on your skin at least twice a week for massive anti-aging...
Another panic attack at the barber
Local gym has a strict no singles policy
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Just found out that a plain dominoes pizza has 100g of protein in it
Reminder we have roughly a month and a half before this happens
What martial arts do you think are worth learning?
Why is Canada so trucking expensive? Picrel is Monster prices from a ghetto store
Try to count calories
Abandoning the gym
Does anyone know the name of this deformity? Big thighs, but small calves. Do you think she runs slow?
Anyone on Jow Forums date a varbie? what's it like?
Why bother with the pretence of sips
Chads of Jow Forums I need your help
Can you make it with a gay alien skull?
What's your biggest weakness, Jow Forums?
Talk to a qt from tinder for some time
I give up. Lifting weights alone isn't doing shit for me
What do you think about body hair? Is being hairless more attractive? Do you shave?
Need to shit
Jow Forums girl thread
Post that song that hype you enough to make you feel like you can rip another 10 reps
When did you realize than gymcelling was useless?
Hey Jow Forums. I'm only 19 but I already fear getting old
Test Testing
Girls always say the number one thing they like is confidence
Humans were not meant to run, it causes unnecessary damage to our joints and causes bone fractures and injuries...
Ideals Thread
HIG - Height Improvement General
How do you clean your protein shaker?
Penis health
How am I supposed to take modern bodybuilding seriously
Walk into the gym
If you’re lifting or just trying to better yourself for women, stop
Big muscles don't mean shit
Should there be safespaces in the gym?
//FRAUD//: inside the mind of the delusional coping dyel edition
Pajeets of Jow Forums, please explain yourselves
/fat/ - Frogposter Edition
Anyone else here feel overwhelming pity for ugly girls...
/cbt/ - why aren't you on a cut edition
That guy at the gym who thinks having a long beard and hair makes him tough
Alright quick questionaire Jow Forums
Did the jews claimed in the 80s or so that satured fat is bad because the knew it rise testosterone...
The Moggler
Is starting strength just a fucking meme?
Does anyone have any recommendations for wireless earbuds? I'm looking for something with good isolation...
I'm trying to lose weight...
FPH thread obese degenerate soi thing edition
Is walking a meme?
How can you eat this?
Dyel doing a 3pl8 diddly is dropping weights again
Lifting shoes
Tfw milk intolerant
What do you guys eat? What meals do you eat most often and what foods for you generally buy? Ty faggots
Please for the love of god, cut this fucking poison called coffee
So how does bulking and cutting work? 6 months of bulking and 3 months of cutting, and repeat forever?
/fast/ #331 - Fast Until Someone Loves You edition
What gives you pleasure in life?
European gains
Could I actually progress faster ?
Are MREs Jow Forums approved?
Just shave it bro, women love that shit
Who do you lift for? pic related
How the fuck do I get women to actually like me?
Why are you not eating one whole chicken a day?
If I paid you $1m on the condition that you coached Chris Chan and forced him to make it...
Monk Mode
Health and fitness thread
Mogged thread
Hey guys, ever notice that actual skinny people never do any of the stuff fat people think will make them lose weight?
Von Moger
Tuna post workout
I'm short
How do I get military Jow Forums
Avoid carbs. easy
Should I go for it?
Mistakenly posted a nsfw pic so here goes again
How the fuck do I quit drinking
I had professional photos taken
Can lifting improve jawline?
Be 19
What to do about girl friend
Took x & molly for the first time at a festival
Nofap dreams
Is it possible to do a nut bulk?
David Laid
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
Locker Room Etiquette
Why aren't you squatting at least lmao3plate?
I last smoked weed two days ago and I'm feeling numbness and tingling all over my body today. Should I lift...
Took a shower for the first time in probably 3 weeks
Mogs your country
What exercises will give me this body?
What's your best guess to my bf% and should I start bulking?
Who else /apemode here ?
My friend from high school loves my ass. He grabs and slaps it randomly...
Damn, chad always wins
Symmetric Strength Thread
Just shave it off, bro
''Hey user, show us your abs!''
What's the point of lifting if you can't grow a beard?
History makers
FACT: nothing ruins your aesthetics more than wearing glasses. You may as well not even lift if you wear them
The Sumo Deadlift
Cannabis Withdrawal
At what point do you give in and just fuck the gym twink?
Is Reg Park's Beginner 5x5 notably better than SS?
I plan on becoming a wildland firefighter. How do I become fit to fight the beasts plauging the west?
Post secret weapon
Asking for advice
Post chad bodies, faces, both
I have 2 questions about kegels; how do you know if you're doing a reverse kegel right?
Fat -> fit progress picture thread?
How do I help a friend out?
Mirrin thread
Being fit is not enough
Skeleton here. How the FUCK am I supposed to eat over 2400 calories a day ??? How do you do it?
7.2 inches. Search online, apparently that's bigger than 99.3% whatthefuck. Find out big size is painful for girls...
Would you lift with bros that mog you?
I have two 15lb dumbells, if i curl these all day while i sit on the computer will i get big
Blew $150 bucks on an escort last night boys
What's your spirit animal Jow Forums?
My girl suffers from no ass syndrome
How to conceal gyno/puffy nipples (even for being shirtless)
Thoughts on bodyhair and manscaping? Does it make gains more aesthetic? To which extent?
List all the supplements that can help you reach your optimal height in age 18-25
My general experience with girls who lift is terrible. They're fucking rude cunts who belittle and judge...
Physiques that impressed you before Jow Forums
What does the perfect chest day routine look like?
/plg/ - powerblogging general
How do I get this aesthetic?
/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Which of these three has the best body?
Is this gyno?
What does Jow Forums do besides lift and browse the internet? What hobbies outside of lifting do you have
Does having children generally damage your health and fitness...
Just tried the vanilla ice cream powder after having double rich chocolate for ages
Stay Hydrated
Is buttered coffee really a game-changer?
Vegetarians blown the fuck away
He isn't cutting for facial gains
Pain in my hand when benching
1 - Assisted Lunges 2x20 each leg
What has made you (want to) switch gyms?
Cheat meals
How to go from twink to twunk?
Are you seeing a surge in numales at your gym over the past few years...
100g (half a cup)
Is 5ft7 the cut off?
Not fasting to leave humanity behind
Rounded shoulder thread
How to get a fat belly
That crushing lower back pain after doing incline leg press
How do I avoid getting the munchies after I smoke post workout...
71% if Americans are Vitamin D deficient. Did you remember to take your D3 supplement today, hillbilly?
How strong do i need to be to wear this? 4/5/6?
Music of Jow Forums
Bench Max
I need y'all to settle this
What was you work out today mine was 300 weighted push ups 150 weighted pull ups and 100 weighted dips all with
Does anyone NOT talk about fitness in public?
Who do you lift for Jow Forums?
How bad does it look? I'm already on DHT blockers and it doesn't seem to help that much
My IQ is certified 75, what can I do?
Guys I just had a huge realisation during no nut november...
How come Chile became so damn fat?
/fat/ Salad Dodging Edition
Why do gym thots attention whore so much and why is it allowed? Can't the gym staff see that it's dangerous...
What type of clothes do you work out in for best performance, Jow Forums?
Is back extension a good exercise? It seems like something that can end up crippling you for life
Have people treated you differently since lifting...
How those test levels looking lads?
Oh America, how did you let it get to this?
Has anyone taken their ankle mobility from shit tier to pic attached tier? If so, how did you do it?
Have you ever tried to crush an egg without piercing it
/mommy mires/ general
Why is the meme of "all powerlifters are fat and slow" perpetuated so much...
Chad gets BTFO
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Reminder that only kosher protein is good for you and you shoudn't eat the rest
Is crossfit the closest thing to spartan training?
When did you realize your depression and anxiety was caused by drinking so much caffeine Jow Forums...
Tinder/Bumble Flakes
You guys talk about women hitting the wall but what about yourselves? The clock is ticking
Has ten ruined any fitizens relationships, sorry for bad english
Fitness Humor
Wallpaper thread let's go!
How do i get a GymThot to stop staring at me?
Why is he suddenly a nutritional zealot?
Dead thread edition
Supplements thread
How are you holding up user?
Would you date a girl who smashed 42 dudes in a year?
Are we still neck pilling here?
Assuming I am getting enough protein, how extreme of a cut can I go on without losing much muscle...
Who here /emotionallystunted/
How do i know if im ugly?
Hey Jow Forums, I need some emergency advice from the meat eaters out there...
Is the cricket pill real at 40 dollars a pound?
/plg/ - ironlyfe general
Well fit to make weight for wrestling I have to cut down to 0% body fat. Right now I’m 178 at 5% bf...
Could someone redpill me on myprotein?
Why Do You Lift
I'm a male psychiatric nurse
How do you deal with a gym bully?
Fuck Jow Forums I just paid for a uber for a girl to go back to her place
Who do you lift for Jow Forums
Jow Forumss take on pic related
Is it socially acceptable to wear a hair system at the gym?
How do I increase focus when lifting?
Did Starting Strength collectively "break" Jow Forums for good?
Does it get easier?
Stop balding
Is being a neet the only way to make it?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Who do you lift for?
Looks like Henry Cavill but with good hairline genetics
Wake up after 5 REM sleep cycles
How dis make you feel Jow Forums boi?
Symmetric Strength Thread
Feels thread
How bad is it?
We list 5 Pros and 5 Cons about ourselves and discuss what we can do to improve each other
How bad is it?
When did you realize that you just have to b yourself?
Is a 100% carnivore diet good for you?
Currently trying the NoPorn route for mental gains. But does fapping to 2D qts count?
Massage Therapy vs Chiropractic vs Acupuncture
Have you ever realized how easy is to be fit?
This is the physique you get with just pull ups
What are women supposed to wear in order for you not to call them thots at the gym?
Can lifting fix being this type of negro?
Can't OHP the bar
Haven't seen a goal body thread in ages
Energy drinks to be banned in the UK for under 18s
Manual Labor Jobs
About to start a cricket farm after finding out about their health benefits and protein. Anyone here do it too...
I Love My gf, but she's extremely out of shape
Who can stop him?
Is this achievable natty?
walk into gym
Mogs your wheyfu
Hello welcome to gnc how may I help you?
Good face, body, height
Blood Donation
Those of you who gained over 20 lbs of muscle during your 1st year of lifting
Quick, how do i make this dry piece of shit cottage cheese taste good?
Push-up thread
Is it true that women don’t have hobbies?
Hunter eyes looksmaxing
Why is porn so harmful? I inadvertently did no-fap for a week due to being too busy to jerk it...
Is the '"friend zone" even a thing if you're attractive?
Fix me
Tfw two weeks on nofap now
Kicked out of the gym
How much bigger to get to officially graduate from twinkmode and become a twunk?
How big is too big in regards to cock size?
Entire fucking album of faggots being happy about being cucked. There is no hope for humanity
Uh, guys
How much should i lift to get a gf like this and is it possible when im 5'6 6/10 and not rich
What lifts are essential if you want a cute spankable bubble butt? Asking for a friend
Lifting country
That girl you had a crush on in school...what happened to her?
How does this fat retard get away with giving advice on the male form?
What kind of routine should I follow if I want to achieve a body like Ride?
Holy fuk, took ecstasy and molly at a festival this weekend
When will they learn?
Do you think you can handle this user?
Give me your best fit Pepe
Daily reminder
Reminder that if you don't shower every day you will smell absolutely rank to everyone else
Oh America, how did you let it get to this?
Lads im 5"7 19/yo and have a 5"5inch penor
Hmm I see. So this fitness and nutrition expertise of yours...
Thanks for taking me to dinner, user
Why does training core suck so much?
About to make eye contact with a bro you've seen at the gym for months
Does bench help with sagging boobs? I-I'm asking for a friend
Objectively destroy,refute and disqualify meat eaters arguments
jokingly flex in front of qt
/fat/ - shitposting until 5:30am edition
How long will it take me to go from pic left to pic right if natty
Why the fuck would anyone want to be 6'4 or higher? I am and it sucks
I've got tennis elbow, doc wants me to stop lifting completely until it's healed
Can Asians be chads?
/fitlit/ - Optimal Human Being
Do we have enough memes for SIR's 2019 comic?
What supplements does Jow Forums take?
Do these things even exist in real life?
Does the goose have prey eyes...
Is this much progress really possible naturally in 2 months?
/fast/ #330
This is the ideal male body
How else devilish here?
Instead of /nonutnovember/ or some other autistic "challenge"...
It's not fucking fair. I just wanted a fair chance
Day 13
Which flavour of these bad boys will make me wanna puke the least
What apps do you guys use for keeping track of your workouts?
No time to explain
Can you change? is this bullshit?
How the hell do you get rid of this?
When did you grow out of squatting?
Can you imagine being a fat identical twin with a fit sibling? Surely this would be an unavoidable motivation...
Skinnyfat Thread
I'm going to start having perfect posture 24/7 when I'm not lying down. This includes mewing but isn't limited to it...
Instead of doing no fap and all this other stuff all you need to do to get a gf is no caffeine
Need more equipment
Boomers of fit, share what you wish you knew about fitness, nutrition, life sooner
My gf went vegan a few months ago and today she sent me this meme
I I-I I.. I made it lads !!!!
Be me
Brown Adipose Tissue
This “Basedboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fucking ignorant...
How does fit think the pillar men from jojos bizarre adventure would do in a bodybuilding competition?
Reach 1/2/3/4
Am I beyond help?
Just got prescribed dextroamphetamines, how is this going to affect my gains?
Hello, I am the most overrated exercise in the gym
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Starting Strength...
Hello fit, roundboi here looking for some help regarding weightloss (6'3, 300lb)
Mfw i see people smoking in front of a gym
Favourite cheese
Am I close to zyzz?
...and are you sexually active?
Rate me and pls give tips
Tfw 5'5"
Area code thread. i'm trying to find some Jow Forums autists in my area that i can lift with...
I'm putting together a team
What was your biggest fitness-related mistake or regret?
What is this mode called
Mire Thread
For you guys with very beautiful girlfriends...
What do vegans eat for protein?
Bench press form
Smith machine: useful or useless?
What was the worst injury you’ve ever gotten from the gym?
So what is it, Jow Forums? Do you meet the expectations of 73% of women?
Ok fit so far ive got a pretty good routine for the morning workout im going for
Protein in an egg: 6g
HOW?! HOW???!!
What is the correct term for a woman Jow Forums?
How do you keep you calusus from ripping off during heady deads? Mine keep seem to tearing
Sinful cheat snacks
I don't want to be a dick here. Help me
Does having sex with an attractive and convincing trap make you gay or an alpha?
Manlet feels
I'm a woman and 4'11. Though after all my I hatred for being short I still can't get over my height sometimes...
Walk out of gym
Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
What are some redpilled gym outfits for a straight man?
Thanksgiving is near by
According to the NYT we are living in "the age of the twink", where the very skinny boyish look is the new ideal
Rippetoe claims another one
Can an advanced lifter post their bodybuilding routine for me? Thanks
Why am I so autistic bros?
Today I made the mistake of going to my uni gym right after classes ended for the day...
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Nicotine causes weight loss in mice
How u holdin up fit?
Will jacking off after a hard gym session to release tension kill gains...
Femanon here. How can I get Candice Swanepoel's body?
Help me Jow Forums
So after shaving my head some of you suggested I shave my beard too, so I did that. How do I look?
Post your SS + GOMAD memes (or legit progress)
Joining the /homegym/ master race today
Who's mogging who here?
What is the point of rows?
Post your bodyfat %
Why does powerlifting make me cringe...
Hair Gains: to shave or not to shave
People think this is natty
Rate Joe's home gym
Lift hard
Finally migrating from Jow Forums to /lit/
I recently started having these red muscles hanging over like some weird bags
Ate an entire tub of Pecan Resist
Press F to pay respect brehs
Erectile fitness
Ruh Roh, Rhaggy
Rate the cruelest genetic fates in order of severity
Is Being Funny A Masculine Trait?
What is the ideal routine for my body?
We all know that bodyfat percentage is highly inaccurate to calculate on your own and even Dexa scans are off
*blocks your path*
So much better than rice
Does anyone else hate people in the gym that try to be “motivational”?
Daily reminder to eat your veggies so you can become a big boy
3 body full day is the best split for nattys, prove me wrong, oh wait, you cant
Cbt current body thread
At what point does the body use fat? Is Keto a meme? Are fat stores only accessed when we're at a caloric deficit?
How’s that bulk going bro’s?
Why the fuck cant i get my bench up? i train chest 2 times a week...
I'm a 5'11 manlet
Who here meal preps?
How'd you get here Jow Forums
For me it's TJs Health Chorizo
What kind of workout/diet would you recommend?
How can I increase my sprinting speed
How to get wetdreams
Hey fit. I'm a super hairy man who doesn't know what to do. I have hair on everywhere including shoulders...
What lifting app do you use?
Ate another whole tub of peanut butter again
My girlfriend has made me skip 3 fucking gym sessions in a row and I already feel fatter and weaker
Need your advice, /fit
Did you remember to work out your glutes last week for the "girls"?
Dr Mewing
Knock knock
How do I get into /patrickbateman/ mode? starting from skinnny. I assume that I should put emphasis on arms and abs...
What other hobbies do you have other than going to the gym, user?
Anyone else here lift for 2D women?
Music to listen to while lifting heavy weights
Be me
What do you do between sets? I read wholesome manga
Is it socially acceptable for me, a 24 year old boomer. To fuck a 18 year old THOT?
Getting your proteins
So I finally came to the end of my linear progression on SS at 64 kg/140 lbs-165 cm/5'5(yes yes, I know)...
Jow Forums is pitiful
How to change canthal tilt to positive
NO-NUT NOVEMBER Day 12 Report In
Why do sports federations insist on punishing athletes caught roiding...
How's your mental health?
It takes true strength to ask for help
Im depressed and my test levels are in the 300 range. Will taking testosterone injections cure my depression?
Why did God invent balding, bros
Push-ups thread
Post your idols
Is benching your body weight impressive?
How fat am I?
I guess lifting for girls is a meme, I've been lifting for about 4 months now, pretty lean lmao...
Hey guys!
Making breakfast ama
I'm going to do limb lengthening from 5'11" to 6'2"
Any Jow Forumsizens ever get itchy, rough and leathery balls...
/fat/ War for the Do's and Don't's Episode 1
Is he on steriods? If he is, do steroids makes you this crazy?
Keto diet
/brain fitness/
Tfw stalling on all my shitty lifts
Going to work
Rate my transformation
Did anyof you guys actually gain face aesthetics from losing weight...
How do i plan accordingly to identify as female
Date a girl who was 20 at the time
Now this is Keto
When the Roid Rage kicks in
How many eggs a day is too much? I had 6 eggs today
How far away is your gym user?
Do I have broad shoulders ?
Be honest, is 5'10-11 okay height or manlet? No memes
Cold showers. Yay or nay?
God tier abs workouts
Ask a guy who just sucked his own dick anything
Ronnie Coleman
I heard someone at the gym say he could "put up two and a quarter" on bench. How much does this weigh?
Reminder that haircut is 90% of face aesthetics, get your greasy bowlcuts cut ASAP faggots
Lifting to look like a chad isn't enough
Can you be friends with fat people?
Have you ever been mogged by a woman?
Squat plugs
Pull ups, chin ups, or hammer grip pull ups?
When normies talk supplements
How long should it take to cut from 20% body fat to 10%?
I have ADHD... should I focus more on cardio or lifting?
How do I get big biceps fast?
Exposure of the testicles to cold increases fertility and testosterone
Decide to drop Jow Forums for Jow Forums
Your thoughts on veganism?
/plg/ - powerblogging general
How can this guy compete when he openly admits using roids? (i know everyone else uses too, thats not what I'm implying)
/fast/ - #329 - Cawfee Edition
Be 1st year med student
Think for a moment
Sup fit how do i take powdered mk 677?
So bros, if you're Jow Forums is it okay to have shirtless pic in your tinder profile? Or is it considered a no-no?
How do I raise testosterone levels?
Full of cuties with their ass for your to mire
Is it possible to fix a fucked fat distribution through exercise...
Women should be banned from gyms
Please, don't do this, Jow Forums
Tfw 6’4
Redpill me on calisthenics. Is it the ultimate redpill or just a beta excuse?
Tfw you realize there’s no point lifting naturally, if you’re trying to get big and lean...
Mewing gains for adults don't exist, people just end up tilting their head back into proper posture
Sexiest male alive getting casually mogged by average white bystander in the background
Should I fuck a tranny?
What do after SS?
What's your excuse for not having well toned abs Jow Forums?
Tfw to tired to go to the gym after wage cucking
Is equipped lifting going to die out eventually...
Jow Forums approved philosophies
His resting heart rate isn't sub 50 bpm
18 years old. Been training for about 4 years. What do you think?
Press 2pl8 for workset the first time in my life
Let's talk about the most important thing in bodybuilding: Wrist size
I hope you Florida lads were showing off your physiques at EDC this weekend
Claims to be Jow Forums
Did Jow Forums lie to me?
Let's talk about the Overhead Press
People often mention pizza as an archetypal example of junk food that's you're not supposed to have. Why...
What can I do to fix my gyno?
Any of you faggots on keto? I'm trying to get fit again and I need to figure out how to start this diet
Broke up with short term gf because she refused to cut down on her drinking (I'm abstinent)
Why waste time becoming a Chad when you can become a Khabib?Chads are inferior to Khabibs
This app is so fucking gay bros i feel the test leaving my body
What habits do you need to change/lose because they are holding you back?
"you don't need that much protein anyway"
First day of muay thai
Mom (4'9") confessed she deliberately made me obese from a young age to supercharge my growth
Well you heard them Jow Forums. Time to put the weights down
Coworker constantly asks me why I never eat breakfast
BF % Estimation Thread
What’s a Jow Forums hair and facial hair combo?
Tfw failing rep
What's wrong with my jaw line?
Today I saw some manlet below 6'0 pushing heavy weights...
If you can't do 5 good form pullups, you're not Jow Forums
Why even lift ? why even try ?
Tell me about her, Jow Forums
Martial Arts
Hows no caffeine november going Jow Forums?
Do you shower at night or in the morning, Jow Forums
Are vitamin supplements just a meme?
What's a strong OHP in relation to bodyweight? 1x bodyweight?
Let's pray for skinny people because unfortunately they're the ones who cannot make it
Don’t fall for the gf meme
What's your morning routine like, Jow Forums?
Hey Jow Forums I was wondering what exercises I could do to define my face a bit more, maybe a bit of a chisel jaw...
Just squated 3 plates!!!
Any vegans online?
Some of you are alright. Don't masturbate today
/Aus General/
Songs that inspire you
Is it possible to get this big without using roids or gear?
Obesity is a Disability Edition
Srs question
True ascension is lifting until you're no longer scared of black people change my mind
Yohimbine HCL alternatives? It's illegal in my country
Why hasn't no one documented their weight loss journey and posted their results daily...
Is it normal to start to hate women as you get fitter?
Tattoo behind ear
How do you know if you're unattractive, /fit?
Girl was running 30 minutes late on a date so I cancelled
Should I wear a retainer?
How much weight can I lose within 3 and a half months?
/fat/ - Anime Girl Eating Food Edition #2
Does anybody have the Big Lenny piss tape?
Now that I went from 235 lbs of pure fat to 180 lbs with decent muscle in almost 2 years people treat me better now
/FRAUD/ - Pin Your Ass or GTFO Edition
If you are
Jow Forums humor
Well, Jow Forums?
I'm going to a party in a few hours, and I've never been to one before. (I'm 22, a senior in college)...
Push up thread
Insect meat/powder for gainz
Is plank a meme exercise...
ITT: god-tier albums to workout to
Male hair replacement thread
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Brutal moggings
Jesus scooby
Can you fix bone structure? No? Then what is the point?
Let’s be fair, he would fuck up 95% of Jow Forums in a fight
Oh, hey user! Didn't see ya there. Well since you're here, do you wanna go for a quick 7 mile run with me? :3 You...
Foam roller
How do I go this mode? This is the absolute perfect body to me...
Be leaf
What happened to all the DNP threads?
My bench has been stalling for 2 months what do...
Why are girls so boring to talk to?
Tfw you brutally gravemog zyzz
How big are your balls, Jow Forums?
I'm a girl who's 5'6 and 122 pounds. i started weight training 5 times a week...
Why shouldn't you indulge yourself every weekend?
New lifter here, how much weight should I be using for dumbbell bench presses? My goal is hypertrophy
Start lifting
Examples of 1k calorie meals
Schlop schlop schlop
"Gym on Saturday night user? Here, I'll swipe you in buddy. Have a good workout"
Why is it that girls find it erotic when guys slap them or pull their hair?
How strong would your squat need to be to do this pic related?
Ok Jow Forums
Im a white male, 6' 180lbs ~18-20%BF
How do you achieve this in 7 months?
Calories in, calories out
How would you escape this mode and get to 10% body fat if you had 1 year to do this?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship