>squat plugs
Are these a meme or do people seriously do it?
Understandable for homosexuals, whores, and sodomites but does it have any effect on lifts or gains? webm unrelated
Squat plugs
she'd never fuck you lol
Does anyone know what girls think about the fact that I want to stick my face in their ass?
Please tell me you’re not doing squats without a plug
Offtopic but I've used the abductor and adductor machines and have maxed out on the weight for reps
What should I do
You shouldn’t use them they’re bad for you. Unnatural movement
Who is this girl and how do I get the work out to get my girlfriend that ass?
t. Machine babby
brap lol
I use resistance bands to to my abductions. Nice cope anyway, dyel.
Good lord what I wouldn't give to spot her from that seat
use the reverse hyper and wear a band around your knees
user please be safe and use your plug, dont throw out your lower back
>He doesn't use a squat plug
It's like you don't want to lift big weight
They help a bit with bracing but thats it. You can easily manage without one.
Does it ever embarrassingly shoot out of your ass?
Never had any problems with that as I went for one with a flared base. Only used them for a short while though. Ditched them after my bracing was sorted.
>doesn't explain why
>everyone else is drooling over the whore
It activates the glutes
I started grunting like a caveman when I opened this webm
who else nonutnovember
>ew, what a fucking creep
>I heard Chad said the same thing
>Oh, he's so open-minded!
I'd love to have people creep on me
"um, well...*sigh* as long as you say please...then....whatever I guess? Might need to get me a lunchable afterwards too.....basically I just want to be thanked afterwards."
-my gf
Take what you want from it.
Probaby embarrassed. But if they like being dominated (most girls do) they will get off on it.
>as long as you say please
>like being dominated
I'm not sure how sticking your face in someones ass is dominating them. For reference see post above
You definitely need a squat plug mate. You'll never properly activate the glutes without it, which can actually be quite dangerous to the lumbar spine. I've never seen anyone squat 3pl8 without one
I guess I'm just used to "innocent" submissive girls.
200$ says she will
No it doesn't: common myth. athlean-x had a video on this, it has some meme title like "The most important mistake people make when squatting big" or some shit.
I must be retarded because thats all it took to make me laugh.
Relaxing your sphincter muscles is very important when squatting below parallel. Most people believe that they must tighten their anus when going into the hole but you actually want the opposite.
There are a handful of instances where a lifter blew out their anus while squatting deep because they flexed their sphincter muscles at the bottom of the squat and the weight load across their shoulders disperses itself throughout their core, causing their anus to tear open and in one case a man's intestines came out.
I think one reason their are so many rumors about professional bodybuilders being gay is because it is known in the industry that the guys with the biggest and best legs use sex toys to stretch and train their anus. I know that this was the real reason that Dorian Yates gave up squatting.
>Relaxing your sphincter muscles is very important when squatting below parallel.
This. Especially if you're a female lifter.
Are you fucking brain dead? Do you seriously lack the common sense to become duped into thinking people put butt plugs in their ass before squatting? Holy shit this generation is fucked.
no you are just not cynical enough to understand yet
obviously due to poe's law (wiki it) some idiots will believe something is true, but your doubt is enough to not be an idiot so its all good
I used to think like you. Then my squat stalled. It stalled hard. An older lifter at the gym suggested I try a squat plug, saying it had really helped him get from 4pl8 to 5. He offered me his, but it was too large for me. So I got a junior squat plug off Amazon and tried it out the next week. I hit a 25lb PR no problem. It was fucking incredible.
>bribing with lunchables
FBI incoming
you think if some nigger puts his 9inch into your ass while squatting, you can add another 25lb pr?
With an ass that big, you don't need a squat plug to keep it all in. just keep workin
alternatively, avoid squats altogether and just hit the leg press, pic related
pic related is a man who forgot his squat plug
I'm actually surprised that squat plugs died out and were forgotten. You need to start small though, I believe that the "sharpee in your pooper" meme came from random people learning about squat plugs because the old recommendation from the big lifters was to start with a sharpee and move up from there.
Whenever I go to the gym I keep a small jar of unrefined virgin coconut oil in my gym bag and before I squat or deadlift or even do heavy rows I go into the bathroom and lube up my fingers and stir them around in my anus for a few minutes before I go back to the gym and lift. My squat plug has fallen out a few times and it's really embarrassing so I only use it if I'm lifting really early or really late when there's less people in the gym.
PLEASE tell me you have more
I told a girl I wanted to die and when she asked how she should kill me I told her to sit on my face.
She thought it was funny. I'm still alive
me too, user
me too
Haha, why is she locking her knees like a retard? And why have I only been lifting for three months and can already do 4 pl8 on leg press and she's clearly some well established insta whore?
Did she do it though?
Bro if you havent squatted with your sisters black dildo hanging out of your ass then you have never truly squated read the Gettysburg address sometime retard geeze man geeze
Theoretically, what would happen if someone did try this? Would you rupture?
he also mentioned it in his video on how to stop winking your butt
those are fake plates, no danger of hyper extension.
>not using a squat plug
it's like you don't even want to make it
I can’t believe you won’t fuck me! You’d fuck any-thing! P p pow pow pow!
Brazilian instaTHOT, got caught squatting with fake plates
So it's true that girls can cum from working out.
I recommend one with a strap to avoid it shooting out and embrarrassing you in public.
has anybody shitted themselves during squats?
Most probably
hip thrusts
i sneak in sniffs at work i pretend to wash things low to the ground so my head in ass/puss height
i work in a kitchen/restaurant so theres a lot of close quarters areas and blind spots for me to wait for my prey
sometimes i'll catch a quick wiff of server girls that walk by but thats just the appetizer in my banquet of braaps everyonce in a blue moon they'll wander backwards unaware of my snout
thats when I strike
I pretend like i'm going to say something I look up as if about to say i'm behind you but it's too late their moist and musty rump engulfs my face and i SNNNNNNNIIIIIIFFFFFF as much as I can in those mere seconds of sexual release
and it always looks like a silly accident
but they'll never catch the sniffhound
why did you do these?
These machines are absolute. I maxed them out for reps in my first week at the gym. Literally useless.
thank you for your service officer
any source pn the lifters who did this?
nothing wrong with me
nothing wrong with me
nothing wrong with me
box squats
I mean it takes some getting used to but I can't imagine what sort of insecure, unhygenic thot wouldn't be at least a little flattered. But no I wont sit on your face
Imagine some retard chalking up, slamming 3 scoops of pre, sniffing ammonia and then maxing out on the abductor
>doesn't explain why
For anus capacity gains of course. If you wanna get big, you gotta take big (cocks)
Leg presses are kusolifts. You lift half the weight if the incline is at 45 degs. With sqwas, you lift the fullweight, and some of your bodyweight.