Male hair replacement thread

Has anyone here had expierience with this? I'm not bald, but my hair is really starting to thin out. I have a friend who was completely bald and had this done. He is now a changed man and looks 15 years younger.

I just don't know if the up keep and all is really worth it? I would love to have a full head of hair again.

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This doesnt need an entire thread. If you're going bald and have the money, do it. Insecurities be damned. Or you can ponder about it like a little bitch and then wait 3 years until you finally grow up and shave it.

seconding this. It sounds like a hassle and the post-op pictures look horrifying. And I need to be able to wear my crown pretty soon afterwards so that's a no-go. Pic related is me. I'd like for people to stop making fun of me

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Hair does wonders

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how much does this shit cost every time you have to super glue it back on, also how often is that needed?

fuck off, George

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Or you could shave it and work out.

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To me it seems like guys who get hair transplants are trying too hard. unless you're an absolute JUST like pre transplant Elon musk

These aren't transplants user

If you have the money, do it.
Also, be sure to take Propecia everyday so you don't lose anymore hair.
>t. former hairlet

Hair replacement?

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Sure, if you don't mind moving gym and town after you inevitably have a disaster scenario and it either lifts or falls off you. It's not going to magically stay in place, heat and moisture affect it, hair goes stiff, etc etc

God made no easy solution to balding men, enjoy being the town 'yikes' when they find out it's a wig

Please don't do it user. My father did this for 15 years trying to cope with his head but finally shaved it off and looks literally 10x better. He regrets he didn't do it when it first started. I remember going with him to those appointments and seeing all the glue and shit and it was gross. We as kids knew instinctively how pathetic it was. The sooner you accept the things you cannot change the sooner you'll reach peace in this life. Getting the wig just rolls over all those insecurities until it allm comes at once in a big bang

I know the feel, op. I have a bit of extra money and am going in for FUE soon. I keep it close and am fit but I just want the full locks back. Idk if I'd go the whole superglue route as it could potentially set you up for a faux pas in the future but if you wanna do it, do it. World isn't fair as is, so what room do you have for peoples opinions? Especially when your happiness is on the line? GL

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The difference is that we're now only 2-5 years away from a cure, so this is just a temporary stopgap measure until Tsuji delivers in 2020-2023.

Havent we been saying that for decades though? Not trying to be a shitter but just saying.

Technology has come on a bit since then my man.

That's not to discredit your whole point; just that there's no more mess or fuss. The hair looks good, the glue is clean and strong.

Not him but from what I know, yes we have. However, there has also never been a state of play similar to the current one, where multiple organisations are in late-stage medical trials and approval applications etc for genuine solutions

My name's not George. Stop calling me that. I will call the police.

Yes, but This Time It's Different™ because this time it's coming from a Nobel Prize-winning institution (RIKEN), they've actually completed successful animal testing and human testing is already underway.

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Joe Rogan with hair would not look good.

The rest is semantics so fuck off.

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I see. Well as a new fellow baldlet I can hope, I suppose.

What did you find funny about the regrow rato?

>Joe Rogaine

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He looks extremely gay here, and I sucked two different dicks in the past week

how much would something done good like this cost?
im only 18 and still have hair but good to plan ahead lol

$500 every 2 months, but if you're only 18 hopefully you won't need it if the japanese come through.


o wait these r only those wig things.
how good are those permanent surgery things and the price on that

Joe rogan had the permanent surgery


I imagined a hairlet with scattered patches similar to those on the rato

Decades? Try centuries of cures for fallen hair. But seriously, this time is for real. The cure will be here in 2-3 years. That's the ticket.

He unironically looked better balding wtf

Unironically looks worse. Went from grizzled working class Boomer to 20-something fuckboy

he looked fucking terrible before m8 what are you on about?

He had the cool mature look before, but he looks like he consumed a bunch of soi in the second picture.
Seriously, he looked better balding. Would probably look even better if he cut it down to 1/2" length

well then wtf are they?

some people actually look pretty good bald you’re right. He is one of them but his balding haircut was absolute shit. Definitely should’ve just buzzed it

he looked shit man

hairlet cope

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Why the fuck are you people treating hair transplant like a fucking wig that will just fall off in the wind, thats not how it works nowdays

So what is it? Actual regrowth or just another way of transplanting hair?

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Hairtransplant aside, he definitely looks better now after going carnivore

Shinybois please bless me. I will never ever make fun of someone who is balding i swear. Please grant me mu blonde curls.

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post bobs and vagene, you have beautiful girl eyes

well, biotech from decades ago is pathetic compared to what we have now

you seen Jason Statham with hair? he looks like shit

Hahaha! Chrome Domes...

we might say it's 5 years away, but how long until it's affordable?

>says women shouldn't wear makeup
>gets a hair transplant

How did this vain egotist become so popular among beta males?

>be sure to take a drug that makes you a castrate all your life
thanks for the advice bro

Hair loss is due to tight galea with poor blood flow and reduced subcutaneous scalp fat. You're treating the symptoms and not the causes with drugs, and you'll get bald again 100% in the long run. You gotta do scalp exercises and stretches not to lose your hair.

>I'd like for people to stop fucking my ex

I started going bald at 16. I’m 23 big fat bald head and I still cream in vagina. Stop being pathetic


Because half of the pictures posted in this thread are from glued on wigs, not surgical transplants.

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Shut the fuck up, man, he looks a decade younger.

>says women shouldn't wear makeup

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Whats the price on being able to fucking young hot women? A full head of hair gives most dudes the ability to do that. Can't put a price tag on that

im bald as fuck with a beard and have no trouble with women, you gotta already be pretty fucking pathetic to think just having hair will suddenly give you the ability to fuck women.

>bald with beard

damn, a walking meme

went from tobacco store owner to yugo mafia boss


This is ridiculous. If you're just living among normal people outside the entertainment industry you're going to stick out like a vain jackass. You suddenly start acting up with your Justin Bieber haircut and you're going to get your hair system peeled off your head and stuck to the hood of your vehicle.

imagine believing this

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So if you get a hair system, you can’t cut the new hair?

>complaining about going bald
You're a fucking man, men on average lose their hair so get over it. The only reason you should ever fear being bald is if you're a scrawny fuck and then you'll look like aids moby. Otherwise you'll look masculine. So you better get to work bud.

>pic related to remind you that he's only 5'10'' in decent shape with no hair and most women want to fuck him (if that's important to you)

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propecia is literally the opposite of roids, reduces testosterone to achieve its effect... enjoy limp dicks and no gains.. not even once


These are wigs.

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>How did this vain egotist become so popular among beta males?
you answered your own question

how to stop balding

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>from pep to neymar

Fuck that.

Implying all men can be like statham without the prerequisite clavicles, brow, jaw, voice, personality

Better than being a repulsive baldo.

Big 3. Nizoral, minox, fin. I use just the first two and have kept my hair. Start early.

That's a nice lace front


He only looks better because he got rid of the hair on the sides of his head.

>Better than being a repulsive baldo.
Just don't be fucking repulsive then.

Told by my hairdresser in the summer that I had less hair. What do you think fitnons?

Should I be worried if I'm getting a hair or two basically everytime I touch my hair? I live in a hot country anons I don't want burned head

>not posting the shopped version

Ain't that that one jew boy youtuber that's into getting cuckolded?

What a sickkunt

No do not say that

This, plus dermarolling. Do yourself a favor and skip the denial/cope phase. Hairline standards are much higher thanks to zoomers. NW3+ is considered death.

Yeah about 500 they last about a year if you care for them and do your own bonding work. The catch is you need more than one if you want to have it be sanitary

What zoomers have the 5/7 balding rate where as millenials are only 4/7

Jesus he looks more like a homo with hair than without, that's a first