Haven't seen one of these for a while
>What are you training towards?
>What did you do this weekend?
Haven't seen one of these for a while
>What are you training towards?
>What did you do this weekend?
First for fapping to erin james’ onlyfans
oy dermo you in here mate?
She looks like a massive cunt.
She from Newcastle right? If I ever see her around her Im going to uppercut her
>Go to gym
>Full of wogs
>They stink
>Preworkout and weigh powder spills all over the bag lockers and shelves
>Don't clean benches when done
>Shit form and banging the weights
>Always look like they're going to hit someone in a roid rage
Why can't they just exercise in the dog park where they belong.
2617 reporting in, any other canberrafags?
>Why can't they just exercise in the dog park where they belong.
2529 illawarrafag
Any /perth/fits here?
Finally removing myself from snap and thinking of going to stadium fitness in osborne park, anyone been?
Yeah 2615
Yes, but I'm home gym masterrace and can't help you.
damn, jel
been told to stop using chalk + non bumper plates when I deadlift because I dead more than the bar can fit with bumpers, they literally told me maybe it's better if I find another gym then.. fkn casuals man, snap is the planet fitness of aus
6foot, ~85kg. Shit big 3 because of shitty back
Atm I'm cutting for summer. Down from 90kg (pic is @93kg last year)
This weekend I took the datto for a cruise, pretty much the only highlight...
2615, here, hitting the local clublime tonight around 10:30pm
So sad to see what has happened to my Melbourne over the last 15 years - I used to love this city
How long have you been cutting? I've dropped 5kg in a month, but my lifts are beginning to suffer.
oath to that
just got back from Europe. never realised how ugly the girls are here
I blame the sun.
PT, 5’11”, 2/3/4/5, 98kg or so
I believe the pursuit of strength and beauty are righteous pathways, though I prefer strength and sheer mass, tho not at OBEAST level yet.
Did 10yrs of Kung fu too. Good school, no mcdojo shit
realised the same thing after coming back from Japan. I don't even like Asian girls all that much but at least they're not all fat and trashy
>those captions
I honestly can't tell if they're trying to mock the girls or not.
I think they're hiding behind irony so they don't get sued
Scratch that. Having scrolled through further it seems they're genuinely ripping into everyone, not just the girls.
6"0 96 KG
anyone want to do some boxing?
Good bloke.
Get some class you fucking degenerate, fap to something Asian.
Running around stabbing people isn't going to fix it ghostanon.
White Australian women are disgusting slags that I will never breed with.
wew lad
2900 fag here. I'm at anytime tuggers but the dumbbells only go to 50kg so i can't improve my chest press any more. I'm thinking of joining lime. How is it?
>Some took the time to have a seat on the pavement and rest against a pole as they discussed the day's festivities
I'm dying
iktf bro, i remember driving back from the airport and being amazed at how fat they all were
Do you ever use CISAC? I'm heading back to Canberra in a month and will be signing up there.
Clublime is allright, not anywhere as lame as those fucking annoying ads make it out to be, the one in Kippax is huge. (doesnt have dumbells above 50kg though, havent seen anywhere that has them in canberra)
I started out at anytime fitness in Kingston (as i work there) swapped to clublime as it has a midday offpeak deal.
Offpeak deal is 10am - 3pm weekdays and 24 hours access weekends.
( on weekdays as long as your in the door by 3pm you can stay as long as you like)
I went the platinum offpeak deal which gives access to all clubs.
I go 10am - 3pm on weekdays (Kingston @ work, gym at lunch) and then 24 hours access for Kippax on the weekend.
Australia’s lifestyle for women has left them saggy bloated and fucking trashy. No different to pigs rolling around in the mud, fuck them all you want but don’t breed with them.
Who 4701?
>mfw uni gym just got double the squat racks
Havent been to the cisac one yet, apparently it has a pool and all sorts of other shit though.
I have only been clublimes in kingston, tuggeranong and kippax.
living in aus with a dutch girlfriend
living the dream
How get Dutch gf?
Visit Denmark.
>How long have you been cutting? I've dropped 5kg in a month, but my lifts are beginning to suffer.
Sounds similar to me, cutting for 5 weeks now. Dropped 5kg in a month and felt weak and flat.
Started taking creatine last week and drinking stacks to pump up my muscles with water. Up a kilo from last week but I feel better.
Good luck mate.
be lucky I guess, her family moved here when she was 16, moved back to NL with her for a few years and then back to Aus to study, probably head back to Amsterdam in a few years
4077, heard some crackhead lady screaming on the streets the other morning saying she lost her baby before the ambo's just showed up. This place is a hole.
I just ended a 3-month cut, only lost 8kg but my main lifts more or less stayed the same while my accessories kept going up, so I'm pretty happy.
4077 is inala isn't it? Literally the worst place in brisbane i feel for you mate. Hope the rest of your weekend was nice despite crackheads.
I hate this fucking country so much
any qt white boys wanna make out? im lonely af and bored w studying for my finals
2.5/4.5/6.5/7 but /fraud so it doesn't count.
Training to be big and strong enough that I'll be worth someone's time.
Played destiny and went to the gym.
originally from Perth tho the CHAD of Australian states.
training for mass
played vidya
Fucking tasmania, contributes nothing to this country
4350, any Toowoomba fags in?
The fucking state of the Melbourne Cup these days. I haven't seen so much walking chlamydia since Kings Cross closed
Sorry love, I'm saving myself for top anglo sheilas like this one
6'1 115kg fwiw.
> Inala
I'm so sorry bro. Move to the northside
Nice work lad.
I guess I'm too impatient, and if I don't feel like I'm dieting hard then I don't feel like I'm doing it right.
Gnight mate
Yeah mate, also in belco. Just started a job in woden, so switching gyms - anyone know if the club lime there is shit?
Is anyone interested in this?
2830. Some cunt meet me at sandy for a blowie
>Only white guy here
Yeeeeah cunts
That's one for the brap farm
>tfw drop out turned labourcuck
what course you doing man?
Ye sure, post an inv link
6050, Perth is my favourite out of Australia's big citys
Started boxing, also doing SL5x5 and progressive calisthenics, training for strength.
Should I stay in Australia and study to become an electrician?
where are you from?
australia is usually pretty good for trades, depends on what you're into
Cunt I would love to spar with you, none of my friends are keen. Wouldn't last to long, only just quit smoking.
give us a go cunt
0812, reporting in from good ole Darwin
>>What are you training towards?
Quite frankly mate, I just want to bulk up because I'm skelly at the moment
>>What did you do this weekend?
Had sex with a girl off tinder, smoked a joint, fixed my car and watched some telly.
science :'( it's making me all masculine & boring, just being around these uggo nerds
Fugg I recognise that postcode from when I was in the army, I don't miss that shithole one bit.
Fuckoff back to your island, nothing goods ever come from that shithole.
>she hurt me. She was Tasmanian.
I'm 7250 too. I go to the pcyc gym and have shit stats because I work out inconsistently
I'm an electrician. Ask me anything
What's the meaning of life?
I'm from Estonia, it's a really tough decision, I change my mind pretty much every day..
5085 reporting in, repping South Australia (someone has to, right?)
I just want to get aesthetic and beach ready for the summer. Just about to start a cut. Come winter, I'll start working on strength. But for now, hypertrophy and ab isolations for the thots on Hindley
I spent my weekend revising for my fucking exam on Tuesday night because, even though I've studied like a demon, I still don't get this shit
How high is the demand for electricians, is it hard to get a job?
You send your apprentice into the roof during summer don't ya cunt
3175, stay the fuck away from Genesis Dandenong, never seen more dyel pajeets in my life.
Aiming to lower my bf so I don't look like blaha but cutting fucking sucks
Pretty high I'd say, I don't know a single electrician that has been out of work for more than a week or two. Actually getting a start as an apprentice can be difficult, you have to be able to show that youre genuinely interested in the trade.
Nah I don't work on houses
4356 reporting in. were u the east toowoomba guy in the uni thread?
Yoooo 5082, also studying for exams. See you at woolshed
Could you explain the apprenticeship system a bit?
He's correct in saying theres a shutload of competition for electrical apprenticeships. Every cunt wants to be a sparky and the government keeps stripping the incentives of training an apprentice, so shitloads of demand and little supply
It goes for 4 years, after each year your pay increases. For the first 3 years you attend Tafe one day every week.
Don't work on houses. Try to avoid commercial work (shopping centres, apartment buildings ect). By far the best paying and most interesting work is in industrial/mining, thats where I am.
I just finished an instrumentation/PLC course as an extra qualification and am about to start a diploma of electrical engineering.
I'll be on that bull come the weekend, don't you worry about that
Adelaide, UniSA, or Flinders? I'm Flinders
Roma here
Adelaide uni master race
Hell of a travel to flinders from up north
If you're talking about the high school in SA, fuck off you underage cunt. I went there and it's trash
Yeah, it's a bit of a trek. Still, I like it up there. Got some good mates, and the scenery is beautiful
no im talking about outback QLD go fuck yourself twink
Live in 4556 and really don't like it. But bros, yesterday I had a revelation and hated the junk food I was eating. I had some coles chips and soft drink and felt like shit, because of that my journey had started
And the apprenticeship starts after I have gotten my diploma?
This is the course I would probably take if I decide to stay, it's a bit cheaper than elsewhere and most of my friends I have made in Australia are in QLD
>Go to gym
>The strong stench of B.O. from no identifiable source permeates the entire gym floor, with some concentration around certain areas, especially the locker room
>Smells like someone placed their used socks near the aircon
> Go to pick up dumbbells, they're loose and need to be rescrewed again.
>Grab a wipe from wipes dispenser that looks like pic related
>Someone put their filthy used chewing gum and band aid in the top hole AGAIN when at my gym they clearly labelled "WIPES HERE" on the top hole, and "RUBBISH HERE" on the front hole for newbies.
>Do workout, clean bench like the civil person I am, and leave before I die of other people's B.O.
Honestly, I wonder how the gym staff that monitor the main area get used to the smell for hours at a time.
Basically training to get stronger
Aiming to get to 1/2/3/4 for reps then i'll cut
Studied and had a 21st
Fuck exams
>she hurt me. She was Tasmanian.
Sorry to hear that m8.
Don't squat but the others are at 1.5/2.5/4
Trying to cut down to 10%bf
Played some vidya and trained
Fuck yeah, I used to live out at Charleville. You going to the races this weekend brah?
What's the best way to avoid being stabbed? Should I take a trolley with me everywhere?
Seriously though, I hate being confronted. If I get big enough will people just leave me alone, or will they try challenging me?